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Posted: 23 Oct, 2024 @ 8:03pm

TL;DR: Two good games are good. + Jack Black and Pendleton Ward.

A fun sequel to the original. The Pendleton Ward Easter egg was really funny and I couldn't believe that was a real thing until I saw it for myself. Also, Jack Black is in it!?! That's awesome.

Yes, I realize this review is just selling a game on "x celebrity was in it", but it's a sequel. It feels like a sequel and it doesn't feel like they were trying to do any more or less than the original. Sometimes that's not a bad thing. If you liked the first, you'll probably like this one too. If you had some complaints about the first, this one probably won't address them in any meaningful way. I'm not complaining. I just can't place this as being any better or worse than the original and that's okay. If anything I respect that more than trying and failing to do better.
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