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18.4 timer totalt (13.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It's a Spongebob game that doesn't suck.
Buy it you barnacle-head.
Publisert 28. juni 2020.
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19.0 timer totalt (3.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
EDIT: Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania was announced lately and it is a collection of Super Monkey Ball 1, 2, and Deluxe. 100% Buy that instead when it launches, and skip this game. Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania will be 100x better than this. The original Monkey Ball games are masterpieces, ignore this one. But here's my original review.

My original review of this game was positive, but I have changed it since my perspective has changed quite a bit.

Back then I was a bit more optimistic because it was the first Monkey Ball release in several years, but I've had a bit of a change of heart.

If you catch me on a good day I'd call this a semi-guilty pleasure, this game isn't terrible or horribly awful. But it is a remaster of the game that symbolizes the death of the Super Monkey Ball series.

I mean Super Monkey Ball Adventure exists, which was awful, but that game was the odd one out, it was a spin off, there were multiple great Monkey Ball games before that, one bad game wouldn't completely tank the series. But this was the most recent mainline entry in the series and launched it into a brand new direction, and that can make an impact on the series.

It was mediocre on the Wii, and it's mediocre on PC and everything else too. The graphics have gotten a good looking upgrade and the controls have been tightened up to work without motion controls. But what that leaves us with is a game that was built with a non-traditional control scheme and in turn leaves us with a game that is incredibly easy in the first half before only getting difficult in the last 2 worlds of the game which leaves us with levels comparable in difficulty to a late Advanced level or an early Expert level in the first two games. (Except 10-5 in this game is one of the hardest levels in the entire series in my opinion.)

Now you can mod the original game's OST in, but the fantastic OST of the base game has been replaced with brand new tracks or, the majority here, reused tracks from older games like Super Monkey Ball, Super Monkey Ball 2, and Super Monkey Ball 3D. The OST for this game is still really good, I do like a lot of the new tracks and think they are very fitting, but the older tracks are only good because they were in the older games, so that's more of a plus for those games instead of this one.

Also 4/5 of the Party games from the original Wii game are gone, they did this to "enhance" fewer of the party games to be more quality, but what they really mean for the most part is make them playable with only button controls. I can only note more targets and bananas in Monkey Target and more bananas in Monkey Snowboard. They didn't even choose some that would've been favorable, where's Monkey Bowling, Monkey Golf, Monkey Race, and Monkey Wars? Those not only were some of the more in-depth party games, but also some of my personal favorites.

There's a part of me that likes this game, but it isn't good. the review I wrote before this was me being desperate for Monkey Ball to be a success. If you liked the original Wii game, you'll like this, aside from the 40 missing party games. Other than that, I would only recommend if you really wanna support the Monkey Ball series and see more games from them in the future, they chose the wrong game to put effort in remastering. If you're gonna hold a series hostage and only make more if the consumers buy the most recent game, at least make sure it's a game that people want. Other than that it's just a ♥♥♥♥ move. That's what this game is, a ♥♥♥♥ move. It is a functional and playable ♥♥♥♥ move, but it is a ♥♥♥♥ move nonetheless.


If you want to know what made Super Monkey Ball such a special series in the first place, go and buy Super Monkey Ball, Super Monkey Ball 2, or Super Monkey Ball Deluxe.
Publisert 10. desember 2019. Sist endret 30. juni 2021.
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52.3 timer totalt (10.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
If there's one Five Nights at Freddy's game you should play, it's this one. I haven't played since around launch, but Five Night's at Freddy's is easily at its best in VR.

The thing that I like to praise the most about this game is that not only is it in full VR with motion controls, but it genuinely looks really good too, the 3D is really well done, all of the character models look great, and the animations are creepy and robotic too. Around launch, after a certain patch, there was a major graphical glitch on the Oculus Rift versions of the game when using cameras of any sorts, but that's the only form of nausea I got from this game, but I'm sure it's been patched at this point. This game won't make you sick from any kind of movement issues unless if it's intended. The only thing you may get sick from is the creepy horror atmosphere, but that's a good thing when you think about it.

