Not tooo much to say..... know what im saying?
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ШЭБЕН 20 Feb, 2016 @ 7:50pm 
trade knife
deaglegotu. [ᴍᴍ-ᴠɪ] 20 Feb, 2016 @ 3:21pm 
what knife u have
Montay 25 Jan, 2016 @ 3:36pm 
Im not even sure what that means
Akraken 25 Jan, 2016 @ 3:11am 
Heckler once begged for tickets for the latest Star Wars movie, after being rejected entry, on the grounds of him being a hyena. He then proceeded to pitch a hiss fit to his pet squid, named Sparky. Despite Sparky being mentally retarded, it temporarily gained a 12th level intellect in order to body slam Heckler into a nearby iceberg.
Montay 18 Dec, 2015 @ 9:42pm 
Montay 11 Aug, 2015 @ 5:46pm 
I am the archbishop of banterbury