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Recent reviews by Jigglebun

Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
1 person found this review helpful
11.3 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So far it's enjoyable, there's bugs here and there [No pun intended!] But despite that, the dev's quite quick to act on fixing things, the discord community has been quite helpful and for an EA game the concept is nice especially for a solo dev working on things, patches seem to flow rather often and there's all sorts of critters to play as. The level cap is high which is nice, always giving you more to work at.

Really looking forward to seeing this game further develop. Of course I plan on updating this review as time goes on.

Posted 9 January, 2022.
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1,481.1 hrs on record (93.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Don't do it, it's a trap. Right now the game is unplayable, ping on 250 NA servers, which I'm from, the game itself is a ARK DLC gone horribly wrong. I haven't been able to ENJOY the game, because of these reasons.

I can't log in, constantly being rejected by the server, and if that's not happening the game is kicking you, if that isn't happening you are lagging and rubber banding like crazy.

The graphics look like ARK was tossed into a blender and then slapped onto a canvas.

The base ark files are found all through the program, you can even access the ARK menu from ATLAS's main menu..... like wtf, seriously?

For now, and I understand the game is in early access. But DO NOT BUY THIS GAME AND PAY THESE PEOPLE SO YOU CAN BETA TEST THEIR CASH GRABS.
Posted 23 December, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
414.0 hrs on record (390.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game used to be really fun, then the update's kept taking it in the wrong direction. The community spoke up, gave our take on it, voiced our worry. We loved the class system, we loved duo's we loved solo's when they arrived but that last patch...

Good lord almighty that last patch... It tanked everything, removed solo's, duo's made it all a mess, the weapons are far from balanced and now with the removal of what made the game heavily unique this ship is sinking, and it's sinking fast.

Maybe I'll change my review when the game is fixed, it's still of course 'early access' but they keep making changes going in the opposite direction of what the players want.
Posted 26 September, 2018.
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649.5 hrs on record (487.9 hrs at review time)
The developers of his game have been lying to their consumers, and recently they have released the game as "released" on steam rather than listed as beta, after completing its early access. The game still has a lot of common game mechanics left out of it, no key mapping, doesn't support most basic resolutions. The game still has the same bugs that have pluaged it since it first started and nothing has changed accept they added in a nice building here or there... or finally got some form of crappy Anti cheat that doesn't even work because they still use their own launch client that allows 'cheaters' to bypass the entire anti cheat program.

The game is not completed, it's an unfinished product just like how they left "infestation survivor stories" imcomplete, you know.. war Z, that game that F-U-C-K-E-D people over? The game that goes on sale for a dollar... yeah, that game.

Normally I wouldn't be so negative. But I've been playing this game for a very long time, keeping my fingers crossed that the Dev's do what's right, and they haven't. They don't keep in touch with the community, they are not active with the forums, or the player base, and have in fact silenced people, or removed threads.... I suggest all who see this, rise up and voice your concerns to steam fo allowing such robbery to ensue. Dev's can't be allowed to lie... about a game, to get people to buy it, and then not deliver on those promises.
Posted 12 June, 2014.
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420.0 hrs on record (363.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Stop Region locking this game you dumb turds. You're hurting sales for yourself, and causing people who already had this game from other countries, to no longer be able to play. The ♥♥♥♥...
Posted 20 February, 2014.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries