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56 sonuçtan 11 ile 20 arası gösteriliyor
1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 11.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 7.9 saat)
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Needs more bosses.
Needs more end game variety, currently if you want to play the harder difficulties you'll be abusing range or alter attack iframes non-stop. No matter the build, that's how you'll play it. So whether they need to add more weapons/perks etc. or just being able to spam alter attacks. They should come with increasing cool downs especially if used back to back. You won't have this issue much on the standard difficulty, but anything beyond that you'll start to realize you have to play it a very strict way in order to really do well.
The biggest negative I have about the game is the sudden death mechanic and the upgrade system genuinely doesn't add enough. Most upgrades are actually downgrades because it dilutes your loot pool. And it's lacking more story related/side upgrades for the hub world.
Yayınlanma 27 Ekim 2024.
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kayıtlarda 105.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 94.4 saat)
Boy is becoming more man.
Yayınlanma 25 Ekim 2024.
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kayıtlarda 74.3 saat
It's been FIVE whole years.
And for the past 1-2 we've received exactly ZERO communication on Silksong.
This is absolutely unacceptable. There are people who've died waiting with literally zero news on if it'll ever even exist.
I myself am relatively sick and had some health struggles and I would really like to just know if Silksong even actually exists. I was convinced there is NO WAY they can go 5 years without even some deeper information or a date...
I understand things happen, especially on a small team, but the no communication is absolutely a slap in the face.
And honestly no matter what, at this point Silksong WILL fail. No matter how good it is, it'll never be 5-6 years of waiting good. They've trapped themselves into a situation where the game is almost guaranteed to fail unless it is literally the best thing to exist. Very few people are going to think waiting this long as actually worth it regardless of how good it might be.
The longer it takes, the higher odds of failure. Because it can still be an absolute banger, but was it worth all the waiting time? At this point it might honestly be better to cancel it all together and skip the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and finally just let us all rest man.
No one is asking for a date or solid information. We want to know it's being worked on and somewhat of a timeline. Even if that means saying it'll be next year. Just give us FOR ONCE some concrete information man...This is literally the worst way of handling things as developers.
Yayınlanma 25 Ekim 2024. Son düzenlenme 13 Aralık 2024.
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kayıtlarda 145.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 45.8 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Awesome time waster and with mods you can really elevate the game to your liking. Especially with the QOL a lot of the mods offer.
Just remember, as addicting as it is, give it some breathing time once in awhile. More content will be added slowly overtime and so burning out now will ruin the possible enjoyment later.
Yayınlanma 25 Ekim 2024.
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kayıtlarda 2.9 saat
*Just to add context a bit, I have around 1000-1200ish hours. At the time I was homeless and living at a family members house and would play on their account as it was their PC and they were just weird about it and always sitting next to me while gaming and want to play himself so we'd just swap the keyboard.*
As much as people love to glaze this game, it peaked around 45k players. Which for f2p is pretty much non-existent in the grand scale of games. The devs weren't wrong to abandon this, it wasn't profitable and the player base did NOT justify spending more time on it. It simply wasn't big enough and certainly wasn't making money.
No matter how much you "love" a game, if it's not profitable it's not sticking around. Period. And they could've tried to monetize more but again that leads into the second problem of SO many people quitting. On top of the peak being relatively low anyway. AND IT HAS NO CONSOLE RELEASE OR ANY OTHER LAUNCHER. So these numbers are DEFINITIVE and show the entire story.
While I can agree the game was certainly fun as hell, it comes across the same problem as I'd say fighting games. Where the skill ceiling is so relatively high, that unless you plan to absolutely NO LIFE this game, you won't even be remotely competitive and likely have no fun since you'll be stomped out every match. This wouldn't be as big of an issue if we had millions of players, but again the game only ever had a PEAK of 45k. That's already atrociously low to start with, let alone for proper balancing. Especially since it has quite a bit more mechanics than a typical fighting game that you have to worry about. So it does require learning quite a bit of information just to be relevant, but it also has much worse matchmaking because a lack of players.
People wanting this game to come back don't understand just how not really that popular it was to begin with. I understand this feeling though because I feel the same with Lies of P. I think it's without a doubt one of the better souls like games but some people absolutely despise it or don't put it near the top. Sometimes you can feel super passionately about something but it's simply just not as popular among the masses even if it IS amazing.