It also feels good to play, especially the original FNAF trilogy games. Looking through the hallway to see Bonnie or Chica walking down it was genuinely scary, especially when Chica is looking at you through the window, and everything else feels natural in VR. I especially loved the Parts and Services & Vent Repair games, Mangle and Ennard's modes were easily my favorite parts of the game.

There are parts of this game I couldn't freaking stand though, and had me genuinely rage, to be fair, I didn't really like the first two Dark Room minigames to begin with, you have to flash your light at Plushtrap and Nightmare BB when they're on the X, but that kinda just felt random, and if you mess up, then it's just a jumpscare showing that you did a bad. But the part that I despised in this game were the Plushbaby Minigames, I'm just gonna say it, I genuinely thought that this one was garbage. You're in pitch black behind the prize counter, and you have to shine your light on Plushbabys that are trying to come get you, you have limited battery on your flashlight, and there are 3 plushbabys that come at you whenever they feel like it. If you die, the game has no buildup to its jumpscare, it literally just cuts to one of the Plushbabys shaking in your face with no animation, it's a still 3D model, and yes, the jumpscares of these do get me, but the problem is that the noise is so loud and the plushbaby literally just pops into play on your face. All of the other jumpscares have the characters come into view from the shadows and they got me for good reason, those got a good scare out of me. Plushbaby just cuts to the front of your vision and then you die, the end. Though the Funtime Foxy minigame after that monstrosity was a pretty good challenge, I liked that one.

To top it all off though, there's a Hard version of every mode called Nightmare mode. I think the Nightmare modes for the other games were pretty well done, have nice visual changes, and offered genuine challenge if you ask me. But the problem is that there's a hard mode of the Plushbaby minigame, and it's way worse, the Plushbabys look more ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up and everything in there are plushbabys, all of them. This was the point in the game that I gave up at, I already tortured myself beating the first Plushbaby minigame, but a harder version of that would destroy me, I didn't do it, my heart can't take the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ jumpscare that has no build up whatsoever and just plays the loudest noise in the game, any other jumpscare for this garbage minigame would be fine. I felt nothing but relief after the first Plushbaby minigame.

The problem is that means I didn't beat the game, to beat the game, you have to beat every single minigame in both normal mode and Nightmare mode, as you now know though, I didn't do that. Anything involving a Plushbaby minigame is trash in my opinion.

However, despite that one minigame though, if you want a good scare, definitely buy this one, you may be able to get past the Plushbaby minigames, I just couldn't take them myself, I did everything else in the game, but not those, I refuse. There are also loads of secrets to discover, but I won't spoil them all. I think this is the most well-made Five Nights at Freddy's games in the series, if I were to score it, I'd give it an 8/10 if I was being generous.

Addition: Haven't gotten around to the Halloween DLC yet, but there is now a non-VR mode to this VR game. I'm a little conflicted, on one hand, it makes the game more accessible to a wider audience, and on the other hand, it completely tarnishes the entire purpose of this game, to be a Five Nights at Freddy's game in VR.

Since I have no excuse now, how is it? It's playable. The game is meant to be experienced in VR though, but if this is your first FNAF game, I'd say get this one over the other games. But VR is definitely the recommended way to play the game if you ask me, it plays fine with a controller or keyboard and mouse, but it was meant to be played in VR, and a good chunk of the challenge and immersion is lost, but thankfully it is just an option.
Publisert 27. oktober 2019. Sist endret 18. desember 2019.
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8 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
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136.7 timer totalt (101.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
So I know you might think I love the game if I have 100 hours in this game, truth be told, in short, this game is not that good at all, I play the mods.

Sonic Forces somehow combines the smooth and exciting gameplay of Sonic Generations and Colors, but only includes the worst parts of them. They don't mesh well at all, making for a very sloppy game experience in this latest installment of Sonic the Hedgehog.

This has to be one of the most hyped up Sonic games in his history, in an era where things finally seemed to be going perfectly fine for Sonic and they know how to work on this damn 3D formula, in about a span of 6 years they somehow immediately forgot and tried to replicate their past selves in a very poor way.

