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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries
Wu Kingdaissance - AI Submods
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Choose only one of them After that put it under Wu Kingdaissance Have Fun Functions More Powerful AI : ★★★★★ HEROIC AI : ★★★★★★ DEMONIC AI : ★★★★★★+ Characters satisfaction bonus for faction ✖ -5 -1 Recruitment cost all -25 -55 -85 Ability recharge -25 -30
Campagne épique Bataille du loup blanc Wu Kingdaissance
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Radious Wu Kingdaissance Compatibility Patch Les mods sont placés par ordre de chargement, car je n'ai pas pu ajouter ce mod qui devrait être placé au-dessus de Wu Kingdaissance. Pour l'installation des mods Arrow Trails Redux et Dust Particules suivez le
ARK APEX Collection!
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Check the Google Doc for the settings
CDDA Collection B41
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CDDA: Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead What is CDDA: Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, or C:DDA, is a post-apocalyptic survival RPG that challenges players to not only survive, but battle a wide range of zombies that threaten their lives. With more crafting, skills, p
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