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26.8 timer totalt
It's alright. But if you're intending on playing online, do not buy this on Steam. Get it on any other console, they never patched this version's broken online.
Publisert 1. september 2022.
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9.4 timer totalt (6.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Very good remake. I like how it isn't just a direct 1:1 remake of the original and completely reworks certain parts like some boss fights and occasionally level design.

The only issues I have with it is that the music is still compressed like in the PS1 version, there's a lack of voice acting, the Rev Roll is pretty jank since it's really difficult to rev up super large slopes, and the game's framerate is a bit iffy. All of the game's animations run at 60fps, but the movement of the game is 50fps, and it makes the game look choppier than it should.

Other than that, very solid remake. Definitely purchase if you wanna see a remake of Pac-Man World 2 or even a brand new Pac-Man World game. We've begged for a remake of this for years, and they delivered.
Publisert 26. august 2022.
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17.6 timer totalt (9.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Been playing this game a ton throughout all of the beta builds, and I love it.

It takes what worked in Spark 2, and makes it even better, alongside tweaking some things that may not have worked as well in Spark 2.

The removal of the Score Lock is a little unfortunate, but if you liked Spark 2, this game is even better in pretty much every way.

Massively recommend it.
Publisert 14. august 2022.
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11.3 timer totalt (2.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Both of the games in this collection are delightful 2.5D platformers that have a higher emphasis on story than most games in the genre.

On top of the visually great stages and fun puzzle platforming mechanics, these games tell stories that are lighthearted on the surface, but go to levels that will make you cry.

If you are unsure, either try the demo on consoles or wait for a sale, but I heavily recommend this collection. Plus if you and enough other people buy it, we may just see more Klonoa games in the future according to Bandai Namco. So give it a go if you think it looks interesting, you'll most likely find it very charming.
Publisert 8. juli 2022. Sist endret 14. juli 2022.
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17.3 timer totalt (2.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This game was kinda just announced out of nowhere, and I'm a little surprised to see little people talking about it.

Pac-Man Museum+ reminds me of the Pac-Man Museum game that used to be on Steam, but was taken off, likely due to the unsuccessful Ghostly Adventures brand slapped onto it.

Well this game is very much the style of Pac-Man I like. It has a number of old and obscure games that make for a fun package. It isn't the best collection ever or anything, but it's solid for what you get. The 14 games offered are decent picks, ranging from arcade games that are both popular and underrated to the popular mobile game that is Pac-Man 256 (though this collection thankfully includes the console re-release), and fascinating console releases like Pac-In-Time, Pac-Man Championship Edition, Pac-Motos, and Pac-In-Roll Remix. Glad that they brought in some of the 3D stuff too.

They play as you'd expect, though as a user of VSync, I did have to manually mess with graphics settings outside of the game, since while this game does have graphics options, they only apply to the game's arcade hub and not the games themselves. But other than having to boot up NVIDIA Control Panel for this one, the emulation quality of the games are fine.
(Edit: The emulation is pretty middle of the road. The games play just fine, with maybe a bit of input lag which is unfortunate, but the pixel scaling from what I heard is pretty off. Like some pixels are larger than others because the resolution isn't scaled properly. It's hard to notice, but once you do you can't really unsee it. But if that doesn't bother you, you'll be fine.)

The arcade customizer is pretty cool, I sort of wish there were more things to do with it like increase the size of the arcade or interact with some of the furniture and objects you get, but it's a pretty neat system nonetheless. There's also some neat figures and other collectibles you can collect for the arcade by spending tokens in a machine, they pull from lots of various Pac-Man media, so it's pretty fascinating. It would have been pretty cool to have some sort of online functionality where you can visit other people's arcade online or even play the games in VR inside your arcade, but oh well.

If you like the games offered here, you'll likely enjoy this collection, it's pretty odd to see that Pac-Man 256 is here despite being a fully released $5 game on Steam separately, so that version is pretty obsolete now, but it's nice to have.

I'd say buy it if you wanna see more Pac-Man games in the future, it's a solid collection that thankfully isn't too expensive. Hopefully good sales of this will lead to new Pac-Man games, or a collection of the Pac-Man World games, which is what I personally really want. So... get it if you're interested, it's pretty good.
Publisert 28. mai 2022. Sist endret 17. juli 2022.
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11 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
15.1 timer totalt (8.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I like this game quite a lot. Yeah, I honestly don't really get the hate for this one to be honest.

Is it better than the first proper game? No. But, it is a good game. According to the devs this is the canonical Super Meat Boy 2, but don't be fooled because this game does play completely differently to the first game, and you could say that it isn't even similar to the first game at all considering how different it is.

The game is an auto-runner, yes, but unlike most cheap mobile games, I think this game has great controls, great level design, and addictive gameplay. You can now punch while in middair which acts as a mid-air dash, and it completely saves the game for me to be honest, and actually gives the game speedrun potential and the level design is very much built around it with possible intended and unintended skips.

