Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

546 évaluations
Improved Genetics (OLD VERSION)
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20 sept. 2018 à 21h47
26 nov. 2018 à 12h32
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Improved Genetics (OLD VERSION)

NOTE: This version still works, but its no longer supported.

Please check:


CK2s genetics system is not very fleshed out at all. You can only inherit traits from your parents, and if you don't inherit them you lose the traits, for good. A lot of the traits genetic traits are mostly random, rather than persisting through your bloodlines.

This mod radically improves the Genetics system!

How does it work?

The system is largely based on a simple model of Mendelian genetics. Every character in the game is assigned allele pairs for each trait. When two characters have a child, the gene the child inherits is determined by a simple Punnett Square.

For example, a dwarf character might have an aa gene (recessive) and a normal character might have Aa (a carrier.) Their child then has a 50% chance to get the dwarfism gene. But even if they don't, they still have a chance of becoming a carrier.

The system is even deeper because each trait has 3 allele pairs associated with it.

Some trait inheritance is modeled through polygene inheritance, like the following graph for height:

In addition, this mod adds several new traits in the 4 polygene groups (intelligence, height, attractiveness, and strength.) These traits [dim, bright, delicate, sturdy, short (as opposed to tiny), tall (as opposed to giant), comely and homely] are weaker versions of vanilla traits and serve to really showcase the genetic system. These lower tier traits each have a 7% rarity (meaning 7 in 100 characters will have them.) Other rarities have been kept at vanilla levels for the most part.

To read more, please have a look at the following link:

Future Plans

  • Integration with the new 'Bloodlines' feature in Holy Fury.

Current Version: 1.05

The mod is now stable! Hurrah.


My two genius characters did not produce any quick or genius children! What happened?

First, a character may get a certain GENE without getting that TRAIT. There is a genotype to phenotype conversion chance in this mod, determined by the number of dominant (or recessive pairs, for negative traits) alleles. So you may have the genius gene but not become a genius. Additionally, two geniuses may not pass down the genius gene, although it's unlikely. In general, the more rare a trait, the more likely it will persist in your family line.

I'm seeing way too many/way too few characters of (this trait)!

I've done extensive testing as well as calculations to make sure that the occurrence of traits more or less matches the base game. Traits are perhaps a little more common (intentionally.) But nothing should stand out as too common or too rare. If that is the case report it here and I'll have a look! A polygene trait like genius should have the following distributions: 0.4-0.6%, 1.5-2%, 3.5-5% for traits genius, quick, and bright respectively.

This is the frequency that I have found in my playthrough.

What about incest? Does this mod simulate inbreeding depression?

Yes. Kind of. Very close kin incest in this mod ends up (eventually) being very bad, as there is a high likelihood that you will end up with recessive traits in many birth defect traits like hunchback and clubfoot. However, you can generally escape inbreeding depression in just one or two generations of marrying people from outside the close family.

Does this slow down the game considerably?

I didn't notice any significant slowdown, surprisingly.

I'm not noticing any difference with this mod

Be patient. It's a subtle mod.

Is this ironman compatible?

Yes, but you won't get achievements.

Is this mod no longer supported?

The final version of this mod is uploaded to dropbox. If any bugs are found, I'll upload a new version to dropbox. Regrettably due to Steam and Paradox's system, I lost access to my own mod and cannot update it here.


Any mods that modify the 00_traits file won't work properly with this mod. The game will still start, but you will not experience the genetic system as intended.

If your mod adds new traits, the new traits will use paradox's base genetic system of inheritance, not mine.

I have made several versions of this mod for the major overhauls: (ONLY HIP IS 3.0 COMPATIBLE)






Once these mods are updated for 3.0, they will no longer be supported. Instead, I will make a guide for how to make my mod compatible with overhauls.

Can you describe in detail how this works?

Check the discussions!


Drop Box Link:



Download the drop box version, and then remove the common/traits/newtraits.txt file


Thanks to dangitsdaaaaang for the idea and support!

Thanks to Vincent Valentine for German Localization!

Discussions populaires Tout voir (4)
13 avr. 2019 à 6h41
Notes on Balance
6 janv. 2019 à 15h34
ÉPINGLÉ : Explanation of how the mod works
21 janv. 2019 à 8h44
[BUG] Mutually Exclusive Traits on the same Character
547 commentaires
LUCIFER † 19 janv. 2020 à 7h59 
Hi. I've spent some time in the last year Trying HIP and I have to say that I was quite impressed with the work your mod did. Amazing work, feels like I'm playing a genetic simulator which is something i like very much as I like genetics very much. Though now, I'm trying to play CK2+ but I can't find the "Improved Genetics CK2+" mod anymore. When I click on the link for the Workshop page it says that the item I am looking for can't be found. Did Steam set it to invisible or it is supposed to be like this? Thank you for your kind reply!
eightiesboi 11 avr. 2019 à 12h48 
@Remus - any mod that is based on genetics instead of RNG will have a disproportionate effect. The only way you can have the clubfooted trait (beside an event or a bug) is if you have the gene. If the gene exists in dynasty A, but doesn't exist in dynasty B, and the two dynasties have no interactions, then in a mod that simulates genetic inheritance there will be a disproportionate number of clubfoots when comparing the two families; however, in the total population the statistical likelihood that any given child will be a clubfoot will be unchanged from stock (unless you control for lineage).