This game's story was one of the main hype points of this game, a world where Eggman has taken over and Sonic is at risk of death... Sounds cool, but they didn't execute it well at all. This is nothing like what the trailers made it look like to be, the trailers had these awesome CGI animations that almost looked like a movie you'd see on a big screen, we gonna get to see all of the sweet details of how Eggman completely destroyed the world! Nope, it's all done through text, there are cutscenes, but they're bland 30fps in-game cutscenes that look quite ugly. Sonic is assumed dead in the beginning after losing a fight to a new enemy: Infinite, and Tails just watches as Sonic get's dragged across the floor... Tails is freaking useless in this story, he can't fight or even defeat Chaos 0 in his weakest form even though he beat Chaos 4 before in Adventure 1. Immediately after Sonic dies and you finish creating your character, Sonic is suddenly found alive... Wow. We were finally getting some kind of sense of hopelessness in this world as was supposed to be the intended tone, I mean think about it, the main character is assumed DEAD, who's gonna save them now? They couldn't go for one level without saying that Sonic is gone for good. Some of the dialogue doesn't match with what the characters say at all, Silver says that "Tails has just lost it..." then the next scene, Tails is all jolly and fixing E-123 Omega, so what the heck happened, did they forget they were going for an apocalyptic tone so they tossed in a few sloppy depressing lines? So after Tails almost gets attacked by Chaos, Classic Sonic suddenly appears as this game was a tie-in from Sonic Mania, I wish this game deserved that sentence... Your Avatar then goes to space to free Sonic from prison, which again, by the way, Sonic was apparently TORTURED yet when we see him, he is perfectly okay. After that it's then a basic plot to stop Eggman as usual, but just slightly darker toned for the $$$.

So Sonic isn't really all about that story, right? Because it's the GAMEPLAY where Sonic usually shines, the redeeming factor to a game's ♥♥♥♥ story- nope, it is not good, at all. First I'd like to mention how absolutely lazy this level design is, there are SOME levels that actually do fine for level design and end up making a legitimately good level at times, but the first level is super uninteresting, after the first 2 jumps of the first stage, you can literally just boost for the rest of the stage and occasionally jump. Thanks to the level design, there are things I could gladly make mistakes for if I'm not paying attention, but the game just says "oh well" and puts me back on track anyway, I didn't even do anything. The game is automated up the butt and the game shows it, most of the turns, the game does for you, just hold up, now there are sometimes where the game makes you turn left or right in 3D, but it just feels like you're changing rails on a train track. But the game isn't always easy, there is quite a difficulty spike at the end of the game, and it is because it focuses on mainly platforming based levels, doesn't sound hard, right? Well I hate to say it, but it's infuriating to newcomers of this game.
I can say the same thing with all 3 playable characters (not including Shadow), they all control horribly, this has to be one of the worst controls in a Sonic game I've ever played. Normally in Sonic you increase speed the longer you run, it's called acceleration, Forces doesn't understand acceleration, at least for the 3D sections, pushing the analog stick makes Sonic walk for about 2 seconds and then absolutely goes max speed in a full sprint unexpectingly, and it feels super unnatural, same goes for the Avatar, and believe me, this will cause many stupid deaths as a newcomer to this game. The jumping is even worse, jumping is first of all, very floaty, and second of all, if you let go of the direction you're moving in when in midair, Sonic and the Avatar just comes to a complete stop, but if you turn the other way, Sonic just goes "screw physics" and just instantly reverses, this is if you're making a slow jump, by the way. Classic Sonic on the other hand is the worst gameplay style in this game, Classic Sonic has a very slow max speed and the max speed doesn't increase when going down slopes and running, the perfect example of why this sucks is in Stage 18... Rolling down a slope this time feels okay, but when you fly from a ramp, you can't move Classic Sonic at all, also, if you hit a wall while rolling, Classic Sonic just does a complete nose-dive and completely screws up the physics. It hardly even works with his level design either, I can't believe they didn't see how garbage these controls were. I should also mention what the 3 characters do, Sonic has a boost, Avatar has a customizable Wispon that shoots projectiles and has a grappling hook which is another excuse for automation, and Classic Sonic is only in 2D and can spindash and dropdash. That's honestly all you really need to know about them. Oh, and there's also a Tag Team gameplay Style that gives me Sonic Heroes nostalgia, but it's basically Sonic and the Avatar fused together, and I honestly wouldn't mind if the whole game was like this, I think they wouldn't've had to focus on many different gameplay styles so they could focus on the level design and gimmicks maybe.

