The-Art-Of--War (PSN)   United States
Sun Tzu

"All warfare is based on deception."

"Water SHAPES its course according to the NATURE of the ground over which is FLOWS; the SOLDIER works out his victory in relation to the FOE whom he is facing. Therefore, just as WATER retains no constant shape, so in WARFARE there are no constant CONDITIONS."
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ShadowStellaria 28 Dec, 2021 @ 11:39am 
8bitelement 26 Sep, 2011 @ 8:51pm 
Sent you a friend request for Bad Co 2. I'm going to be playing BF3 beta tomorrow and pretty much until the next BF game tho. If you havent preordered yet, I'd highly recommend doing that asap. Free first DLC package and playing it the moment it comes out. Gotta lay claim to the best name before they get taken. Gunna keep the clantag as 'Invalid' in memory of DICE's awesome networking ability.
Deadjuice 25 Sep, 2009 @ 12:37pm 
A PSP demo of the new MGS game Pacewalker is availible for download from IGN, I'm downoading it now, ill tell you how it is soon!
Deadjuice 21 Sep, 2009 @ 7:08pm 
I have so many little stories I could regal you with about my time playing that Batman game. But you should just get a chance to try it yourself and experiance it.

Also, I'm still interested in making a fresh Warhammer army. But thats being put on indefidant hold for now. But sometime, Im gonna stop by and pick up or check out my old guys.
Deadjuice 21 Sep, 2009 @ 7:04pm 
Sorry I took so long so respond.

Ma's making me a copy of the Asian music, so I can put it on my PC.

When Ultimate Spiderman first came out, I really wanted to try it.
If you say its good, then yeah, i'd like to borrow it.

That would be awesome if Bobby got into Amored Core! I fiannly saw the newest Amroed Core game at my game store, but I'm pretty much broke after buying my sweet ride(how sweet? its so sweet)

When I do get some spending money, i'll probably be going after the PSP Go first(did you here about the awesome Save gamestate option for it?)
I saw the latest Amored Core game in my local game store, so ill pick that up. Also, since you recommended them, Valkerie Cron. and Gladius. I'm actually interested in getting into both of them.

Oh yeah, and friggin BATMAN ARKUM ASYLUM, that game rocks so hard.
It makes you feel like the real Batman. Not a lot of games have the same connection to your playable character like Batman AA does. It's awesome.