Alexander Wilson   Austin, Texas, United States
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Stuff that I have extra of. Willing to trade if you have any cards I don't have!
Ulubiony poradnik
Autor – QuaestComm i meri
460 ocen(y)
Monolith has some advanced features not given in the initial tutorial. Some may consider learning these features on your own to be part of the gameplay experience, so turn back now if you don't want to see spoilers. !! There is now a WIKI for Monolith you
shmlalex 18 grudnia 2018 o 22:32 
LadyOberon 18 sierpnia 2017 o 16:59 
Thank you so much! I definitely will continue writing reviews, and I'm so glad you liked it. I always read my review comments, so feel free to post if you have questions, or message me. I'm glad to chat with you anytime. :)
shmlalex 18 sierpnia 2017 o 16:56 
No problem! I read your review on Hollow Knight and really liked it, so keep up the great work!
LadyOberon 18 sierpnia 2017 o 16:21 
Hey, Wilson! Thank you so much for stopping by my profile. You are absolutely right about Hollow Knight. It really is awesome. Let me know if you've played anything else good lately or if you need a recommendation for a good game to try. :)
shmlalex 15 sierpnia 2017 o 17:11 