The Good Golem
Mike   United States
Hello and welcome to my profile. My name is Mike and my tag is SludgeBoy1. Most prefer to call me Sludge for short. I have a long list of other nicknames so feel free to ask. I am primarily a pc gamer, obviously, but long live GameCube RIP. Anyway I play MMOs such as SWTOR, I play FPS such as Ace of Spades, I play TPS such as Loadout, RPGs such as Darksiders, I play Sandbox such as Minecraft, I play Open World such as Skyrim, and I play any combination of categories. I am a huge Star Wars fan you can ask me anything about it and I will know. I am never afraid of a challenge, of a trade, nor a hang out with strangers. Lastly I would like to share my favorite quote “Don’t Think, Know.” – SludgeBoy1.

Gar lise jorhaa'ir Mando'a. Mandokarla. Ke nu jurkad cha Mando'ade, burc'ya. Meg aliit oir'gar teh? Meg alii'gai bal aliik hukaatir gar beskar'gam? Oya!

If you are able to either read or recognize the language above let me know because you will be one of the best people I’ve ever known.
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Screenshot Showcase
This is what happens when someone challenges me to a battle of exlposives
The Good Golem 13 Jan, 2015 @ 8:33am 
What do you wna to trade it for?
GodotBlend107 31 Dec, 2011 @ 5:22pm 
Dude, thanks so much for Counterstrike!!!