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Technology Repeated
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15 Dec, 2018 @ 4:24pm
12 Jan, 2024 @ 12:53pm
26 Change Notes ( view )

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Technology Repeated

More Repeatable Technologies
Ever reach the late game and wonder if there is more to physics than slight buff to shields or energy weapons? This mod adds enough additional balanced and repeatable techs that you will not be forced to alternate between 4 options until you become bored enough to declare yourself a fallen empire. There are still enough techs for a semblance of choice towards the end game, as well as viable paths to focus on to specialize your late game empire ships or economy.

Changes from Vanilla Repeatables
In addition to there being more techs, any repeatable technology will become half as likely to appear again for each level you take, making it difficult to choose only a single path to stack a single modifier. Some repeatables give a focus or a specialization, which will decrease the chance of discovering other techs within that specialization. It is not a hard limit, but it forces a choice, specialize in a single field at the cost of others, or try to keep things balanced.

All cost reduction techs are capped at 5 levels, so it is not possible to reach 0 build cost or maintenance. Many of the other strong modifiers, such as evasion, disengage chance, pop growth, and jobs/population are also capped at 5 or 10 levels if they would be otherwise overpowered. Also, keep in mind most are multiplicative, not additive.

Fallen empires do not start with 10 levels of all the new repeatables (they still do with vanilla ones). If they awaken, they can start to research the new repeatables.

Changes from Technology Ascendant
This was originally a spinoff of a larger technology overhaul: Technology Ascendant. Now it is a standalone of only repeatable technologies, it works with Technology Ascendant but it is not required.

Modifiers and Specialization
Specializations decrease the chance of discovering the other specializations in that category by 40% per level. Focuses do the same by 50%. These represent a choice for your empire, if you decide to heavily militarize your society, it will be harder to shift towards production, and becoming a savant in all fields is nearly impossible.

ENGINEERING PHYSICS SOCIETY Alloys +5% Motes +10% +3 Basic jobs/50 pops Rare Crystals +10% Planet Maintenance -5% (job specialization) max +15 Exotic Gases +10% max -25% +2 Processing Jobs/50 pops Station Production +10% Ship Maintenance -5% (job specialization) max +10 Ship Hull +5% max -25% +1.65 Military Jobs/50 pops Disengage Chance +10% Damage to Shields +5% (job specialization) max +8 max 50% (tactical focus) (weapons specialization) Terraforming cost -5% Sublight Speed +10% Damage to Armor +5% max -25% max 100% (weapons specialization) Pop Growth +5% Evasion +5% Damage to Hull +5% max +50% max 50%, multiplicative (weapons specialization) Pop Assembly +5% Titan Hull +1000 Small Ship Cost -5% max +50% max -25% (ship focus) Housing +3 Captial Ship Cost -5% Fire Rate +2% max -25% (ship focus) Force Disparity Combat Bonus +10% Ship Build Speed -10% (tactical focus) max -50% Collateral/Morale Damage +10% Trade Value +10% (exclusive) Tracking +5, additive Collateral Reduction -10% /Trust +10 Sensor Range +1 (exclusive) max -100%

Save game compatible, can be added to an existing game. Overwrites vanilla repeatable techs, but only for weighting (00_soc_repeatable, 00_phys_repeatable, and 00_eng_repeatable) should be universally compatible with other mods.

German translation by Nolotow
Russian Translation by Pegas
Japanese Translation by Rio Mizuhoshi

Original, full version here:

Try out some of my other Mods

Icarus 24 Dec, 2024 @ 10:37am 
Works with 3.14, ACG and the compatibility patch
kibitz! 16 Jul, 2024 @ 12:09am 
the mod works on 3.12 in my experience so far. the only relevant issue I've noticed is that the '+1 of x type of job per y number of pops' repeatables currently also apply to the lathe, but the pops won't fill said jobs so it has no significant impact
NotFox 29 Jun, 2024 @ 6:39pm 
I haven't had any problems with it.
KeinNiemand 29 Jun, 2024 @ 2:14pm 
Does this work with 3.12?
GnoSiS 19 Jun, 2024 @ 8:50pm 
works with 3.12? if so please state it and perhaps update the version. Thanks!
NotFox 19 Jun, 2024 @ 6:55pm 
Really? That's news to me, I didn't think there were any hull techs in vanilla. Just goes to show how long It's been since I played without mods lol. Thank you for putting up with my questions.
starchitec  [author] 19 Jun, 2024 @ 11:33am 
general hull is vanilla (this mod slightly edits it to make the techweights match what this mod gives all repeatables) Hull is uncapped.
NotFox 19 Jun, 2024 @ 11:31am 
Oh lmao, I didn't even realize the general hull increase was from this mod because I didn't see it in the pic at the top of the mod page. Is that general hull increase tech one of those that can be done infinitely or is there a cap on them?
starchitec  [author] 19 Jun, 2024 @ 10:57am 
Havent done anything specific for the cosmo ships, but I think the basic hull repeatable will get all ships, so not 100%. Also obviously armor/shields would work too.
NotFox 19 Jun, 2024 @ 10:49am 
Alright, i suppose that makes sense, I'm assuming there isn't one that would affect the riddle escort for the same reason?