Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

30 ratings
The Caribbean Islands
File Size
6.051 MB
24 Nov, 2018 @ 10:55pm
25 Nov, 2018 @ 12:53am
4 Change Notes ( view )

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The Caribbean Islands

Hi everyone, today I bring you my new map

The Caribbean Islands
is a map full of islands created from the imagination, thinking of the Caribbean,

It contains its own theme and its LUT that can be used on any other map.

It took me a lot of time to create this map, I spent a lot of time to bring something nice and good but above all something that was useful for the creators of the city.

The map is created to create several stable and persistent cities with all the necessary resources,

    It has several connections with the outside, The islands are connected to each other with freeways of a lane of 2 and others with lanes of 3, Only one island is without any connection so that users can connect it their way and do the much more exciting game.

The smaller islands also have a connection but are not complete all outputs for the user to resolve the problem, is a small challenge to do the map more interesting.

It has some element to register but everything else is typical of the game if it has the latest DLC released to the market.
  • Trees

  • Rocks

  • Roads

    They are typical of games.
  • Animated Sea Foam

  • Tunnel Entrances

  • Small boulder

    They are the only ones to subscribe.
It is recommended that you have some essential mod in your game so that you have the same appearance that I have, although everything will depend on how strong your graphic is.

Here are some suggestions.

Checo Mx  [author] 25 Nov, 2018 @ 7:59am 
Excelente mapa, en un momento te paso capturas de la ciudad que hice en el.