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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 482.6 hrs on record (391.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 24 Jun, 2020 @ 12:13am

In the years leading up the free to play release of Destiny 2 on Steam, I heavily questioned if this game was one I would enjoy. After several plays of Destiny 1 on a friend’s account, I decided that something drastic would need to happen to get me into this game. Little did I know that only a few years later I would be diving headfirst into the sequel.

Once I started playing, there was no stopping. Day after day, I would hop into the game and time would fly by. I have never put 50 hours into a game in a week before Destiny 2. Even out of the game, I was doing research on skills and weapons to take my experience to the next level. There is a learning curve to each class, but it is not too intense (which is enjoyable because it allows for the mastery of several classes).

The one downfall that this game has is the bounty system. At the time of writing this review, Bungie (the developer) has addressed the community’s frustration with this system. I am excited to see what changes are implemented in the coming seasons.

Overall Destiny 2 has held my attention span for well over 6 months now and the constantly updated content keeps me interested. I highly recommend this game to anyone. 10/10
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