The game is also randomly generated, so that of course, opens the door for an infinite number of playthroughs since there is an insane number of levels. This is great, in a sense, that makes this the Meat Boy game that will never end, however I would say that this makes the level design feel a little less... intentional? It's still good stuff, but sometimes it feels like certain levels don't really connect properly to each other, still fun, but it isn't anywhere near the level of carefully crafted level design in the first game.

I actually like the visuals in this game a lot more than the first game, looks like it's going for a hand-drawn aesthetic, and I dig it hardcore. Animations are silky smooth, the sprites are on-point, the game runs buttery smooth (at least for me, I've heard others have a bad time with performance, but I can't tell if that's due to poor optimization or their PC being bad), the only thing I don't really like about the visuals are the fact that some elements and objects do have a very thick outline, which I see why they chose to do that, but it does make the game look more like a mobile game than it really is (despite the fact that it IS coming to mobile soon, if not, out already).

OST is decent, nowhere close to as good as the original, but there are some bangers in here.

The game does have flaws, but the thing I liked the least were two of the boss battles, the second to last, and the final boss. The 3 fights beforehand are decent, I like how they have a health bar now, but the last 2 bosses, without spoiling anything, feel very repetitive and cheaply designed, the final boss in particular has more trial and error than anything else in the game, which wouldn't be too bad of an issue since this is still the series known for its instantaneous respawning after dying which eliminates most frustration with the game, but they can take longer than a minute, which makes respawning a lot more annoying when you have to repeat the same process all over again.

But yeah, at it's core, it is a Meat Boy game, it has the things you'd expect in a game in the series like tough but fair platforming, saw blades, death, and middle fingers, but it does play completely differently and that can be a turn off. If you look past it though, it's still a good game, it doesn't live up to the original, if I were asked to recommend one or the other, I'd recommend the original all day everyday, but this one is fun too, and it's one of the better auto-runners out there, has good level design, it's fun to play, has most of the charm of Meat Boy, it's a fun experience, but you'll have to subvert your expectations, if you're looking for a true Super Meat Boy sequel, this isn't it.

I'd lean on like a high 7 or a low 8/10 for this one, if you're feeling cautious on it, buy it on a sale, or get it for $10 if you have the first game before the half-off deal is up.
Publisert 4. februar 2022.
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20.7 timer totalt (5.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Recommendation may change depending on how many patches the game gets and how many of the issues I have with the game get resolved, but as of right now, I can't recommend this game in the state that it is in.

Is it a bad game? I wanna say no, but there are a lot of game breaking glitches alongside a couple of flaws that hold it back from being a quality product.

What I will say is that this, at least in my opinion, is a fun game. I really do quite enjoy exploring the massive Pizzaplex as a small child, and sometimes the game can get a bit intense with a few of the enemy encounters, I do have specifics moments to point out, but I want to avoid spoilers. There's not a whole lot of depth to the gameplay, it's kind of just roaming around the building, pulling up your cameras to track where the animatronics are, and executing a route to get past said animatronics, but what's here is fun.

The game looks great visually, I don't know if I'm too big of a fan of the new cartoony aesthetic the game goes for, at least for the human characters, but the environments and the animatronic character models look gorgeous. That, and the characters are all animated well, there's a lot of care put into the game's aesthetics, and I give them props for that.

Audio is alright, nothing compared to how eerie and creepy the first game's atmosphere was, but the sting effect when being chased by an animatronic is pretty intense, and sometimes music does play and it does increase the tension of certain moments.

But then this all leads into the fact that this game is... not scary. If you handed this game over to me, not knowing what the Five Nights at Freddy's series even is, then I probably wouldn't even assume it's a horror game. The most amount of emotion I felt in this game was tension and stress, and you could say that's a good thing, but that's more so due to the fact that this game has no autosave and you have to manually save your game whenever you see a save spot, and if you die, you go all the way back to your last save spot, which can be REALLY dang far if you forgot to save after doing a difficult task.

The game is also optimized really poorly. This game requires a really good computer to even run on low settings, and even then I've had some frame drops, and the game stutters hardcore when it tries to load in a new area while you're still walking around the hallway, don't be surprised if you walk into a wall frequently with how bad this game can stutter.

My biggest problem with the game that isn't a technical issue are the S.T.A.F.F. Bots. These things are everywhere around the Pizzaplex and this game's idea of a good challenge is scattering these things in a room and making you avoid them or else the closest animatronic will be alerted and teleported to your location. A lot of great horror games like Resident Evil 7 can have great challenge with only one enemy in an area because of how smart and tricky their AI can adapt to the environment. This game's substitute for making an area hard is instead of tuning the AI to be super smart and adapt around the level design is for these alert bots to just run around the room in a specific pattern that you have to dodge. It just gets really annoying and it isn't what I'd call an intense encounter.

