Duck Game

Duck Game

274 ratings
JSFM (Jade's Stupid Freakin' Mod)
Mods: Mod
File Size
4.823 MB
29 Oct, 2017 @ 1:25pm
26 Nov, 2017 @ 10:07am
23 Change Notes ( view )

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JSFM (Jade's Stupid Freakin' Mod)

This is a weapon and utility mod.
It’s still being updated, with no specific schedule. Additions will be made when they’re done.
Here’s all it’s got in it so far, and this list will be updated with each new item.


Mega Buster: You know, from Mega Man and whatnot. It can shoot up to 3 lemons at a time. While small and slow, they're extremely deadly, so look out.

Pencil: Erases ducks. doors, blocks, props, and pretty much anything else. Writing’s for nerds, so you’re not allowed to use the pencil bit.

Extendo Punch: Like a rocket punch, but if the fist had a leash.

Falco and Fox's Shines (Melee): Here you have it, the tool that melee developers looked at, said “Yeah, this is ok.” and implemented it into their game that would eventually be played as an eSport with absurd amounts of money on the line. Luckily, Duck Game isn’t about balance, so it’s been added in on a clear conscience. The only thing that differs between the two is the direction in which things fly.

Yoyo: Functions like the yoyo from Terraria. Can move in any direction and kills on contact.

Stapler: The derringer for office workers gone mad. It doesn't look like it hurts until you get straight up stabbed in the eye.

Staple Gun: The stapler's bigger, meaner older brother.

Sawed-Off Shotgun: Functions like a regular shotgun, but with less accuracy and range.

Rocket Jumper: Massive amounts of knockback. Only kills you if it hits you directly, because, like, even if it's unarmed, getting hit with a rocket at a certain speed WILL kill you.


Colored Doors and Keys: Become the master of unlocking. The locked door can only be opened by the key of the same color. There are 8 variations in total, but only 3 are pictured.

Randall: The ultimate homie. Use to create a platform underneath the user’s duck.

Mandom: A watch that, once activated, waits 6 seconds then resets all the players' positions back to where they were at the beginning of the 6 seconds. It ignores the player who activated it.

Brick: Just a brick. For your breaking-and-entering needs.

Brick Block: A block of bricks. Guess what happens when you destroy it? Here's a hint: bricks.

Box: Absorb bullets like a champion. Evade your enemies. Call up an anime nerd and ask him what a basement is.

Blue Ball: You know those blue balls that you see in Walmart or Target that are always in some kind of ball jail? There's a reason they're in there. They're uncontrollable, infinitely bouncy, and unpredictable. Keep them in their ball jail or they will hunt you down and they will annihilate you.

Bowling Ball: It's like a regular prop, but it keeps going and if it hits you at a high enough speed, it kills you and plays a strike sound. It's pretty hilarious, which is why I added it.

Rotating Block: Hit this block from below or shoot it and it becomes intangible for a short amount of time.


Gravity and Friction Modifier: Finally, the power to defeat Newton and his nerd laws. Use these to customize the gravity and friction of a map. These apply to everything except bullets (fixed thing I can't change, sorry!).

Death Zones: If you walk into these areas, you're sure to die instantly. That's life, sorry kid. You can customize the method of death, be it a gunshot, roasting, or spiked. A great way to implement dangers into the background.

Block Shields: These areas protect any and all blocks from destruction. Force the ducks to play on your terms. Anything inside the borders of the shield is immune to rockets, erasers, and lasers so long as "anything" is a block.

Invisible and Clear Blocks: I always hated putting down invisible blocks and forgetting where they were, so I made these. They're visible in the editor, but not in-game. The clear ones are similar, but are visible in-game because I hate drawing black borders onto background tiles.

That's all there is for now! Make sure to check back often, because the mod’s always being updated. Updates come when they’re finished, usually once or twice a week, but sometimes less, depending on how much time can be devoted to modding.
Faktor77 11 Nov, 2023 @ 3:54am 
Excuse me, but where are the maps?
spookie 28 Aug, 2021 @ 1:00am 
the box makes my duck invisible
ONHN 25 Jan, 2021 @ 9:04pm 
Very cool mod. I often use locks ,but take it off there is a bug ,if you throw a key of a different color into a door with a lock (it does not work with the main one), then it will open.
Очень классный мод. Часто использую замки ,но сними есть баг ,если в дверь с замком кинуть ключ другого цвета (не работает с основным) то она откроется.
felix34ever1 5 Apr, 2020 @ 2:05pm 
That's the idea of the red boxes, anything can drop
felix34ever1 5 Apr, 2020 @ 2:05pm 
lool keys dropping from red boxes is the most annoying thing but its funny
Corrupted Slime 24 Feb, 2020 @ 9:21am 
I mean not being able to drop from random boxes and presents
Corrupted Slime 23 Feb, 2020 @ 7:46am 
Would it be possible to make the keys not being able to spawn in random crates?
Butterfly 31 Dec, 2019 @ 11:52am 
Amazing job; you've really entered the true man's world.
Average Alchemist 30 Mar, 2019 @ 11:13pm 
Please for the love of god make a map collection already
Rusty Elite05 21 Nov, 2018 @ 4:33pm 
my game crashed thanks to the yoyo uwu