This mod simulates an event that occurs in real life (the expression of genetic traits through the inheritance of genes). It is a substitution for the RNG that the game uses. If you prefer vanilla, use vanilla. But attempting to call out the mod-maker for adding a method of genetic propagation when you (as evidenced by your comments) have a more limited grasp of the subject is foolish and rude.
Jacobus 11 avr. 2019 à 11h34 
I'm sure people like your mod. I didn't know that it was working as intended. I just find that it disproportionately spreads bad genes.
Crimson7  [créateur] 11 avr. 2019 à 11h33 
@Remus thats fine. The problem is that the base game has too many clubfoots. I try to balance the mod so that it doesnt change how many clubfoots and other deformities there are. I am very aware that the number of harelips, clubfoots and so on is unrealistic. But tinkering with that would mess up game balance.
Crimson7  [créateur] 11 avr. 2019 à 11h31 

"There is no such thing as a 'weak' strong gene. He will either be strong, or no trait at all (there would be no modifier) He is average. "

Okay that's just silly. There are many genes that contribute to strength. We don't fully understand it yet, but what we can certainly say is that there isn't 'one particular gene' that gives people strength. It is common to see several families have extremely strong genes. Others, not so much.

Don't tell me how genetics work if you aren't an expert. If you don't want to use it. Don't. I'm not on a contract to make mods for you. I'm making mods that I think people will enjoy. This is about MY VISION of genetics based on my knowledge, and how I think it will improve the mechanics of ck2. If you don't enjoy it, don't use it. But don't act like my mod 'doesnt work.' It does, as 495 positive ratings clearly suggest.

If it doesn't mesh well with your vision of genetics, thats fine. Vanilla has its own system. You don't need to use this.
Jacobus 11 avr. 2019 à 11h29 
I like the idea of the mod, I just find it annoying that I can't have 5 kids without one of them being clubfooted. That's unrealistic.
Crimson7  [créateur] 11 avr. 2019 à 11h26 
"I don't see how that is realistic. If both parents are white, then the kid will be white. There isn't a 'small possibility of the kid being black.' That's not how genes work."

Total fallacy. White people typically don't have latent african american genes. On the other hand, attractive people CAN have latent genes that causes unattractiveness. Have you ever come across siblings that don't all look equally good? I have. I've met people who are geniuses and their siblings are about average or below average.

Jacobus 11 avr. 2019 à 11h15 
I don't see how that is realistic. If both parents are white, then the kid will be white. There isn't a 'small possibility of the kid being black.' That's not how genes work.

Likewise, if both parents are strong, and 'weak' isn't in the genes, there shouldn't be a possibility of 'weak' coming up as a trait. There is no such thing as a 'weak' strong gene. He will either be strong, or no trait at all (there would be no modifier) He is average.

This isn't realistic, and that's not how genetics work. The only way that 'weak' will come up as a trait is the character has 'weak' in their genes. That is a gene OF AND IN ITSELF.

Sure, their descendants can be strong if they bred with strong people. But there should be no 'weak' strong gene because if both parents are strong with strong genes and no weak gene, then there shouldn't be a possibility of my kids being weak imbeciles.
Crimson7  [créateur] 11 avr. 2019 à 11h01 

Umm, there was nothing wrong with the mod.

"If a character has perfect genes, like Genius, Strong, Attractive, and his wife has the exact same genes, my kids turn out to get delicate/ugly/dim sometimes."

Lets say I'm strong and my spouse is strong. To be strong, I could have 4,5 or 6 alleles. My wife could have 4,5, or 6 dominant alleles.

If we both have 4, then the minimum our child could have are 2. (AaBbCC + AaBBCc) = (aaBbCc). If they have 2, then they can get either weak or delicate. its a low chance, but it is possible.

In this case both the mom and dad had a 'weak' strong gene. Not a strong one. There is a distinction, one that you can only see by going through the families or typing in charinfo.

Improved Genetics 2.0 works the exact same way. Thats how genes work irl. I'm not trying to make the game easier with this mod, but more realistic and thoughtful.
Jacobus 11 avr. 2019 à 10h50 
Thank you @Crimson9. And thank you Eight. It was something wrong with the mod itself