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Nedávné recenze uživatele Tinefol

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14 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
2.8 hodin celkem
This DLC is kinda too short. I guess its okay for an modern DLC, but Pirates of the Flying Fortress had set a bar there: it had more content and then there's a question of quality of that content. Call of the Tenebrae for that matter... mostly sucks? Side quests are annoying (who likes collecting myriad of different plants) and plain stupid (instead of being supposedly humorous). Main story is kind of just powering through a bunch of enemies, so if your character is weak at combat you'd probably spend a lot of time (and save/loads), but going as fire mage I had it finished in under 3 hours.

And then there's awful voice acting and awful animations. Something something remember, Two Worlds I? I'm not kidding, quite a few of animations are on that level. Thumbs down here, you did way better with original game.
Odesláno 23. února 2019. Naposledy upraveno 23. února 2019.
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19.2 hodin celkem
Never got to play the game past a hour mark when it came out originally (and I've honestly tried to). As blunt as it sounds, I just couldn't stand glitches and horrible visuals back then. More than a decade later gave it another spin and I assume I've gained a bit of patience ever since. Developers also put a bit of work to it to improve the most rejectful problems so its not all that bad. Finished the game in a mildly satisfied state, but the issues were so glaring that I wouldn't really recommend it for anyone but those who are here for nostalgia value.

* crashes all the time, mostly on saves (quicksave being the absolute culprit). Makes you save like a maniac. Will drive you nuts when you forget to and crash and lose playtime;
* models and animations are soo unbelievably bad (especially horse riding). You will somewhat get used to it, but I just tried to avoid horses altogether, despite it being a major con for exploring.
* myriad of visual and collision glitches.
* often stutters even on my decent PC; needs some extra patching to even start (legacy PhysX);
* voice acting is on level with animations: you'd really want to skip most dialogs asap;
* cutscenes didn't even work for me (can be loaded externally), so a bit of storyline lost there (those were also rendered back then, so of awful quality);
* dated visually even for a time of release;
* ui is unpolished and hard to get used to. You will hate looting for its slowness and clumsiness.
* too many uninsipring quests;
* combat gets boring very fast, no matter the way you approach it, things get too repepetive;

* a decent large open world with tons of exploration although somewhat empty at later stages
* decent character development and rpg system with a bunch of options
* story and lore is actually more or less fine, although leaves a lot to be desired

There's some depth in Two Worlds, its not that bad of a game per se, just largely unpolished, bug ridden, horribly visually dated and isn't 'epic' enough due to its issues (gotcha Epic Edition). But they've certainly tried and put a lot of effort in the game - that much is seen.

If you're a newcomer, stay away, go and play Two Worlds II instead, which Is actually quite decent on its own. If you've played the game originally, you would probably stand another lap and have some fun.
Odesláno 12. února 2019. Naposledy upraveno 12. února 2019.
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9.9 hodin celkem

Пара технических моментов: играйте с геймпад-контроллером (steam/xbox/dualshock) и в хороших наушниках. Хорошее знание английского желательно, субтитры в VR воспринимаются очень тяжело.

Визуально - крышеснос. Мне тоже раньше казалось, что VR не для игр от третьего лица с сидячим прохождением, но тут он сто очков форы даст плоской версии (которая тоже шедевр).

Аудио еще более важно и еще больший крышеснос.

Игра - нарратив, непосредственно геймплей довольно ненавязчив и в целом приятен, но не столь важен (кому-то может показаться даже скучным), как погружение в излагаемую историю. До/после/во время прохождения обязательно посмотрите документалку из меню игры - поможет глубже разобраться в сюжете игры и мотивации разработчиков.

Финальная сцена зацепила до слёз, причем буквально, очень пробирает, даже не думал, что игра в принципе сможет вызвать такие эмоции.
Odesláno 12. září 2018. Naposledy upraveno 12. září 2018.
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2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
3.2 hodin celkem
Don't understand why this title is getting hated on so hard (worst game, worst expansion, etc). In a world of lootboxes, ingame purchases, and countless DLCs that offer way less content, this is actually quite a decent piece of story, albeit very short (3-6 hours of gameplay).

How on earth could anyone rate this lower than Gothic3: Forsaken Bugs is beyond me.

