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Neue Rezensionen von PastryKitt

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Ergebnisse 11–20 von 24
1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
236.5 Std. insgesamt (177.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Because of other people commenting stupid reasons why this game is bad, I am giving my good review :)

Absolutely 100% worth your money if you like Horror, Co-op, Hoarding items, or challenging yet fair games

This game has given me almost 20 hours of enjoyment, and I still haven't been to every moon yet or seen every monster!!

There are a few problems, such as

1. eventually the same process of "go into moon, search, collect, run" does get a bit stale, so maybe having some sort of optional challenge modifer or alternate mode/goal within missions would improve replayability

2. No achievements, sadly I am a very achievement hunter type of gamer, and would love if there were tons of niche silly little achievements I could complete so I can say "I have 100% completed lethal company" and it would give me an additional objective in-games (to get these achievements) helping with replayability and breaking up the same stale gameplay loop

3. Very built against solo players, although this does add a sort of "hardcore mode" which I appreciate, sadly reduces the fun for lonely people with no friends (me), if I didn't love a severe challenge, "me against the world" I'd probably only ever play coop, which would be much more rare. Maybe having some sort of solo drone (maybe purchasable in coop for 600-900 credits?) that could automatically do some basic tasks, and allow for the crewmate who stays in the ship to have a direct impact even at a distance from the ship (could have a range limit, and be boosted with the radar booster)

Maybe the drone could pick up one item at a time and be used to help the team? So the ship monitor mate can help bring scrap back to the ship?
Maybe it could work as a sort of "5th player" when not being operated by a crewmate, and maybe give a nearby player, that it will automatically follow, a small minimap while its active? Giving solo players important information while also being able to improve their scrap carrying abilities because of how quota doesn't scale with player count?

4. My final problem, the lack of endgame content, which I know will be focused on more in the future, but it feels bad having 3000 credits and already having everything you could ever want from the store. Maybe more ship upgrades, like a "Shock Field" upgrade that when activated stuns or scares nearby creatures in an aoe around the ship. Or a "Larger ship" upgrade that makes the ship itself wider for later game space + for decorators.

But, I love this game, I am currently hyperfixated on it and feel so happy that a popular game that outsold COD is made by a furry like me, thank you for reading, this was more than worth the money already <3

Edit: I have played over 177 hours now, and although i'm burnt out on tryharding the game, I'm still happy to play casually with friends who own it! For 10$ this game is the best deal you can get, it'd be worth double or even triple the price.

Lots of ways to play, low barrier to entry and a high skill ceiling to master, and there are still things I've yet to do within the game even after almost 200 hours!! Truly an amazing game with amazing modding potential.
Verfasst am 26. August 2024. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 18. September 2024.
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59.5 Std. insgesamt (11.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Didn't know it existed until I saw it in the bundle with "Another crab's treasure", bought the bundle because I was interested in the concept of a roguelite like this, and liked the creative direction and somewhat important nitpick on corporate greed that it seemed to be focusing on.

Started my first play session, started swinging around and running around, struggling with even the weakest joblins..

Now, I just finished my Second play session, which lasted about 10 hours straight(with important breaks between) and loved every second, it feels so rewarding, fun, balanced, and most importantly Fair!

Highly HIGHLY recommend this game, support this game studio, they pour passion into these games and very much deserve your money, skip the next COD or the Battlefield game, and just buy this pack and support the devs. You'll thank yourself later <3

Haven't played Crab's treasure yet, but if its anywhere as fun as this game is, then it'll also be getting its own amazing review :)


To the devs,
Thank you.
I wish I could give you more of my money because you deserve every penny.

I haven't gotten close to the end, but I would love to see more of this world you've created, maybe through a sequel or just another game in the same universe, but I'd love to see more of this futuristic corporate city and maybe even help bring a bit more compassion and empathy into this corporate wasteland.
Verfasst am 18. Mai 2024.
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15.2 Std. insgesamt (6.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Genuinely a 7 out of 10 game, and has the potential to be a 10/10 game honestly. After a few more years of development and updates honestly I could see it being an 11/10 game.

Should let pals be able to eat players though(Some of them are literally predators, why don't then attempt to eat us or our pals !!!) and adding a bit more danger.

Edit: Palworld is getting sued by nintendo.. The team has my entire support and I hope you guys win your legal case :')
Verfasst am 12. Februar 2024. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 19. September 2024.
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55.5 Std. insgesamt (19.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Genuinely an amazing game with so much well thought out game design, balance, and mechanics, I literally installed the game, started playing, and the next thing I know I've been playing for 12 hours straight, truly amazing.

It is literally criminal that this game is entirely free, no dlc, no anything, this game at the BARE MINIMUM should be 1-5$, more reasonably priced at around 10-15$ would even be FINE(assuming they feel like updating this more in the future?)

I hope there is at least some donation link somewhere I can give money to,

A few suggestions if the devs still plan to update and add more to the game!
1. A custom vtuber creator! Allowing a system of unit creation with a pixel art sprite customization screen(would allow vtubers to make their own model in the game and play it in a sandbox mode area which has reduced holo-coin rewards but a lot of player customization of the level to make it easier.
2. A DLC pack of Other corporation vtubers like Nishanji's talents for example
3. More minigames in the Holo-house similar to the fishing minigame(genuinely is really fun and the best implementation of fishing I've ever played)
4. A Map Creator similar to Mario Maker allowing you to build your own levels, design the waves, etc
5. A COOP system, allowing you to invite your friends to your holo-house, playing in game with them

Thank you to everyone who worked on this, this game is so amazing as someone who hasn't ever really cared too much for Hololive, I'm inspired BY this game to go watch their streams and draw fanart of them, this game is a work of art and you all deserve the overwhelmingly positive notes

For what this game is, I genuinely give it a 11/10, there isn't a better free game in my eyes than this and I am honestly flabbergasted, I could hug everyone who worked on this

Genuinely it is CRIMINAL that this game isn't at least 1$, honestly it'd even be fine as a 5-10$ game, I literally can't get over that, I wish you all success in the future, and I hope to see you all work on more games in the future, continue updating this one, etc.