Usually the saving factor in Sonic games is the music, and here, it's kind of a mixed bag, some tracks are absolute fan favorites and even I love them, and some others are instrumental garbage, mainly the Classic Sonic songs, the main theme: Fist Bump, is actually a cool main theme, even though it's used a lot. There's mixes of Electronic Modern music, Pop-sounding songs for the Avatar, which are mixed, and Classic Sonic is Genesis throwbacks. It's an alright soundtrack, but it isn't the best.

The game's graphics are actually pretty darn good, the game handles at a smooth 60fps on all platforms except for Nintendo Switch, and the environments do look quite nice and can occasionally look hectic, which is good for this game's apocalyptic tone. The 3D models also look well made and lip-syncing actually isn't that bad this time around in cutscenes, even though the cutscenes don't look very good, if Sonic Unleashed ran at 60fps, I'd say there's no comparison between the two, but at least this game looks nice along with performance and Unleashed's engine looked beautiful but has poor framerate. The game even looks nice on the Switch as well, it's just 30fps.

So, in the end, I don't think Sonic Forces is a good game, at all, but that's kind of the weird thing, I sound like I've trashed it the whole time, but I don't think it's a terrible game either, there are some bright moments in this otherwise sloppy mess, but the rest of it is just not good, it is surprisingly fun to speedrun though, you can do some crazy strats with Sonic's weird controls, but I'm just bringing the score up there in that sliiiiiight fun factor. I think if this game was called "Sonic the Hedgehog: The Telltale Game," I think the game could somewhat pass this automation for most of the levels...


Would only recommend to the absolute diehard of Sonic Fans.
Publisert 16. august 2018.
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63.0 timer totalt (20.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Wow. Activision really needs to do more things like this, because not only is this a great PC port, but this is a fantastic game collection!

Right off the bat, for $40, you get what you paid for, three classic PS1 Classics remade from scratch to have it already covered in this modern-day coat of paint. This remaster is just as good as the originals were, unless if you have your nostalgia goggles on extreme, because there are sliiiiiiight things that have changed, but they're very minor, like sound clips, details, etc.

I'd like to mention a little early that you do not need to worry, this is an extremely well optimized PC port of the N. Sane Trilogy, you can adjust the graphics to your liking from low, medium, high, and ultra. The game now also runs at a buttery smooth 60fps compared to the console versions' 30fps, I don't think I experienced any framerate hiccups in my run, and if I did, it was most likely just my computer, so if you are thinking to get this game on PC as opposed to console, do it, well worth the money, but I don't know if I can say the same if you already own the game, I'd say yes if you're gonna like the 60fps and potential mods.

Graphically, it's pretty obvious that this game looks stunning. The environments look lush and atmospheric, and everything you see is rediculously well animated. To say that the graphics were greatly improved over the PS1 games would be an incredible understatement. However, many do argue that Crash's fur looks really... off in lighting, and I do have to agree, I'd have to describe it as a ton of people pointing flashlights on Crash, it doesn't look too good there.

Also, the sound design is really good, the PS1 games were also good with sound design, but this takes things to a whole new level. The jungle has never sounded so atmospheric, sometimes it's nice to just turn down the music and just take it all in, if you feel like it, the remixes of the songs used are also a nice listen, some people would disagree, but I like the remixes here, they're fun to listen to.

