Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

43 ratings
Franky's Halloween Hoo Ha
A collection of mods to spruce things up for HALLOWEEN~
Items (21)
Candy Cones
Candy Corn Caution Cones~...
Ghost blood!
A modification of Supermonkey's Pixel Hearts Mod http://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=160433640&searchtext=pixel+hearts Makes you bleed ghosts, try not to lose all your souls. ;y...
Halloween boxes!~
Spooky little cardboard boxes~...
Sexy tunnel of witches~
http://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=682755272&searchtext=peep+show A modification of Moe Stooge's Tunnel of Love Peep Show. Now halloweeny, part of a broad halloween collection....
Spooky Carnival
Posters, Billboards, Bumper carts, Tents, Stage, and Slide! *Update* No longer conflicting with: http://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1177893318...
Spooky Gui
Edits various aspects of the l4d2 gui, health bars become candycorn coloured, weapon icons become purple, etc....
Spooky Dead Center
Adds Spooky Jimmy Gibbs, halloween elevator numbers, and more....
ADVANCED:Halloween Backgrounds
5 animated backgrounds, grabbed from various sources. - Download the GCFScape to extract the .vpk files. - Choose to open this mod with the GCFScape. - You'll find this mod in Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\addons\workshop - The vpk will h...
Halloween Decor sans Candy-canes
Title says it all. If you encounter any bugs please lemme know in the comments, I'm quite new to .mdl mods...
Worm Whacker('Stach whacker mod)
Creepy crawly crushing!...
Graveyard Gallery!
Save lil' Peanut's candy!...
RNG Halloween Stuffed
Stuffed animals are orange green and purple randomly every level!...
Halloween Pumpkin Boomer
Spooky Jack-O-Lantern boomers! Male and Female. best with http://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1169817298 ...
Halloween Ghost Ship
A haunted Halloween pirate's ship to replace the boat in Deathtoll for Halloween. No Halloween is complete without pirates, so this Halloween, don't forget this piece of booty! tags: Halloween...
Nick's Devil Voice
A modification of "A Scary Cat Person That You Hate"s reverse mod http://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=670675481&searchtext=reverse To go with the devilish Nick mod by Mr_Black http://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=81243809...
Under a spooky sky
I really liked Dad's Under a bloody sky, but it wasn't orange and purple enough. This fixes that. Happy Halloween....
Imagine a batstorm. But... You have no hands. Happy Halloween....
Spooky Trees!
It's time for spook! Replaces most of the trees in the game with these horrifying gnarled dead willows! Some say every tree has a soul... there's no telling how wicked the spirits of this forest may be! Screenshots featuring Spooky Grass and Spooky Texture...
Spooky Textures!
It's time for spook! Replaces most floor, wall, ceiling, and roof textures with a spooky assortment of materials. Screenshots featuring Spooky Grass and Spooky Trees ...
Spooky Water!
Spooky water with sould floating through it! Not super satisfied with this, but hey, it's fun. ...
Linked collections (1)
In 2 collections by Franky D. Coolsevelt
My Halloween Choices
168 items
Pranky and Zombe's Halloween bash!
40 items