Michael S Hoffs   Glasgow, Glasgow City, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Hello, weary traveller, welcome to the mediocre side of gaming.
That said, I'm a Onebro, so don't get too cocky and think you can slap me around like a noob. :sans:
Currently Offline
fraser 28 Feb, 2013 @ 11:07am 
Ah, maes sense now. I've been looking at that pic for a couple of years and it hadn't really registered.
Astilius 25 Feb, 2013 @ 1:56pm 
Glasses, Fraser. They're all the rage with the myopic these days.

Nah, they're coloured acrylic discs that are at Kelvingrove Museum as a hands-on exhibition to do with colour. Nibs and I had a blast playing with them.
fraser 24 Feb, 2013 @ 9:31am 
What are those things on your face?
moonible 5 Jul, 2011 @ 2:58am 
Dear Astilius, I am just posting this for a ticket, even though there's not much I Really want. I hope you enjoy having this comment.
fraser 2 Jul, 2011 @ 11:25am 
You're playing Spacechem for the tickets aren't you?
Astilius 14 Apr, 2011 @ 1:09pm 
Who knows, Nick? Not I.