Gameplay, is kind of a traditional 3D platformer, you run, jump, and spin enemies. In the later games, you do gain more abilities to Crash's moveset like sliding and giving him a super powerful body slam, but other than that, it's traditional platforming, so you'll like it if you're into that kind of stuff, the level design is also pretty solid, the game is actually really challenging, believe it or not, this game can make you frustrated at times, and it's mostly fair challenge though, there were... very few occasions where I disagree to that, but if I messed up something, I know it was my fault and not the game.
The difficulty curve actually isn't horrible, levels do get increasingly harder as you go, at least in the first game, and you will be TESTED in the final world of Crash 1, to be honest, the other 2 games are easier in my opinion.

When it comes to variety in the worlds, Crash 1, it's basically jungle, then temple to machinery, quite simple. In Crash 2, we got your jungles, rainforests, icelands, ruins, the sewers, and even space! But Crash 3 is where they take the variety of the first 2 games, and tosses them out the window and claims: "Watch THIS." Crash 3 involves Time Travel, so they went all out, we have the Medival Times, your Aquatic caverns, a bike race in the country, running along the Great Wall of China, Jet Skiing around the Pirate seas, and even flying a plane in World War I! The variety is insane and I haven't even mentioned them all, I'll leave that to you.

There probably wasn't much to say negatively on this game, but honestly, it's really really good, this game was made with heart and it just shows how amazing Crash used to be, well he might currently be good now, thanks to this masturful collection! I, and many others, since this game sold really well, hope to see Crash return in some sort of new game later down the line, with Vicarious Visions on our side, and even Toys for Bob, the people who did Skylanders of all things, those two can do wonderous things with the Orange Bandicoot, but only time will tell.

Publisert 3. juli 2018.
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46.7 timer totalt (23.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
In case you wanted a positive actual review about the game, look no further, I apparently am one of the few who have a working version of Sonic Mania.

This game opens with a beautiful intro animation, showing the true charm and love in Sonic Mania. When you select a new save file, the game opens up very similar to Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but the Phantom Ruby, along with the new Hard Boiled Heavies, scatter Sonic and friends off to familiar places such as Green Hill and Chemical Plant, as well as new zones.

For those who think Sonic has a bad 3D lifestyle, Classic Fans will feel right at home with Sonic Mania, Sonic has his good ol' Genesis physics and moves back in action in this new 2D game, as well as the new Drop Dash which really keeps the game flowing if you use it effectively, but Sonic isn't the only playable character, Tails & Knuckles also make their grand return as playable characters. Tails can fly by rapidly tapping the jump button in midair and Knuckles can glide and climd walls. Each character has their strengths and weaknesses and have a decent balance, in short, Sonic is the speedster, Tails can fly and explore, and Knuckles can break through certain walls and is the overall power type.

This game has a magical soundtrack composed by Tee Lopes. No track in this game sounds boring and dull, each track is a masterpiece to listen to, and is easily one of the best Sonic OSTs in his history. From remixes to new tunes, this is truly a soundtrack to have in your collection.

The game's visuals are bright, colorful, and most of all, nostalgic. Sonic and all of the characters are sprite animated beautifully, every frame is charming and has a lot of care put into the game. Also the backgrounds of each stage are brought to life in some sort of way, from trains passing by in Studiopolis, to falling petals from trees in Press Garden. The only visual downside is if you get a headache from all of the fast paced gameplay happening on screen. That isn't a problem for me though!

Overall, Sonic Mania is truly one of the best Sonic games in YEARS. if you don't own this game, c'mon, it's $20. If you are a platformer fan, you'll love this game, and I don't need to tell you to get this if you're a Sonic Fan! Mania is truly...
By the Mania
For the Mania


Play it
Publisert 30. august 2017. Sist endret 26. november 2017.
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657.5 timer totalt (207.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Terraria, a 2D sanbox adventure game and a lot of people call it the 2d counterpart to Minecraft, they do have their similarities and differences, but they aren't too similar.

Terraria plays kinda like a 2d platformer if you get what I'm saying and there is a lot of combat, you can mine with pickaxes and build houses to populate your village. The controls on keyboad and mouse is the best way to play Terraria, I never had to re-map my controls, so aiming and building was never a problem, there is also 2 different types of cursors, manual cursor, and smart cursor. Manual cursor helps with building structures and houses and placing wherever you want, while Smart cursor is better for mining and filling walls in a house. I use both for each of their own purposes.

