Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

3,589 ratings
Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE)
File Size
1.102 GB
31 Oct, 2020 @ 10:21pm
4 Mar @ 12:10am
95 Change Notes ( view )

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Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE)

In 2 collections by cybrxkhan
Cybrxkhan's Library (for Patch 1.9.X)
32 items
The Fallen Eagle - Minmalist Collection of Compatible Mods
17 items

Current Version: 1.14.2 "Rus" (Released 3/4/25, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.14.X)

Newest Flavor Pack:
Galicia-Volhynia: Borderlands of the Red Rus

Next Flavor Pack:
Mayo: Heather and Yew

Discord Server for my mods[]
Official Website for my mods[]
Paradox Forum Thread[]
Manual Download/Older Versions available on Github[]
Paradox Plaza Download[]

RICE, or Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment, adds immersion to different regions, cultures, and religions in CK3. As a spiritual successor to my Immersion Packs for CK2, it is a collection of "flavor packs" similar to PI's official flavor pack DLCs. RICE's guiding philosophy is to keep a focused scope that won't change gameplay significantly, but instead adds flavor across the world that is grounded in historical authenticity, especially for lesser-known places, peoples, and histories.

RICE might work on existing saves (with some missing features), but a new game is advised to be safe.

Feel free to use my work in your mods - all I ask is that I am credited and (if possible) to give me a heads up. If you liked the mod, feel free to favorite and rate it up!

RICE is designed with compatibility in mind, and runs fine with most mods - for more info, please see this webpage[]. I avoid editing vanilla files to prevent conflicts with other mods. For example, new cultures are added via hidden events at game start instead of directly through history code. Compatches are available for:

Special content provided if you also play with The Fallen Eagle or Rajas of Asia[], which do not require compatches.

I WILL NOT maintain compatches for most mods that may need one. Feel free to make your own (let me know so I can link it here). If you're a modder, don't hesitate to contact me on the forums or Discord about compatibility!

Each RICE flavor pack adds features to a region, culture, or religion, that include new activities, decisions, events, music, and more. Read the RICE wiki[] and Flavor Pack Guides[] for more info on new features, tips and tricks, and selected lists of academic sources I used for further reading.

There are currently 38 new flavor packs, shown on this map:

By default, RICE uses the original English text as a placeholder so you won't see gibberish for other languages.

Version 1.14.2 "Rus"

"I have seen the Rus as they came on their merchant journeys and encamped by the Itil. I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms, blond and ruddy."
- Ibn Fadlan, 10th century Arab explorer

Please note some changes only take effect with new games. As changelog is too big to list here, see the full changelog here:

Thanks to all I worked with, took stuff from, and provided me encouragement and feedback over the years. Huge thanks also to the translators who put up with my erratic update schedule.

The credits list has gotten so long that it won't fit Steam's small word count restrictions for the description. Please see the following link for a full list of credits.
Popular Discussions View All (8)
4 Mar @ 6:53pm
PINNED: Bug Reports/Balance Issues
13 Sep, 2024 @ 4:40am
Music track titles
9 Apr, 2023 @ 10:21pm
How to make a perfect combination of Additional start dates and cultures epe rice cfp
finallyciv 18 hours ago 
Thank you for your great work! Are you interested in adding flavor to the Alpine region (Swabia, Bavaria, Western Austria, Northern Italy, Switzerland)? E.g. a focus on the Welfs, salt and metal trade, Cher’s, Gotthard Pass, St. Gallen monestary, Waldensians and Ladins etc.
cybrxkhan  [author] 21 hours ago 
@von_das Yup, the two mods should be compatible! Baptism of Rus still adds in further stuff that's not in the RICE content

@Malinois Mors: I don't know what that mod is but I assume it's some kind of graphical clothes mod, that probably should be compatible with RICE as I don't modify how clothes work or modify vanilla clothing.
windymilk 5 Mar @ 4:05am 
@cybrxkhan thank your answer, your majesty,I found the reason. It's a compatibility issue with Battle Graphics
von_das 4 Mar @ 11:56pm 
Is the new flavour pack compatible with Baptism of Rus? I'd assume so since you mentioned using some of their content, but just to be sure. As a Daniil I've long had a soft spot for my namesake's principality.
Iantos 4 Mar @ 10:00am 
Awesome, thanks for your response!
cybrxkhan  [author] 4 Mar @ 9:53am 
@windymilk I have made no changes to Han culture clothing, you're probably thinking about the EPE mod which adds in Han clothing.

@JKL Thank you!

@lantos VIET and RICE are both compatible and shoudl work fine with the recent content creator packs
Iantos 4 Mar @ 8:11am 
So, question! Is VIET compatible with Content Creator Pack: Medieval Monuments at the moment, or are there some things that need to be adjusted? Thanks for your time!
JKL 4 Mar @ 6:25am 
good job man, great dlc! This is one of my favourite mods and this dlc is a great addition! keep up the good work! (btw: only you could make a dlc about that region and it be so historically correct that noone gets upset, GJ!
windymilk 4 Mar @ 5:38am 
The clothing style of Han has shifted to Mongolian,please fix
cybrxkhan  [author] 4 Mar @ 12:43am 
Hello all, just released the Galicia-Volhynia flavor pack, which will hopefully make Eastern Europe a bit more interesting to play in! Thanks to Baptism of Rus for letting me integrate some content.

While I'll be busy in most of March and can't mod much, the next planned major update will be in Ireland, with the Mayo Flavor Pack: Heather and Yew.