Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

379 ratings
Las Colinas Residences
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9.586 MB
12 Jan, 2018 @ 11:34am
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Las Colinas Residences

In 2 collections by KingLeno
What happens in Vegas
33 items
California Love
23 items
Las Colinas Residences by KingLeno

If you would like to see more of these types assets on the workshop, please subscribe to me on YouTube to see what I'm working on by clicking here!

6 assets (3 models x2 for mirrors), some slight color variations so no neighborhood looks the same, no matter how much you copy and paste. All Level 2 Low Density residential.

Please rate and subscribe!

Texture size: 1024x512 d,n,is,c
Triangles < 700
Custom LOD and textures
No RICO settings so you're free to use in buildings themes or with Plop the Growables.

And subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter.
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If you like my assets, buy me a drink or a cup of coffee to show your support by making a small donation via PayPal or Patreon.
KingLeno  [author] 20 Sep, 2022 @ 10:55am 
@flyguybri no, it's just spanish for the colonies (i think). there are lots of places in the Southwest named that
FlyGuy Bri 7 Sep, 2022 @ 8:19pm 
Is the name a reference to the movie Office Space? "I gotta wake my ass up at 6am every morning this week--drive up to Las Colinas--yeah I'm doing the drywall at the new McDonalds."
KingLeno  [author] 28 May, 2021 @ 7:50am 
@marcuz yeah, if you want them to grow like that, you gotta use a mod to plop them. I think with building themes you can actually clone them to be level 1 tho
Marcuz 27 May, 2021 @ 3:30pm 
Hey, how can I use this houses if there's no level 1?
I have the theme active and only selected this houses but ofcourse nothing grows.
Neww_ 6 Apr, 2021 @ 7:57pm 
I love these, especially for American/west coast themed cities. I think we still need more of these HOA/cookie-cutter style homes on the workshop though!
hillfanthomlike10 7 Feb, 2021 @ 6:02am 
thank you
MatteCosta 27 Jan, 2021 @ 6:01am 
Fantastic! thank you so much amazing work!
Kushan 28 Jul, 2019 @ 6:49pm 
Just what I was looking for my new Arizona city. Would love to see more.
KingLeno  [author] 11 Jul, 2019 @ 5:20am 
@godon69 thanks. But no, i didn't set anything. That's just the default in game setting. Any set of houses placed densely is going to generate a number of residents. You can use RICO to lower the amount, if you plop them yourself
godon69 11 Jul, 2019 @ 2:19am 
Dear Creator
Let me first tell you that your work is wonderful and I use a lot your houses because I am making a district like suburbs of Las Vegas, with houses like yours.
But the problem is that (like in Las Vegas), my district is very dense due to houses very close to each other and the problem is that you set : 10 families/house and it's a problem because it's supposed to be a suburb but, my district is way more populated that my downtown and other district together, and all my transport are overcrowded etc...
And it really break the balance of population in my city
So can you tell me how I can reduce the number of families per house
Thank you