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NiGHTS into Dreams- Dreams Dreams Compositions + Sailor Moon theme song- Moonlight Densetsu
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21 Sep, 2018 @ 11:04pm
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NiGHTS into Dreams- Dreams Dreams Compositions + Sailor Moon theme song- Moonlight Densetsu

This mod adds-

-Composition for "Dreams Dreams" from NiGHTS into Dreams*

-Composition for Moonlight Densetsu" from Sailor Moon
(I suggest the use of a piano, music box, violin, harmonica, or even accordian; but this works for all instruments and is a single piece)

*Dreams Dreams is broken up into 11 parts; 5 of them are wholey unique, and 5 of them are duplicates but for different instruments.
1. NiGHTS into Dreams- Dreams Dreams (Acoustic Guitar)
2. NiGHTS into Dreams- Dreams Dreams (Bass Guitar)
3. NiGHTS into Dreams- Dreams Dreams (Bright Piano)***
4. NiGHTS into Dreams- Dreams Dreams (Drums Kit)
5. NiGHTS into Dreams- Dreams Dreams (Lead Guitar)
6. NiGHTS into Dreams- Dreams Dreams (Space Synth)
7. NiGHTS into Dreams- Dreams Dreams (Square Wave)**
8. NiGHTS into Dreams- Dreams Dreams (Trumpet)
9. NiGHTS into Dreams- Dreams Dreams [Nightopian Ver.] (High-pitch Microphone)**
10. NiGHTS into Dreams- Dreams Dreams [Nightopian ver.](Low-pitch Microphone)***
11. NiGHTS into Dreams- Dreams Dreams****

** Same .midi, but different instruments. Use either Square Wave or High-Pitch Microphone.
***Same .midi, but different instruments. Use either the Low-Pitch Microphone or Bright Piano.
****This is the same midi file as the Low-Pitch Microphone and Bright Piano; it contains the majority of the theme so I made it its own .abc file.

[A midi file or .midi is a series of notes and an associated instrument that can be read by some software. It is commonly used in older games, and even some new ones for aesthetics. As for an abc file or .abc, that is starbound's own way playing .midi's in game for all to hear!]

//There is a bug that for some reason it renames the files "into dreams-..." and "Moon-..." I'll see what I can do!//
Big Jelly 5 Jan @ 10:54pm 
This mod fixed my marriage, brought my dog back to life, and allowed me to discover my passion for Mongolian throat singing. Thanks.
milky  [author] 5 Jan @ 10:54pm 
@Lightningbird I didn't make the composition! I just turned the sheet music into a .midi and then the .midi into an .abc for the game. Thank you for appreciating "Dreams Dreams" though, I really love the melody! >o<
Lightningbird 30 Jan, 2024 @ 8:46pm 
The piano arrangement for "Dreams Dreams" is really beautiful! Thank you! You clearly put your heart into this!
Geth Who 10 Dec, 2020 @ 6:26am 
NiGHTS Into Dreams. Holy crap, thank you so much for putting my childhood into Starbound.
Ranjira88 23 Sep, 2018 @ 4:20pm 
lol thres a mod on chucklefishforums that adds weapons powers and outfits themed off sailormoon so this is really fitting XD