The soundtrack for Terraria is a charm in almost everyway, each tune fits with their own unique environment. Whether you're in calm relaxing beaches, or the intense sound of Alien Invasions and big boss fights. Or they can sound dark and depressing in the depths of the Underworld with hot molten lava and flying demons and hellbats.

Terraria's art style takes us back to the 16 bit era with some fancy modern effects rarely. You can change it to where it looks a bit more modern with hot areas having the look of hot air, if you get what I'm saying, and waters have beautiful ripple effects. Or you can change it to where it has none of those fancy effects and looks really retro and takes us back to the 90's. Both art styles are great ways to look at Terraria.

If you like hard games with intense battles and upgrading armor and gear with a satisfaction of getting stonger and stronger and being able to take down even bigger bosses as you progress, Terraria is for you. If not, still recommend you check out Terraria. It's a great experience from beginning to end, and you may even be back for more runs even if you already beat the game, I also didn't mention, there is an Expert Mode for hardcore players, so Terraria is a game that everyone can pick up and enjoy, specifically gamers.


Publisert 27. november 2016.
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14.3 timer totalt (7.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
So, reviews have been shot out early this morning with not recommended to recommended scores. I'll give my review of the game right here.

Pacman CE 2 is a sequel to the 2 almost perfect games: Pacman Championship Edition and Pacman Championship Edition Deluxe. Does this game hold up just as well? Let's see

Let's Talk about the gameplay, if you're familiar with Pacman CE or just Pacman in general, you should feel right at home with this game, it's very fast paced, and still pretty difficult to achieve very high scores. Eating Ghosts feels even more satisfying than ever in this game. All you have to do to complete an area of the maze is simply much all the power pellets until the fruit bar below is full, then you collect the fruit, BOOM, on to the next area. If you look at this game and think it's super hard, don't worry, there's a tutorial that will teach you all of the basics and tricks you need to know. I also feel the need to say, if you lose a life, it only takes about two seconds to get back in the game, nice way to keep that system going. Fighting bosses, which is a new mechanic in the game, is simpler than you think, collect the pellets, then catch the fuit that's fleeing, be careful though, once you collect all of the pellets, all of the ghosts will become angry, so be careful. This game also just feels so satisfying to play! Especially when you eat up a Ghost Train.

The Music, as you'd expect, is really good, though I personally have an issue that no one else seems to have, the music cuts off when the timer hits 15 seconds in 5 minute Score Attack mode, my game must not be running correctly, can someone figure out why? Anyway, the music adds to the expierience a LOT. I keep beating my head to the tunes of the tracks, heck, even the HUD's beat along to the rhythm!!! Nice touch!

Now lets talk about the Graphics and Presentation. This game doesn't look as simple as 2D sprites anymore, no, we've launched into 3D sprites! They all look very retro and still feel very Pacman-like. The atmoshpere feels very intense because of the mini ghosts moving around and how fast paced the gameplay is, the game also runs at a stunning 60fps. However, this game is just a little difficult to run on PC, so I'd check the specification requirements before purchasing the game on your PC.

A lot of people seem to be giving this game bad reviews for the game not loading, or the framerate is too low, that's a problem THEY are having, if you have the right specifications for this game, you're good to go! Also, guys, don't give the game a bad review for problems you're having, first, check to see if several other people are having the same issue before calling that an instant Con, ok? Just wanted to get that out of the way.

Overall, I really think Pacman Championship Edition 2 is a great game that any Pacman fan, or just any video game fan in general should buy! I recommend this game to all audiences that like fast paced, intense, and thrilling games! Pacman Championship Edition 2 is between a GREAT and AMAZING game!


