Royal Elemental
British Columbia, Canada
About me: im a 436Ib white male, with a eating disorder, I love playing games on my I-pad *cough* *cough*, and sometimes playing on my steam deck pause... open mouth i-pad stare... *cough*.

- Who am I?

Picture this... a 14 year old WHITE male trapped in the body of a man, slathered with a layer of lard, producing a visible must of pure sweat, hands covered in a layer of crust (similar to that, which one might find between his keyboard), face and body covered in layers of fatty skin folded upon layers of fatty skin, providing a dark moist ecosystem to many forms of bacteria, pimples the circumference of pennies scattered like a severe case of skin boils, that randomly pop and release a oozy stream of yellow puss, further adding to my crusty layer of lard and skin, my receding hairline produces copious amounts dandruff, I collect in a jar beside my desk, that I release across my room, like a snow blizzard, every Christmas day to provide myself with an experience of "snow", due to my agoraphobia directed towards leaving my room, my yellow toe nails are uneven scrape the tiled floor of the my parents basement, my fingernails twice the size of the average high school band kid, with a terrible rare extreme case of hypodontia in which I have no teeth.

- Why did I lose the team the game?

There are two possibilities, either I was chewing my toe nails, or I got board and was playing Granny's Garden 1983 on my i-pad, I frequently loose interest unless provided a constant influx of dopamine, at times you might be able to pick up audible back ground noises of my 6 phones all on YouTube shorts. On a side note, i've been told im a Gen X version of a stereotypical Gen Alpha with type: combined version of ADHD... unfortunately I still have yet to play both of these "Gen" games so I cannot relate.

- Why am I slow to react to in game encounters?

Due to my fabby brow skin, my eyes are slighly covered making my visual detection slightly subpar, my processing in my visual cortex can be compared to a buffer bottlenecking, my brain's interpretation can be compared to that of the dodo, followed by emotional processing which usually results in high oxytocin levels, then my brain decides to snail mail my decision and motor response, which can take 3-4 business days, only to be misinterpreted due to intense confusing business jargon message compacted into a brain signal, returned with a correspondence from my fingers saying "the heck you mean: Circle back the bandwidth we need to deep dive the core competency provide leverage to give us the bleeding edge? I don't understand business slang bro!", followed shortly by a educated guess from my fingers to compensate for the lack of communication to produce a well overdue execution of movement, followed by a rush of dopamine.

- How did I carry the team?

(insufficient data)

- My past job experiences?

I used to moderate a discord server, in which random anime lovers (weeb's or otaku's) would come together to e-date. targeted audience, anyone with gynophobia. Unfortunately I was fired within a month.

- Why I am no longer a discord mod?

For two reasons, I apparently was hideous to look at, I made "big mom from one piece look like tsundere Mai Sakurajima". The other reason being I had no understanding of the film genre they called "any-may?", nor did I have any understanding of the black speech they sometimes conserved amongst each other, they called it the language of the "J.a.p.-aunties?".

- Why do I make weird noises?

My body produces three noises, a flabby skin slappy noise: (I am shifting my numerous folds of fatty skin/weight in my gaming chair) a whimpering, crying, pig snorting noise: (I am raging, whining and throwing a temper tantrum) a loud breathing noise (I am breathing quietly).

ps. I shake because I have epilepsy.
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Recent Activity
30 hrs on record
last played on 2 Mar
632 hrs on record
last played on 28 Feb
7.6 hrs on record
last played on 17 Feb
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