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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 115.9 hrs on record (100.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 May, 2024 @ 8:42pm

You paid 40$ for a game. Months after said game came out, they state new "conditions" that unless you comply, take away your game. This sets a precedent that it is ok for services to change "conditions" for a game whenever they like and that can encompass taking away your right to play the game you paid for.

The amount of people who give companies leverage is actually insane. Now, to be fair, in the store it says you need a PSN account to play this game, however, it does not state that if you live in a country that is not elegible to create a PSN account, then you will be unable to play the game (not to mention that such a message should be in f*cking capital letters as a major requirement or a pop up before you purchase the game). The thing is, THAT IS NOT THE CASE. We were able to play the game for months without psn accounts and now they want to force it? Dont give companies this ridiculous amount of slack and call them out on their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

I like this game but just for this insult the review shall stay negative even if they change their mind regarding the accounts.
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