Then there's the fact that this game is an unpolished mess. The game has so many game breaking glitches that it can ruin the entire experience. I died mid-credits during the true final boss of the game and that's when I just gave up. The game needed more time in the oven, or rather instead of adding more and more to the game in the development cycle, they should've looked at what they had, asked if it was good enough, and then work on polishing it up for release. They were working on this game until the very last second, it's release was even delayed a whole 24 hours to get some last-minute patches in.

Soooo yeah... I enjoyed parts of the game, but unless if you're okay with playing a disguised Early Access, don't buy it right now, wait for the game to get patched out or at least wait for a price drop or sale. I dunno, maybe get it if you think you'd have fun with it. It's a great speedrun game in this state though so take that for what you will.

Edit: I died to the final boss mid-credits. Twice. They still have not patched that.
Publisert 18. januar 2022. Sist endret 11. mai 2023.
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61.4 timer totalt (23.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
If you've never played a Super Monkey Ball game before and you want to know what made the series special, get this game. It's not a flawless remake by any means but it's a very fun revisit to the era of when Monkey Ball had really cool and challenging levels with super precise controls.

Well, the controls in this aren't as tight as the original's controls, they take a lot more getting used to than if you played the original games on GameCube for the first time, but it controls well enough to still do the job just fine, unless if you're a speedrunner, in which case you will have to completely relearn every level with these new (and arguably worse) controls.

The Party Games are also still fun for the most part, a good chunk of them have been faithfully recreated and are still fun, but the fan favorite Monkey Target is still lackluster in Banana Mania, doesn't have the same exhilarating speed and physics of the original Monkey Target, which is one of the best side modes in any Monkey Ball game. The Party Games are good at best and mediocre at worst.

There are some things I really wish were present in Banana Mania, the Ultimate difficulty for Challenge Mode is missing in Banana Mania, which is a gauntlet of every challenge mode level in Super Monkey Ball 1, 2, and Deluxe. It's a shame since it's one of the best speedrun categories for Super Monkey Ball Deluxe, and its exclusion is unfortunate.
That being said, there is a bit of new content in the game, and I enjoy pretty much all of it. You can use points to buy customizable clothes for the 6 main monkey characters, on top of online leaderboards, a ton of new characters, and some new special modes like Reverse Mode, Dark Banana Mode, or Golden Banana Mode which completely change how you play the levels that are featured in each mode. So if you have already played Super Monkey Ball on the GameCube, there are still reasons to purchase Banana Mania.

Ultimately though, if you already played the games featured in this remake collection, I would still recommend this, but maybe at a price drop. It's a solid game but it isn't an outstanding remake, but it's still a good time. If you've never played Monkey Ball before, this is the best place to start and there is a LOT of content to sink your teeth into. WAY more than Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz HD. Buy this game over that.

P.S. Also buy this if you want to see more Super Monkey Ball games...
Publisert 5. oktober 2021.
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0.4 timer totalt
Contains jumpscare, 0/10.

Ok for real this is the best $1 game ever made. Better than Balan Wonderworld.
Publisert 3. oktober 2021.
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36.6 timer totalt (25.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
I've been a backer in the beta playtester tier for almost 2 years, and the wait for this while simultaneously playing through the early builds of the game up to this moment was worth it.

If you're like me and a bunch of other fans of these ball rolling games, you'd know that a series called Super Monkey Ball has never really felt the same in terms of quality since the first two games. The game's forward were filled with unnecessary gimmicks, clunky control schemes, and lame level design. Some games have gotten close, but nothing has compared to the insanely tight level design and super precise controls.

That was, until today.

Rolled Out! is a game immensely inspired by the brilliance of the first two Super Monkey Ball titles, the creator has even worked on their own rom hacks for Super Monkey Ball 2. If you've been starving for a game that has the same kind of precise control and excellent level design as the original Super Monkey Ball games, buy this game. It's currently in Early Access as this is being written, so the game is still far from finished, and is still pretty buggy, so if you want a complete game, then I'd say wait until full release.

You can play Arcade mode, which is basically Challenge mode from the first 2 Monkey Ball games, Practice mode where you can try any level with infinite lives, and Custom Levels if you download them or make them yourself! Lots of other features are planned like Multiplayer, Party Games, and a Main Game where you play levels on a world map, but this is the content in the game at Early Access launch.

This game was also straight up built for speedrunning, if you've played these kind of games, you're gonna find lots of shortcuts that you're gonna want to try to pull off, and you'll most likely make them! (Unless if you aren't skilled enough... like me.) The game comes from a place of love, appreciation, and massive skill of the Super Monkey Ball games, especially since the developer is a speedrunner herself.

This is the Super Monkey Ball-like game I've been waiting several years for. Get this instead of Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz HD if you're looking for good ball rolling action very similar to the first two Super Monkey Ball games.
Publisert 23. mars 2021. Sist endret 24. mars 2021.
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