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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 17.3 hrs on record (7.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 17 Aug, 2023 @ 3:34am

I think I need to give this game a bit more time to enjoy, but currently it is just frustrating, especially because it does not much to help new players.
There are not mucht tutorial information, most of the stuff I just found out by trial and error or by reading some guides.
Also I don't know much about the story, since I didn't have played the previous games and I will not bother.
Every other game out there does a good job by explaining what has happend so far, how the world works and so on, but here that knowledge is just taken for granted in this game and nothing gets explainend.
You don't now who is this organisation or that god, and therefore can't really choose on which side you want to be or what is right or wrong for your character or the world.
Sometimes you even get dialog options with things your character knows, because of some classes or the characters origin, but you as player don't know this and it seems like you can't even read an encelopedia or something, to at least now what your character does.

And the game might seem like it gives you a lot of choiches, but to really play like you want, I guess you should have played the game at least once completly, to know how to do things, or lese it is just incredibly hard.
Then you also seem to need to xeplore everything and do every side quest to be strong enought to actually do the main quest, since you are forced the whole times into battles that you don't want and standing agains a lot more enemys with higher levels than you have.

I don't get why the story creates the urgency of you get a healing for you (to say without much spoilers) condition and then makes it pretty impossible to get to this point without side quests and stuff.
And on the other hand, if you leave yourself time, to do questing and explore the world, then you get punishded too.
So how am I supposed to enjoy the game, when I constantly get keeped on the edge and on the other hand get punished to rush to quickly?

Also it might seem, like you can choose which character should follow you and fight with you, but basically you have to accept everyon to your party (however you like thrust them or not), because otherwise the battles just get incredibly hard.
(At least I just have two different party members, besides my character and have the feeling, I would have died a lot less, if there where more guys around.)
I am even not sure about the concept, that you meet most relevant characters at the beginning where they could join you or not (besides you don't know anything about them and their motives) and then every character you encounter is just a story-npc that cannot join your party.
Would be better if some would ask you to join your party, after you have done some quest for them an got them to know a bit.

Finally the battle system adds to the frustrating, because there are also a lot of things you have to know and utilize, that don't get explained to you.
How sould I know I can carry explosive barrels and stuff within my inventory, and use them later in a battle, if this gets only explained in some guides outside the game or only gets found out by the player after hours of playing?

In the end the problem with the game seems, tha you as player don't now how to behave.
You get trained, that every person is not to be trust and that you should be carefull and if you do you either miss content because you don't speak with some persons or you get dragged into a fight, because the person is pissed of.
I guess the problem is less with the idea of this or the games concept, but more of how the reward and punish systems works and you basically can't do anything right, whatever you do.

I think this game can be great fun, if you take your time and effort to learn a lot of the game from other sources, so that you can untilize the knowledge within the game itself, but if you just want to enjoy the game itself, then brace yourself for a lot of realoding after your death even up to some hours of gameplay earlyer, to travel a different path, that might make things a bit more easy.

Maybe I am just playing the game wrong or the game is supposed to be some kind of 'realistic fantasy world simulator'-elden ring thing, but that just makes it too frustrating for me.
Lets see how my opinion will change in the future, but for now the game feels a bit to inacessible for me.
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