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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 56.0 hrs on record (24.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 26 May, 2016 @ 1:41am
Updated: 23 Nov, 2016 @ 7:40pm

Amazing pixel art visuals, tight (sometimes frustrating) combat, and strong music. Darksouls+Decent Zelda game play (dodge roll=dash). It may not be the best or most original explanation, but its how i need to describe it.

I loved this. A story that is there, but up to you to interpret, hidden objects and artifacts and weapons that give purpose to exploration and upgrades (the upgrades in this game feel well thought out and integrated into combat), and (baring that damn western zone boss (yes, I struggled with that one)) some amazingly fun and frustrating combat encounters and mechanics. It isn't perfect by any means, at least to a pleb like me used to hand holding. There seems to be deliberate obfuscation of paths and routes (seriously, some hidden stuff i only found by dry humping a wall with my character) and it took me a very long time to figure out how the map works (3 weeks of intensive training by a team of specialists). But once I got used to it all, the dashing, the combat, the tricks for finding hidden objects and zones, I stuck with it, enjoyed the hell out of it.

Thoroughly recommend.
Though if you don't like pixel art, or tight, cruel combat, or exploration, do not get this.

UPDATED: Played the game again with a friend using the Coop mode when it came out. I don't think it adds much, and takes away from the feeling of solo badassery and challenge the game provided on a solo run. But that's just me. (Still fun)
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