Thanks for reading my review! I really hope this helped. $12.99 is definetely worth the price you're paying for this game.
Publisert 13. september 2016.
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52.0 timer totalt (26.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Racing games have been a huge genre in the gaming industry, most racing games are really popular, like Mario Kart, Forza, etc., and there are really bad ones like Big Rigs Over the Road Racing. Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog in the late 90's made their own spinoff Sonic Racing games, but the first one's were Sonic R, and Sonic Drift, these two games were considered by many to be terrible. then during the time of the PS2, Sega released a new franchise called "Sega Superstars," this game was really mediocre because it was one of the few games on the system to use the Playstation Eye, but it registered poorly, so the game was not good. Sega decided to step back into racing in 2006, with Sonic Riders, released for Gamecube, Xbox, PS2, and PC, this game was much better than Sonic R and Drift, it was different because unlike most racing games, this racing game used hoverboards, and a sequel was released in 2008.

2 years after Sonic Riders Zero Gravity, Sega decided to revive Sega Superstars with a tennis game before 2010, and in 2010, we got Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing. This racing game released for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, and PC, recevied really positive reviews. So much that it could start comparing to Mario Kart.

2 short years after Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing, we got the game were talking about today... Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed. Released for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U, PC, 3DS, PSVita, and mobile devices. So, is this a good racing game? Yes. The graphics on PC are stunning, especially in Max Settings, running 60fps, the colors are bright and colorful, and the small blur affects make the game a bit more intense. The gameplay plays like its original, Steer, Accelerate, Drift to charge up a mini turbo, and do tricks in mid air, which is replaced by flicking the right control stick in a specific direction, (I'm assuming you have a controller) the trick system is a lot simpler and quicker than the original.

The main gimic of this game is the ability to transform your kart into a boat, or plane, in boat form, you can ride the waves and perform tricks by jumping off waves, specifically big ones, and even ride on hot lava, literally. In plane form, you can fly around in the air, while doing barrel rolls to dodge mid air obstacles, such as giant dinosaurs, construction areas, magic bookshelves, and flying aircrafts.

The game has a wide variety of modes, race, grand prix, time attack, world tour, battle mode, and even online, and the game has 20 race tracks and a large selection of Sega characters, and I mean it. You can even level up your favorite character and unlock mods for your character to customize their stats! So you can use your favorite character and still have good stats! Also, there are a handfull of collectable stickers and badges to put on your ID card.

The soundtrack in this game is really good, with many remixes, but voice clips are resused from past Sega games. But it is still nice to listen to to say the least.

If I had to give a final verdict on the game, I would say if Sega's goal was to make a racing game that uses features from many other Sega franchises, and bundle it all into one epic racing game, than they accomplished that very well, the gameplay is good, the soundtrack is epic, the online is fun, the selection of characters is great, and the graphics are beautiful to look at on the PC, but not so much on the Console versions of the game. This is a fantastic racing game that will keep you playing for hours, and has really fun online, I can safely say that this is one of the best racing games out there. I score this game with a 9/10. $20 is a good price, but in the steam sales, $5 is ridiculous, you better buy this in the sales! I reccomend this to any racing fan out there!
Publisert 11. mai 2016.
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Sonic Generations is a game celebrating Sonic's 20th aniversary, the game introduces the Sonic from the past, and then Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic team up to fight for the fate of the world. Anyway, the gameplay is simple! Classic Sonic plays like Sonic in the old days, except now you can hold x to charge up your spindash and then let loose, the problem with Classic Sonic though is that his spindash is too overpowered, and sometimes he doesnt roll when ever you hold down and go down a slope, oh boy, if this game were Sonic 1...... Modern Sonic plays almost exactly like he did in Sonic Unleashed (Day time stages) and Sonic Colors. you can boost, do homing attacks, but cannot spindash like Classic Sonic can, instead you have to boost to smash your way through objects. This game also looks GORGEOUS the attention to detail is absoulutely great, and the game runs at a smooth and solid 60 frames per second, but only on PC, on console it runs 30 frames per second. So, do I recommend this game? Yes I definetely do! If you're a Sonic fan, this is your game right here, if not, still, at least check out the demo! I would rate this game a 8.7/10!
Publisert 10. desember 2015.
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