

662 ratings
The Forge: Protector's Broadsword+
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383.038 KB
3 Sep, 2018 @ 1:06pm
14 Oct, 2022 @ 11:32pm
10 Change Notes ( view )

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The Forge: Protector's Broadsword+

In 1 collection by Ribs
The Forge
9 items
So what does this do?


About a year ago, I made two mods: "The REAL protector's broadsword" and "The Preserver's Broadsword" and uploaded them to the workshop. One is my submission to the starbound's subreddit's Custom Weapon Contest and the other was a reskinned protector's broadsword. They both have the same custom combos, altered stats, overriding vanilla content, half-a$$ed sprites and swooshes.

Because of their vanilla overriding nature, you can not have those two weapons at once, which is really dumb on my part, but back then I didn't know any better. One day I got really tired of looking at them and that's just it, it's time for a remaster, and this mod was it. The two mods mentioned is permanently deleted from the steam workshop, because I will no longer support them.

So... What's different in this mod?

Well, this mod currently features:
  • An upgraded version of the Protector's Broadsword: Grand Proctector's Broadsword. Obtainable via crafting through the Manipulator's table.
  • Remastered combo: still the same combo as the old mod, but with minor alterations and ACTUAL COLORED SWOOSH SPRITES INSTEAD OF HUESHIFTED ONES!!
  • Reworked flying slash projectiles: gives you 5 seconds of fast regen, god mode and 10 seconds of slow regenation afterwards
  • New weapon: The corrupted broadsword. Stolen from the Terrene Protectorate, corrupted by the Occasus Cult. This sword now carries the ruins with it. (Yes, this will also get its own combos)
  • memes

Why is everything a placeholder? Because I'VE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR THREE DAYS STRAIGHT AND IT'S STILL NOT FINISHED! This mod was supposed to include the corrupted broadsword, but since I'm a skrub, it has to be delayed.

What's this "Forge" thing?

It's a mini-series of weapons and stuff that I plan on working. We do have a discord server[] for those whom are interested.

If there's any questions, ask them in the comments below.

/spawnitem grandprotectorbroadsword

PS: If you wanna see how the unfinished corrupted broadsword looks like in its current state, you can spawn it in as well.
/spawnitem corruptedbroadsword

Me - Coding, compiling
Steven Steel - Corrupted Broadsword's sprites
Chucklefish - Creating Starbound and most of the assets that I'm using
Photoloss - I copied your tentacle fist projectiles because I thought it was cool, pls don't sue me :c
Popular Discussions View All (2)
13 Oct, 2022 @ 1:00pm
PINNED: Suggestions!
15 May, 2021 @ 10:06am
Ribs  [author] 27 Oct, 2023 @ 12:54am 
What the hell? Is this not the creator of classical weapons?
Vinderex 27 Oct, 2023 @ 12:26am 
Hey, just a little suggestion if you're still around and actively working on this, and it would only take a moment to do. Could you change the tooltipKind to "sword" for both weapons? That will allow them to show their stats and tier, etc.
Ribs  [author] 14 Oct, 2022 @ 11:34pm 
Update released, these changes are now in effect:
- Fixed a typo on the grand protector's boardsword name.
- Both weapons are now semi-aimable.
XXXXXXXXXX 7 Oct, 2022 @ 5:50am 
Great mod. However character holds the corrupted sword's grip too close to the pommel, looks like he's holding a huge wand. OCD positive but other than that amazing job.
Jay The Amazing 31 May, 2022 @ 7:11pm 
any reason for this choice? it seems weird the broken version has the combo but the normal one doesn't.
Ribs  [author] 29 May, 2022 @ 3:58pm 
it's not a bug, the normal protectorate sword will not have a combo
Jay The Amazing 29 May, 2022 @ 2:45pm 
was the bug for the combo attack not being on the normal protectorate broadsword fixed?
Cypher 1 Nov, 2021 @ 7:04am 
thank you
Ribs  [author] 31 Oct, 2021 @ 7:17pm 
Is a nice person
Ribs  [author] 31 Oct, 2021 @ 7:17pm 
Your mother