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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 94.0 hrs on record (37.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 21 Mar, 2019 @ 7:51pm
Updated: 20 Nov, 2019 @ 1:26pm

The triumphant return of Valkyria Chronicles!

While this is the 4th game in the series, it is only the second available on multiple platforms. VC2 was strictly a PSP game, and VC3 never even made it over to the US.

Anyways... on to the review.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 actually takes place about the same time as Valkyria Chronicles. While VC1 could add some context to the Second Europan War, its not necessary. In VC4, you take control of Squad E, an Armored Ranger Corps unit of the Atlantic Federation. Just like in VC1, individual unit strengths and weaknesses are a factor in strategy and gameplay. Basically everything that made VC1 awsome... has been improved upon. Tanks no longer take 2 command points to use, meaning you can use them more freely than you could in VC1, and the addition of an APC adds mobility to some of the slower units. The graphics are smoother, which is a given as it is a newer game, and the story is very well done.

Unlike VC1, however, DLC is not included in the purchase. While not necessary, it is kinda nice having them available as they can add things such as new squad members, bolstering your forces and giving more options. For example there's a DLC where you meet up with Squad 7 from VC1. Completing that DLC unlocks a few members of Squad 7 for use in the main VC4 campaign. So if you were a fan of Alicia Melchiott or Bridget "Rosie" Stark, you're in luck. Also, there's the obligatory beach DLC that adds swimsuits to certain main characters. And you can actually wear said swimsuits in normal missions so if that's your thing... enjoy the eye candy.

The variety of guns is vastly improved over VC1. Each weapon type has 3 variants with different performance. As an added bonus, they're not just variations of the base guns you get at the start of the game. For example the basic rifle used by Scouts and Engineers is based on the Enfield, but as you progress you gain access to the Gallian, which has more accuracy, and a gun based on the BAR, which has more power. So you really can tailor your units to fill specific roles. The addition of the Grenadier class adds another level of strategy, as for the first time in the franchise you have access to a dedicated Artillery unit with some good range and punch. On top of that, Snipers can gain the ability to launch interception attacks, meaning they can actually be used defensively after they become Sniper Elites and take potshots at moving enemies.

Also the addition of "Squad Stories", which focus on certain members of Squad E, has been added. These fun little side missions can actually take some of your units that have negative traits, and make them positive. Thus actually giving you the ability to improve units.

Music is awesome, adding to the immersion. The same composer from VC1 returns with more offerings. And every once in a while, you are graced with some tracks from VC1.

A controller may make gameplay feel a bit more smooth, but is not required. The option exists however. So if you would prefer a controller, feel free to use one.

Overall... an awesome game with a great story and feel. Anime WW2 has never looked better.

Squad E... MOVE OUT!

Edit: Complete edition with all DLC included!
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