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345.7 hrs on record (320.4 hrs at review time)
Posted 1 December, 2019.
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2.2 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
It's not great. but still the best ratio of price to fun had you're probably ever going to find.
Posted 25 October, 2019.
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0.4 hrs on record
Fun to screw around with friends in, but to see this as anything except a pre pre pre alpha would be a bit childish. (Seriously, the concept is kinda cool but the execution is like that of something a game dev would whip up in an hour to show as a proof of concept.)
Posted 11 June, 2019.
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2,004.9 hrs on record (349.9 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
gewd game
Posted 21 November, 2018.
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47.9 hrs on record (37.3 hrs at review time)
>10x the replayability of most AAA games
>1/3 of the price
>Mod to double/triple playtime and content
>Multiplayer that doesn't suck

Posted 13 July, 2018. Last edited 13 July, 2018.
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942.0 hrs on record (69.5 hrs at review time)
While I think the core gameplay element is strong, there are so many glaring issues with it that i think other games would just generally be a better option for a competitive team based shooter, such as CS:GO.

Things i thought were good:

-The shooting
The majority of the guns feel like though serve a purpose, and the overall aiming and firing is satisfying

-The movement
The movement system is simple yet workes amazing, with great fluidity in leaning, crouching, and proning, sprinting, and walking, and all of the movement mechanics feel as though they serve a purpose outside of "useless thing we added just to overly confuse new players"

-The operators and abilities
The majority of the operators are VERY interesting and all of them can be complex enough to main for HOURS on end, there are a few operators that feel a little bit useless in their abilities (Vigil, Lord, im looking at you) but there are only a few

What i didn't like

First of all, the maps are painfully un-memorable, with all of them just being a basic building with varying layouts, however, i can deal with the map layout being kinda meh, but what angers me to no end, and a large reason for why i would recomend CSGO over R6, is map clutter. You see, a good 40%-50% of my deaths werent from being outskilled in combat, but from the amount of junk lying around the map obscuring the player model
"Huh, is that a coffee pot or a helme-" *BANG* 4 V 5
with all the garbage lying around the floor and on tables, enemys are often lost in the sea of coffee pots and computer monitors

There is a decent amount of server lag, causing some odd issues. One of the most glaring issues i had with the server lag was as follows "I'm crouched down behind a table, watching a window, waiting for someone to jump though it, when all of a sudden, a twitch comes around the corner behind me, i didnt notice at first, and with one shot, she shoots me in the head, at first i don't mind 'it was a good shot!' i thought, but then i saw the kill cam, only to reveal that she was obviously using her foot to control the mouse, because she had sprayed an entire 15 rounds, 14 of which missed, and would have given me ample time to turn around in nail her ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) ,but, because of server lag, all of the shots registered at once, and i wasnt given that oportunity

-The community
Its horrible. i cant tell you how many times i've been teamkilled in ranked, vote kicked for taking to long to load, or been called a noobish ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by someone with 3 times as many hours as i do. Granted, the few times i've had with a really good group, and played a couple rounds together were really fun, but in the end they are so vastly outweighed by the teamkilling, votekicking, and overall toxicity of the fan base.

The one is kinda weird, on one hand, the devs cant do much to fix this, but at the same time, the current system aint good. With alot of the callouts being too generic to be specific.
"Enemy by the skylight"
"Thanks for the callout, but the entire roof is made of glass"
"He's on the staircase"
"The one i'm on, the one across from me, the one down the hall, or are you speaking to the other teamate on a set of stairs?"

and worst of all

"Behind you"
"Okay, im gonna be fine, he was obviously talking to the Frost down the hall from m-" *BRAT-AT-AT-AT-AT-AT* 4 V 5
"The ♥♥♥♥ bro i gave you a callout"

over all i think the core mechanics of the game are solid, but the combined strength of all the little things make it kind of a hassle to play.
Posted 31 May, 2018.
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0.5 hrs on record
This game is a perfect example of why Steam should let you open 2 games at once.
Posted 21 March, 2017.
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0.2 hrs on record
(This is not a paid reveiw)
I legitimately think this game has potential.
It could use an update, maybe a building mechanic, and some more game modes, but it fun.
-Doesn't need a good computer to run
-Able to get items without paying real many (You still CAN pay to get items, but it's not needed)
-Very Small (200MB)
-Quick download (And I have REALLY bad internet, so it will be REALLY quick for someone with decent internet)
-Not too many hackers (Take this one lightly, I've only played maybe two rounds)
-Not alot of weapon varity (Except snipers)
-Snipers need a nerf
-No Auto-Balance for teams (It's not uncommon to be the only person on your team, when the other team has 6 players)
-Not alot of weapons in general
-Inconsistent language (For me, when I logged into a battle, it was in english, then when I logged out, it was in swedish)
-Only one gamemode (TDM, Who ever has the most kills at the end of 20 minutes wins. No point cap)
Hope this was helpful.
Posted 18 October, 2016.
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23.7 hrs on record (10.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Let me get this out of the way, if you own Overwatch, you will only be dissapointed by this.
Half the charecters you can play are either heavely "Inspired" by the Overwatch charecters, and then some mght as well be copy and pasted straigth from Overwatch. However, since this game is unique in it's own way, I will not treat it like a "Discount Overwatch" game.

-Balanced Gameplay
-Charecter Variety
-TONS of replay value
-You get a TF2 skin for playing as Barik
-Good for people who can't afford Overwatch
-Lots of dev support
-Servers are down ATLEAST ounce a week
-You only start with 1/3 of the charecters unlocked, and it takes a good week of playtime to unlock them all
-Long wait time to get into servers (Although that might just be my internet/computer)
-Only 1 of each charecter per team (I.E If someone on your team chooses Androuxus, then you can't play as Androuxus)
-Doesn't have a good community, due to half the of the "Community" being Overwatch fans complaning about it being a ripoff
-Ying needs a SERIOUS nerf

Hope this helps.
(And if it alters your opinion, there's a Dark Souls reference. One of Bomb King's rare lines of diolouge is "If only I could be so gloryusly incandecent"
Posted 11 October, 2016. Last edited 21 October, 2016.
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147.2 hrs on record (100.1 hrs at review time)
I've been playing Starbound for almost 4 years now, and let me tell you, it's amazing.

-Good Story
-Tutroial that is long enough to explain everything, but doesn't get boring
-Good Combat
-Good Open World system
-all the different elements are well mixed, instead of seperate, detached systems to pick from (COUGH Fallout 4 COUGH COUGH)
-Good building system
-Good mod support, rarely will you find two mods that don't work together
-Very costomizeable
-Lack of reward for building
-Tedious scanning missions for next main quest
-Lack of difficulty on bosses, if you have the recomended gear (We the exception of Big Ape)
-Lack of Community

Hope you found this helpful.
Posted 11 October, 2016.
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