

77 ratings
Improved Food Descriptions + Food Rot Info PATCH 1.3.3
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600.347 KB
15 Apr, 2018 @ 6:28pm
3 Jul, 2018 @ 8:27pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Improved Food Descriptions + Food Rot Info PATCH 1.3.3

NOT FOR 'Improved Food Descriptions [Addon]' version.
NEED both base mods.
REMEMBER to unsubscribe if base mods get proper updates, as patch has Priority set at 999 (priority can be shared as its not the slot, but this patch will disable any changes in base mods or even brake their function.

This patch allows 'Improved Food Descriptions' 1.9.2 (by NeoVanAlemania) to work with 'Food Rot Info' 1.0.1 (by Sofi) mods. This was needed as both mods edit same rotting.lua script...i (ScarabParamit) think its optimised and correctly fused, it operate as fallows:

Frames change colour same like in 'Food Rot Info' (by change of their Rarity Status) with base descriptions displayed with their colours, and in another line under computed to 10s accuracy (script delta?) expiration time from 'Improved Food Descriptions' (i added Blue color time for Legendary) with rest of its effect description on the right placed.

Pictures show most descriptions and changes through decomposition...colors of cubes are on first picture. They update and change to.

Works on 1.3.3 with Frackin Universe/ FU, for more info check base mods.

Food Rot Info
Improved Food Descriptions

Mediafire For GoG users:

MOD Id: 1362697615

Rate mod and its MAIN components to thanks autors.
Regards! Stay TRUE...and "be ready".
RoyTalwen 18 Aug, 2021 @ 11:26pm 
Thank you for this. It works great
ScrambieBambie  [author] 15 Apr, 2018 @ 11:46pm 
If you find some info let me know.
I think thats one of the reasons 'Improved Food Descriptions' decided to sacrifice ...Descriptions... for sake of more usefull Expiration Time. I can make a .ver for you without descriptions or only with them, but its not so bad i think...In normal gameplay. Just try it.
*Yuki* 15 Apr, 2018 @ 11:41pm 
okay :(
ScrambieBambie  [author] 15 Apr, 2018 @ 11:39pm 
Sorry...but its the same on Food Rot Info. Its because there are two lines of text...and interface is not made with this in mind. Many mods add things with status effects and descriptions that don't fit and are sometimes even unreadable.
I don't think there is anything to be done, i just start modding this game, and only because i and some people needed that fix.
*Yuki* 15 Apr, 2018 @ 11:26pm 
currently, on your screenshot, information about spoilage time hover description's borders a bit ("spoils in" and so on are out of text area, at the bottom). Do you have plans to fix it?