P A N I L L I O N(demi leader)
LOUISON   France
j'étais bon dans le passé coté jeux vidéos...
malheuresement j'ai l'azheimer

don't get blinded by stereotypes, thinking that beyond the cloud you see an easy target only to see that it became more and mort difficult as you see it trough its line

hatred as you destroy the real person in front of you and you would never see yourself in a mirror like the one you we're
push the line too far and your ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up

talk to people, like you would care for yourself, it ain't about prophecy, about earning
its about you, not the family and every bad situation you faced
it truly is about perseption
Зараз не в мережі
Улюблена гра
Остання активність
5,5 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 6 берез.
136 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 6 берез.
140 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 6 берез.
P A N I L L I O N(demi leader) 11 січ. о 10:39 
this game as too much lore, why should i play every game
got my kinda stuff, i don't care bout yer silly opinion le ptit chandronier dmé deux
car en vrai
ce qui compte c'est le fun qu'on as sur le jeux de notre enfance
je me dirais etre heureux d'etre le seul fr a jouer a supreme commander 2 et rester un lointain fan d'un jeux mort
comparé a une license blindé d'information et de truc spatial
Goldor 11 січ. о 10:07 
- REP he don't play Total War Warhammer
P A N I L L I O N(demi leader) 8 січ. о 2:35 
that's why social are created to begin with
to have fun with people you never knew
GerTarBar 8 січ. о 0:05 
My friends are funny guys, I always want to discuss them with laughter
P A N I L L I O N(demi leader) 7 січ. о 6:37 
why are you reading here ?
there's only the most reserved conversation on some friend that you random wouldn't understand
i mean..yeah in some way it clearly show who i am
P A N I L L I O N(demi leader) 19 листоп. 2024 о 4:37 
im still myself