Sibyl Pastry
Verfasst am 15. Oktober 2023.
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34.6 Std. insgesamt (29.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I just finished the first playthrough of mine, won't spoil the ending but it was so romantic and happy, I loved it and the ending actually made me cry.

This game has made me cry a few times, and has made me feel quite "funny" when confronted with some of the bosses.

Honestly, this is a solid 9.5/10 game for me, I highly recommend it, and I hope we see more games or dlc in the future(It would be amazing if for example, a 1 year anniversary had a "Ever-After Update" dlc which showed you a little more of Rose's life after growing up and maybe even let you interact with your love interest, child, or the world. Or maybe even a "sequel" dlc that just adds onto the original game and allows you to play further into Rose's life. This is all asking a LOT considering how much obvious love and detail was put into everything thus far so I don't expect this at all, but I'll dream of the future Rose has... My beautiful daughter... TvT

TLDR: Game made me cry, I loved every second of it, there are lesbian and straight endings and I loved it. Solid 10/10(If you round up), Even when its not on sale it is Entirely worth the full price.
Verfasst am 7. Juli 2023.
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878.8 Std. insgesamt (151.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
9/10 would recommend, but there is a severe lack of Steeve's or any lootbugs on the space rig with you, so I cannot give it a 10/10 rating smh

Edit: Such an amazing game, I give it a 9.4/10, the lore is immaculate, the comedy is funny, there are many dwarves, so much replayabiltiy for literally only 10$ when I bought it on sale, I'd buy this game if it were 70$ and it'd be extremely worth it :>

Rock and Stone! <3
Verfasst am 23. November 2022. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 5. Oktober 2023.
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19.0 Std. insgesamt (7.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Despite the very sexual cut-scenes and implications I genuinely enjoyed this game and everything about it. I hope you create another game and I will definitely buy it the day it comes out if not pre-order it. Thanks for making such a great game!

(P.s. I'm a furry so that has influenced my opinion definitely)
Verfasst am 30. Januar 2022.
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704.8 Std. insgesamt (702.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
A very nostalgic game for me, even though I was always incredibly bad at anything creative, I always had fun playing with the dupes and playing online with strangers, 9/10 game.
Verfasst am 8. Januar 2022.
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58.7 Std. insgesamt (48.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
The Game
I think the game is very fun, it's just not very well put together. Maps have several bugs where you can just skip over certain areas, there isn't a party system so playing with friends in public games is a hassle, characters are unbalanced, network errors all the time, etc, etc. I think this game would vastly improve with some kid reworks and some QOL changes.


Neighbors should feel oppressive and powerful, instead of the kids kicking the neighbor's ass whenever 2 or more are together. I believe all the neighbor classes should base themselves off of the Ghost's power level, he's extremely mobile, almost immune to death, and is stealthy, while also having counterplay from the kids to combat against him.

Neighbors In General: They should have more stamina, a slightly faster kill speed, and faster throw windups.

Clown: He should have higher visibility in his smoke than kids and you should be able to hold your bomb out and see a trajectory for where the bomb will land, while also being able to cancel it by pressing the ability button again.

Scary Neighbor: His traps should down kids that are caught in them after they free themselves, although freeing themselves is several seconds faster.

Butcher: His Hook should be blocked by worn pots and pull the dented pot to his inventory, but he should have a passive 40-50% stun reduction, more extra health, and a base 20% damage reduction.

Ghost: He should have a 3-5 second cooldown on his transformation and have a slight slowdown after leaving it.

Inventor: Reverse Engineering should activate when he gets 4 gears and he should have more craft options such as the Glow Stick "A Fun throw-able and reusable light source!" for 1 gear, the Flash Bomb "an offensive weapon and the Inventor's original creation, able to dazzle the neighbor for a few seconds(~6) if it is looking at it when it triggers, but aim carefully, after triggering it cannot be activated again." for 3 gears, and finally the Tool Belt "A handy belt that gives you an additional inventory slot which you can store any object that is craftable by you." for 4 gears.

Thank you for reading all this, these are all just examples and ideas and I believe these would fix the games major flaws, although these are definitely just my opinion, I hope you enjoyed reading them!
(I also wrote this at 6am and haven't slept so maybe take what I've said with a grain of salt.)
Verfasst am 1. Januar 2022.
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20.5 Std. insgesamt (11.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This game seems really awesome! The only bad thing I can say about this game is the lag between me and my friend, he's about 1 minute behind me while on the map which makes his experience significantly worse than mine.

Edit: With more playtime, I've realized that romantic relationships aren't very expressed throughout the game, there should be some interactions between lovers and maybe names for love interests outside the party. The romantic aspect determined at the beginning of the game should come around later too, such as after the first campaign with said characters.
Verfasst am 28. Dezember 2021. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 7. März 2022.
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Ergebnisse 11–20 von 24