Yayınlanma 17 Ekim 2024.
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82 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
2 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 13.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 12.5 saat)
Absolutely goated game.
Only complaint is that honestly content feels relatively small still even with this release. Roguelikes live and die based on how long you can repetitively play them.
And unlike Hades, you aren't really building up a HUB world or anything so progression never really feels all that fulfilling. The game is still an overall fun time, but it's definitely on the lower end tier of rogue likes in terms of overall quality and things to do aside from runs.
It was the same problem curse of the dead gods had. The progression was just absurdly simplistic and there wasn't a whole lot to progress.
Yayınlanma 26 Eylül 2024.
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5 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 0.2 saat
Putting aside the skin drama (Which I have no issue selling skins for however much you want, HOWEVER, when they are infinitely more basic and ugly then every other game you can't justify the pricing)
The game is just ugly. The art choice they decided to roll with just DOES NOT look appealing at all. Characters all look ugly and extremely plain. The gunplay and overall game play is nothing different from the already established titans in the space. With the main difference obviously being the whole duality system. But you'll realize pretty early on it doesn't really add that much to the overall game feel and moment to moment game play.
There are already multiple games that do this formula BETTER and also are just simply more visually appealing. There is genuinely nothing here that isn't done elsewhere and done much better. Remember, this is NOT early access or an alpha. The games visuals and core concepts likely won't change much beyond what they currently are. This is NOT a work in progress although it can seem like it by how much just doesn't feel right or in place.
Why would you come and play this game with an absurdly tiny player count, is much uglier, plays worse, has equally overpriced skins but they are all ugly and provide much less value than any of the Valorant bundles, and tried REALLY hard to lean into shroud to market the game (because they knew without Shroud in the picture this game wouldn't even have reached this many players or close) If you think the reception is negative now, imagine if Shroud had no hand in this project.
Yayınlanma 3 Eylül 2024.
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60 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
14 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 3.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1.8 saat)
For all the hype around this game...It isn't all that great...
It's actually kinda crazy how much bias there seems to be in the reviews and the invisible walls are cancerous. This is a problem that's been solved for decades now. I know it's their first game, but I'm sure it's not the first game they've played. How they could test this and just think it was okay as is, is absurd to me.
When I see a 96% review score on Steam, this is NOT what I'm expecting to play. Goes to show just how much bias reviews can have especially when it's it's a huge region of people who've really been wanting a break out success game. And the game still is pretty decent, but I personally wouldn't put it anywhere near the 96% score it's got on Steam. It's a solid 6-7.
And if you have a lower end GPU the score drops even further. First 2 chapters won't be much of an issue but upon hitting the 3rd, the already shakey FPS drops further. The problem isn't even the FPS because at times it can be great, it's the timing. Whenever it's having issues it stutters along and makes the overall movement feel terrible.
I won't be refunding it YET, until I see what the first patch will look like. Hoping for some decent performance improvements and for something to be done about the horrid invisible wall situation. I love exploring, but I DO NOT like exploring when it means just dry humping everything hoping it's an actual path. For now I'm already at my 2 hour limit so won't be playing it at all until the patch and only if it has something of value. Otherwise refund pile it goes.
Yayınlanma 23 Ağustos 2024.
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80 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
28 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 256.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.1 saat)
Until I am proven wrong about Nexon's usual ways, the review stays negative.
I think we have enough evidence to approach this game with A LOT of skepticism from a F2P point of view. Warframe has a relatively fair model and a relatively fair enough grind. Although it can take awhile sometimes, it's all achievable within a realistic amount of time. And since they allow trading/selling for in game currency it's another entire beast which this game can't compete with on that front.
If this game has a worse grind to get the things I want or lock tons of convenience behind paywalls, I'll simply just play Warframe. Especially now with crossplay.
This game seems amazing and I would love for it to end up a fair competitor in this space, but the name Nexon is well known for all the wrong reasons and you HAVE to be seriously ill to have faith in them before seeing the product in about 6-12 months time. Because man they LOVE slowly pushing stuff out little by little after you've already been hooked and invested too much time to quit easily.
Yayınlanma 30 Haziran 2024.
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56 sonuçtan 11 ile 20 arası gösteriliyor