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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 112.7 hrs on record (52.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 25 Mar, 2015 @ 11:41pm

By far the most fun I've had playing a turn based strategy game in a long time. Re-playability still being tested.
--The Good
- The gameplay was intuitive and (with a handful of exceptions because Trolls are tall) fluid.
- Soundtrack was always on point with the 'feel' of the gameplay.
- Despite being 2D the game's graphics grabbed me; sprites and backgrounds were bright without falling prey to being cartoony, or dark without being drab. Most of the time it didn't even register with me that the game wasn't 3D.
- Both micro (battlefield) and macro (character-building and story based decision making) decisiosns felt like they influinced the other in a variety of ways.
- Storytelling was top-notch from the over-arching tale down to several NPC's stories.

--The bad
- Unable to re-size fonts, and high reolution with a ton of reading made me need to walk away a few times.
- Game-play challenges do not come from AI, but from volume of opponents - this frustration is not unique to this game, and it does not suffer from it as badly as many others, but it is still present.
- While Karma was balanced (Never felt like 'super-man'), money was never in short supply. I frequently used combat drugs, always updated my gear, and yet I always felt like I was in the black... even though one of the main points in the game involves scrambling for money.

--The Ugly
- The only major frustration I had was mis-clicks that resulted from trying to move my team to squares immediatly above other actors. For about 1/3rd of a second it shows movement to that square, then it highlights the (again, drecking Trolls) sprite in the square beneath my real selection.
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