Fuel bridge jumps
21 件のコメント
Sᴢʏᴍᴏɴɪᴄᴜs 2017年2月28日 11時34分 
Nice jumps, i was doing same thing on that bridge, and of course i lose the game progress ;D
ReaperRusty 2013年12月4日 18時16分 
OK thanks man, Im gonna check it out now :)
YoGattoGatto  [作成者] 2013年12月4日 10時17分 

This is one of my favorite FUEL vids, I love the music that happened to be palying at the time, so perfect.

You should really check out http://www.vocalmixes.net/

If you can, just download their torrent collection. It is all free music, and mostly what is playing in these videos. I absolutely love YuriyI mixes

I rarely listen to anything else, there are over 300 mixes, I think I maybe don't like parts of 2 out of all of them. I was talking to the guy that made it all, and he said he will kill his site soon, so you should totally grab a torrent of the collection ASAP. (Not to sound like an ad or anything, I just try to bump this guys mixes as much as I can)
YoGattoGatto  [作成者] 2013年12月4日 10時02分 
I have more vids of me messing around in FUEL

I try to do gameplay when I can, I think there is sadly a small number of videos online of nothing but gameplay. I want to put up more vids of just average gameplay footage. No commentary, no distractions, hopefully no spoilers, and just a good idea of what the game is about, or glitches I find.

I often want videos like that when I am questioning if I am going to buy it. I always find trailers, and tutorials, or commenter reviews, but hardly any straight gameplay.

I also rather enjoy listening to my entire library on random, so the music is all just IDFK
ReaperRusty 2013年12月3日 19時04分 
Hell yeah bro, nothing better than driving through trees and speed up from top of the hills to the ground :D I tried dodging the tree too! Very exciting but usually will hit the tree in the end LOL

Indeed the terrain is a bit jolty but this is what wild race track should be, isn it? Maybe they played too much NFS :S

Now, talking about the sale, I decided to buy Metro Last Night Bundle and Company of Heroes 2 Bundle in Xmas sale, oh, and the Age of Empires Bundle too :) Cuz it will be cheaper, I hope they will have -75% discount~

Cant buy too much games now, cuz i spent a lot for BF4 and GTAV, otherwise my gf will have my ass LOL I just purchased 3 games in this Thanksgiving sale, including Surgeon Simulator and its hard to control for me, gotta practice more. :)
YoGattoGatto  [作成者] 2013年12月3日 14時57分 
Haha, yeah my list got up there pretty quick with sales and bundle packs.

I am slowly dedicating to play each and every one. Some are not very good, I intend to write a bit of a review on each one, just to tell people if it sucked or if I thought it was worth it.

I think people complain too much about FUEL, the game has a few glitches, but none that I thought were game killers. And I flow like melted butter with the controls. You get kind of surfy with it, and you have to pay attention to the terrain. I think people just wanted to be babysat with it, I like diving through trees on a bike, that is my fav shit in the whole game, playing a down hill of "Dodge the tree"

Best shit ever.
ReaperRusty 2013年12月1日 18時01分 
Sure bro, we should play FUEL together :D

Because none of my friends own this great game :( I always play this game alone lol

Sorry to hear your comp went down :( 64 MB of video memory sounds torturing, the last time I
suffered from this low spec was in 2006, before my first high spec desktop purchased lol

But you are right, its a good chance to enjoy older games, like GTA 3 and Vice City :) In fact, I bought them for 7 years but never finished lol, thats the disadvantage when you have too many games to play.

Oh btw, Metro Last Night is on sale at -66% today :D Im thinking about it, its a bit scary but indeed a very good game. RIP my wallet~~
YoGattoGatto  [作成者] 2013年12月1日 10時30分 
I love scary open world games, I mostly just enjoy not knowing what is out there as I explore.

And yeah, my desktop just wont boot at all, motherboard is fried I think, so I am just saving so I can upgrade to newer stuff instead of replacing it.

For now I am on a laptop I had sitting around, but it has a very low spec graphics card, only 64 MB of video memory, so I am playing alot of Torchlight and older games.

I don't mind so much, it is kind of cool to go back to older games for a while.

Once I get my game rig running agains, we should play some FUEL :)
ReaperRusty 2013年12月1日 2時31分 
Sounds like your HDD is lack of spaces lol
STALKER? you mean that horror FPS series?
No thanks haha, it makes me remind Metro 2033 :P
YoGattoGatto  [作成者] 2013年11月30日 22時02分 
I will be loading it up as soon as my machine is healed :D

Looks nice! This is one game I am always finding myself distracted by the beauty. I used to take screenshots all the time, had to delete most of um to make room for other games haha

I love these update mods, STALKER is another title I am always zoning out on. ... wait... I just said I Zone on STALKER... haha unintentional pun :P