1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 15.7 hrs on record
Posted: 16 Feb @ 11:54am

Post void is a simple but perfectly executed concept I find myself returning to repeatedly. I love hitting the headshots, I love how every weapon has a distinct learning curve and I love how some of the upgrades have hidden depth to them you can notice as you play (Except the compass, sorry compass). The concept of an extremely quick jolt of FPS gameplay with a focus on precision and speed rather than a large arsenal is something I'm excited to see more of, I hear mullet madjack is carrying that torch. I keep opening up post void frequently enough that I'm not ready for anything new yet though and for an indie FPS you can beat in 10 minutes my playtime should be indicative. One of these days I'll understand the knife well enough to clear the game with it....
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