While a definite cash grab for a full price, If you liked original game, get it on sale and enjoy.
Odesláno 26. června 2018. Naposledy upraveno 26. června 2018.
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4 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
3 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
7.8 hodin celkem
Wow this game sucked.

* Same engine as Gothic3, meaning constant stutters on high-end 2017 system, same bugs and glitches.
* Destroyed original game storyline for absolutely no gain whatsoever.
* Turned protagonist into crazy freak who you despise. Turned almost all likeable characters from original game into alike freaks.
* main story is some kind of Myrtana-centric chauvinistic nationalist bs, which only makes half the sense given your character freaked out and went completely insane much like mentioned previously.
* Game is super-linear.
* General writing of a 3 year old, quest plots and character lines are so laughably bad (poorly written on top of being mostly absurd) and make a good case of 'best worst movie' impression such as Troll 2.
* Guess this would be a pro for a running sim game? Most quests are fedex with tons (or rather kilometers) of mindless running. And I mean that. Spend 10 minutes running from NPC A to NPC B? Get 10 seconds of speech and you have to go back to NPC A (another 10 minutes of running).
* Feel like this deservers a special mention, some quests are 'escort NPCs' where you have to cross half the map, and you can't even fully run, because you have to turn back every 5 seconds to make sure your party didn't get stuck due to poor pathfinding.
* Voice acting is on level with writing. Did I mention Troll 2?
* Cut off Varant and Nordmar from original game's map - well at least you have to do less running. It also somewhat loads faster
* Not a lot of content. Game is short. Most NPC don't interact. I don't really mind, since you wouldn't stand even more of horrible writing. Most side quests suck.
* Map is too large. I know that sounds stupid given they've already cut Varant and Nordmar, but given linear story and lack of content you just run way too much. Feel like it could be cut in half or even x3.
* Melee combat still sucks. Ranged combat still sucks. Magic combat still sucks. At least there's way less fighting than running.

Things we don't deserve
* Original G3 soundtrack. Feels like a travesty, a betrayal.

* Enhanced Edition with Community Patch 2.01 is actually stable and features little to no gameplay bugs. Only crashed once in 8 hours for me and original G3 even with community patch had way more than that.
* Loads faster due to shrunk map.
* Some improved graphics. Note, this is almost irrelevant.

Conclusion: dont't ever try to play this. I warned you. If you do:
* Play on easy. You don't ever gain anything with a game going hardcore on you.
* Use console and goto commands. Save your time on running. I know this is cheating, but game totally deserves this.
* Don't bother exploring. Map is empty. It is mostly the same as G3 anyway, so you wouldn't actually miss anything.

edit: fixed a typo
Odesláno 23. června 2018. Naposledy upraveno 12. února 2019.
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4 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
27.5 hodin celkem (25.2 hodin v době psaní recenze)
* remake related: frequent crashes. Those will sporadically happen all the time
* remake related: almost no UI and awful controls. No hotkeys, mouse only. Lets ignore 25 years of RTS development and do not implement hotkeys, right, guys? Unit selection is very glitchy, multiple hitbox/collision problems on targeting, clicks often do not register at all - the game is very hard to play in that regard, since you're almost unable to micromanage.
* remake related: only one save slot, and it requires you to abandon game/go through start menu to load. Totally meh.
* remake related: map shares space with event mini screen, which will drive you nuts. Whoever thought of this is pure 'genius', map should be accessible all the time.
* remake related: units AI is atrocious. Pathfinding and target management feel so broken at times.
* pains to say this, being a long-time Z fan, but the game is poorly balanced. The original developers added way too many units and buildings and fights will happen on ground, air and water. Most of the units are either too one-dimensional or outright useless. Combat is very clutchy and requires a lot of micromanagement which is impossible due to horrible controls. I prefer the simplicity of predecessor, the sequel has too many things going on too many levels.
* original developers tried to make missions somewhat different from "slay enemy base" but most of them just end up exactly that anyway.

* remake related: graphics are better.
* at least campaign and cutscenes are there, right? Characters are still awesome, so there's that.

Conclusion: get it only for nostalgia value and be prepared to deal with crashes and horrible controls. If you're not a Z fan and never played the original games, stay away. Go get & play Z1 instead, even with some issues its way better than this remake.
Odesláno 13. června 2018. Naposledy upraveno 13. června 2018.
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