Torchlight II

Torchlight II

348 ratings
Mountains of Consumables
File Size
81.939 KB
4 Apr, 2013 @ 7:27am
13 May, 2016 @ 10:09am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Mountains of Consumables

In 1 collection by Xure
Mountains of ...
4 items
Increases the maximum size of fish, potion and scroll stacks to 500.

This is a compilation of the following mods:

WARNING: If you disable this mod you will lose all of your fish/potions/scrolls that are NOT stored in your shared stash.
有那个大病 3 Nov, 2021 @ 8:18am 





9HitCode 22 Jan, 2017 @ 8:09pm 
Hi, I have a made a mod pack called "Void Pack"
I would like to inform you that I am using your mod in the mod pack and simply want to show you that I do not take any credits of your incredible work
I have also linked your mod in my mod pack to prevent any misunderstanding

Void Pack - Part A

If you would like me to remove your mod please contact me and I'll remove it as soon as possible!

Thank you for making Torchlight II a better gaming experience!
steffire3 30 Dec, 2016 @ 8:17pm 
We have made an updated "Better Vanilla Game Spicy" that includes and links to your mod.

We have also given you credit inside our "Original Author Credit Discussion List".

It's our 5th compile and we simply want to inform you on how we are using your mod currently.

If you would like us to remove your mod then please notify us there.

Thank you for all your work to improve Torchlight_2!
PhantumJak 12 Sep, 2014 @ 10:10pm 
I've incorporated this mod within my merged mod pack! NO MERCY It's actually a little more than just a merged pack, take a look! ;D
Sgt. 2-Star 15 Sep, 2013 @ 8:42pm 
I Have included Your Mod in My Mod Pack!
THis is Really supposed to be only for me and Me Mates, but If You happen to Object our Use of your Mod,
I will Take it Down!
Feel free to Check it out!
Xure  [author] 17 Aug, 2013 @ 9:16am 
@Kaled Kelevra
Totally missed your question, sorry :( zParticle is right though, the reason gems are not included in this mod is because of technical limitations in how gems are handled by the game.
zParticle 17 Aug, 2013 @ 8:43am 
Kaled Kelevra: A lot of technical problems with stacking gems (mostly because they're socketable) so that probably won't happen. I created gems are consumables as a workaround to give you a bit more gem storage space.
Xure  [author] 31 Jul, 2013 @ 12:48am 
Of course you have my permission. Thank you for crediting and linking! :D:
RABBoT117 30 Jul, 2013 @ 7:08pm 
Great job with mod. This was the easiest way for me to message you, but was hoping to get approval for me including this mod and any others that I may have included in a mod package I have put together. I have already credited you and made a link to this page within the link. Hope you're onboard.
Kaled Kelevra 23 Jul, 2013 @ 12:34pm 
And... what about gems? You know if there is any mod for stack gems? Because I really need it. :(