

905 ratings
Starbound FPS Optimization
Starbound is a 2D pixel art game, but due to the way it processes things, if your CPU is not good enough the game can lag frequently. Yes, make no mistake: Starbound is more CPU-intensive than GPU-intensive, so your GTX Titan will not help the lag!

Fortunately, mods are here to the rescue. Here are some mods that aim to boost that much needed FPS.

If you liked my mods, feel free to donate me a snack through:
Ko-Fi[] | Buymeacofee[] | Trakteer[] | Saweria[]


Most of the mods collected here are compatible with each other, except:
Items (16)
Created by Munancho
Optimizebound aims to improve your game performance without any noticeable quality loss. To achieve this I've used PNGGauntlet, a png lossless compression tool, to optimize all png files found within the 'assets.pak' file....
Parallax Compression (FPS Improvement)
Created by Xaliber
This mod intends to improve FPS performance by compressing all parallax images size. --- If you liked my mods, feel free to donate me a snack through: Ko-Fi | Buymeacofee | Trakteer | Saweria --- Instead of removing the parallax background like other mod d...
Parallax Removal (FPS Booster - Reupload)
Created by Xaliber
This mod intends to improve FPS performance by removing all parallax images. --- If you liked my mods, feel free to donate me a snack through: Ko-Fi | Buymeacofee | Trakteer | Saweria --- You won't see any parallax images in your planets (lush background, ...
No Surface Backgrounds
Created by dancing waiter
An attempt to remove most if not all surface backgrounds. (Requested by Xaliber ) Please comment if you find something that isn't supposed to be there...
More threads - Lag reducer - 4-thread edition
Created by Null_Error
Ever get tired of how much lags NPCs can cause? This mod changes the number of threads starbound uses from 2 to 4. It's probably worth noting that if your computer has only 2 cores or less, this won't actually cause a speedup, in which case this mod isn't ...
More threads - Lag reducer - x6 edition
Created by Null_Error
Ever get tired of how much lags NPCs can cause? This mod changes the number of threads starbound uses from 2 to 6. It's probably worth noting that if your computer has only 2 cores or less, this won't actually cause a speedup, in which case this mod isn't ...
More threads - Lag reducer - 8-thread edition
Created by Null_Error
Ever get tired of how much lags NPCs can cause? This mod changes the number of threads starbound uses from 2 to 8. It's probably worth noting that if your computer has only 2 cores or less, this won't actually cause a speedup, in which case this mod isn't ...
Freeze That Gate!
Created by aww
A simple mod that patches the animation files so that the Ark Gate or Portal or whatever you call it freezes at the first frame. The mod also disables the little particles that float around the monolith if those were causing the lag as well. In game, the F...
Ancient Strip Light Particle Remover
Created by Ickura
A simple mod that removes the particle affect from ancient strip lights!...
Less Sky (RAM's cut)
Created by greenRAM
No Debris! Constilations! Less Twinkle! Fewer Stars! Cleaner, more empty Teleport Cinematics! The effects are best seen while zoomed out. Playing with a mod that adds additional zoom levels is recommended. This set of edits for the sky files are what I per...
Buffs - No Animations
Created by SquirrelsCanCrap
Simple mod, Turns off animations for: You can edit my mods for personal use Energy Regeneration Health Regeneration(Bandages, Healing Water and Food animation intact) Glow(Your char will still glow but withoput particles)...
Perfect Set Effect Remover
Created by Legate
It just removes that weird green particle effect from perfect armor and it increases FPS of the game when you have that armor equiped. Should work with current version. Tested 2020. ...
No Cape Particles
Created by amyyy
This mod removes the particles on the Shawl of Elation and the Dark Cape. that's actually about it....
Remove Dark Set Particles
Created by amyyy
Removes both the Dark Disguise's and the Dark Set's particles. My second mod....
No more duststorm particles
Created by amyyy
Removes the particles from the duststorms on midnight planets, but keeps the audio....
No Sandstorm Particles
Created by amyyy
This removes the sandstorm particles from deserts, or any other planet that has sandstorms, but keeps the music and the slowing effect. NOTE: this only works on planets generated after the mod is installed. if you want a planet that is already generated to...