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The Tenantator: Deed & Tenant Management Tool
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7 Jun, 2018 @ 11:46pm
19 Jul, 2018 @ 9:09pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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The Tenantator: Deed & Tenant Management Tool

In 1 collection by Depression Hurts, Eat More KFC
KFC Mods
3 items
N.P.C. Inc.
Is proud to present its first major Add-on to its family of npc creation, mangament and modification tools! Introducing:
The Tenantator
2000 series

With this tool you will be able to unlock many of the hidden vanilla capabilities that colony deeds have to offer including multiple tenants per deed, monster tenants, and the ability to create valid houses without the need for background tiles.

In addition, you will be able to manage the tenants themselves. As of now, you will be able to prevent crewmember graduation, (now you can do all the quests you want!) and prevent quest participation altogether. (now everyone wont have exclamation marks over their head). These options are on a tenant-by-tenant basis, so feel free to customize each one as you see fit.

You will also be able to export these NPC tenants as NPC Cards (vanilla items that are modified to contain npc data). These cards are used for backup, management, and are designed to work with NpcSpawner+ 3100 series spawner objects! So feel free to export a tenant, modify it using a NpcSpawner+ object, and re-import the changed tenant!

NOTE: DO NOT USE THIS TOOL ON FRACKIN UNIVERSE CREW DEEDS, THIS ONLY WORKS WITH COLONY DEEDS. If you need to hire crewmembers or be able to have them on hand, use NpcSpawner+ objects, with npcs cards instead.

How To Make:
  1. Create a T3 Inventor Table
  2. Create an Employer Station using said Inventor's Table
  3. Purchase the Tenantator 2000 from the Employer's Station

How to Use:
  1. Find the deed you wish to modify
  2. With the tenantator out, mouseover the deed and press the LMB
  3. Modify the deed via the bottom menu, and/or by selecting a tenant or "new tenant" list option

Full Multiplayer Compatibility:
  • All deed modifications
  • All tenant modifications
  • Multi-tenant support
  • Created NPC Cards

Situational multiplayer compatibility:

Both you and the server have this mod installed.
You are set. Just be wary about other players that are around you (on the same planet/ship as you). If they do not have this mod and you use the tool on a deed, they may disconnect.

The server has this mod, you do not.
If the server has this mod and you do not, then you may disconnect if you are on the same planet/ship as another player that tries to use the tenantator. Any deeds that have been modified by this tool by other players will not affect your connectivity as the modifications done are in the base game.

You have this mod, the server does not.
The tool will act like any other custom active item that isnt installed on the server. If not used or equipped you should be ok. Trying to use it will crash the tool and might kick you out of the server. Any deed you modified on your ship (which will transfer to a multiplayer server) will continue to function with your modifications.

Compatibility Cheetsheet
So long as the actual lua functions specifically dealing with tenant management are untouched this mod will work as intended. That means mods that add/change config files and/or modify other deed capabilities like rent & house calculation should still be viable.

to help ease compatibility checks here's a cheat sheet of known compatibles from the comments section, will update frequently:

"Frackin' Universe" - compatible for COLONY DEEDS ONLY. NOT CREW DEEDS
"Colony Tweaks" - compatible
"Themed colony deeds" - compatible
"Colony Deed Wiring" - compatible
"pandora's monsters" - specific monsters currently turn hostile when added (maybe you want that?). Working on a fix

If you are unsure of a compatibility, post it in the comments and I will reply (and update this list) asap.

As for functionality, the most damaging thing that could possibly happen is that the deed you tried to modify will need to be replaced.

This tool's functionality is limited to Deeds that only belong to you! You can turn off this functionality on a deed by deed basis from the deed's main menu.

While a simple unsubscribe will do the trick, its best practice to delete the item before doing so. The employer's table that this item is bought from is an unused vanilla asset, and will not cause asset mismatching errors.

Technical details:
The mod comes with a custom activeitem "npcinjector" and stagehand "colonymanager". On use, the activeitem creates the stagehand that acts on behalf of the deed you are modifying. This includes modifying tenant information and deed config parameters. Once the player is too far away, or closes the pane menu, the stagehand is destroyed. The stagehand is extremely lightweight, self-cleaning and non-persistent so nothing remains after modification is complete. This allows for easy installation/uninstallation and will allow for MP sessions without breaking the deeds themselves or locking out players without this mod.
Have fun!

1.1.0 Update
  • Added a toggle-able option to open up tenantator modifications to other players (off by default). This option is on a deed by deed basis, and only toggle-able by the owner.
  • Note that the API does not allow me to determine player friends or party members. Therefore toggling owner-only access off will allow anyone to modify it. I advise turning owner-only security off only when necessary and/or when you trust all players that are able to visit the deed.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
14 Aug, 2018 @ 7:39pm
Depression Hurts, Eat More KFC
19 Jul, 2018 @ 9:20pm
Vanilla Friendly Spawn-Commandable Deed Modifications Not Currently In The Tenantator
Depression Hurts, Eat More KFC
Depression Hurts, Eat More KFC  [author] 17 Apr, 2024 @ 11:54pm 
@DFgame37825 that...was one of those projects I had in mind a long time ago. However I doubt it at this point. If this is a single player game, you can do something like this instead. put in the below series of inputs, one at a time, and press enter while your cursor is floating over the npc in question.

/entityeval npc.species();
/entityeval npc.npcType();
/eval world.threatLevel();
/entityeval npc.seed();

and take note of the info. then do something like this as a follow up

/spawnnpc [npc.species] [npc.npcType] [world.threatLevel (determines stats,starting world == 3, dark world == 9)] [seed]

/spawnnpc human villager 3 -323232455
DFgame37825 14 Apr, 2024 @ 6:12pm 
would it be possible to make a mod that makes cards from wild npcs? maybe with some kind of gun?
Depression Hurts, Eat More KFC  [author] 23 Mar, 2024 @ 5:32pm 
@TheAshby this is designed to work with the NpcSpawner+. The cards that you can export from this tool can be used to import into NpcSpawner+ and vice a versa
TheAshby 29 Jan, 2024 @ 5:44am 
Is this compatible with your NpcSpawner+ mod? Or one replaces the other
Armorguy1 20 Mar, 2023 @ 12:32pm 
to answer my own questio, yes it works but they still despawn. But no matter, making them in npc spawner is almost the same.
Armorguy1 20 Mar, 2023 @ 11:58am 
Does this also work on "keep your day job" deeds? It basically saves your crew members data when you fire them and the deed will only spawn that character. It's a lil buggy because the tenant will despawn when it generates a quest. This mod would be great to stop the quest generation from happening.
Depression Hurts, Eat More KFC  [author] 15 Jan, 2023 @ 12:21am 
I dont know the mod "Saturnian Colony Deeds". However if its a mod that adds new colony members to the list of potential tenants then yes, this should work.
bukojoeperez 11 Jan, 2023 @ 2:05pm 
Does this work with the Saturnian Colony Deeds?
Talula 19 Oct, 2022 @ 2:21pm 
@mjgibbs05 from there they should be able to be used for "import" functions :odpcordy:
mjgibbs05 27 May, 2022 @ 11:13pm 
what do i do after