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69.7 hrs last two weeks / 271.0 hrs on record (102.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 31 Jan @ 6:56am

If you've always wanted a recreation of the Warhammer fantasy (or similar tabletop war games) this game is for you.

The base game is free and comes with 5-6 playable factions and 5-6 more you can buy as dlc if you like. I have sunk many hours into the game on just the free factions though if dwarfs had not been among the free choices I likely would have spent the $5 to get them.

Gameplay plays out like any TT war game, you declare charges, counter charges, and intercepting charges, then you alternate turns with the enemy resolving movement and ranged combat with each unit in your army and then finally resolve melee. Turn order matters for ranged combat because knocking out an enemy unit or killing some models in an archer squad before they've had their turn reduces the shots they get when it is their turn. For melee though turns are resolved simultaneously and each unit involved gets the full attacks it would have at the start of that turn. It's simple but addicting.

Each faction has 2-3 leaders to choose from which have different stat blocks and typically a once per combat use ability you can use to try and swing a fight in your favor or grant another unit a permanent buff.

Gameplay modes include a rogue lite campaign where you build an army as you earn gold through random battles and encounters, a skirmish mode, and competitive multiplayer. In the latter two modes you build armies up to a point limit buying units and various upgrades for the units / leader so just like army list building in warhammer fantasy and similar games.

The community is helpful and friendly for the most part and hosts tournament through the official discord.

This review has probably gone on a little too long so I'll wrap it up. Fantastic game, if you use to play tabletop games in real life or ever wanted to try this game is a great entry to do that and for the price of free it's worth a shot. It's a very authentic experience down to swearing at your dice after an impossibly bad roll. I'll be buying the dlc factions shortly just to support the game that has given me so many hours of enjoyment.
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