Star of Providence

Star of Providence

459 ratings
The Nuances of Monolith
By QuaestComm and 1 collaborators
Monolith has some advanced features not given in the initial tutorial. Some may consider learning these features on your own to be part of the gameplay experience, so turn back now if you don't want to see spoilers.

!! There is now a WIKI for Monolith you can check out here[]. This guide is currently not being updated, and some details may be incorrect or out-of-date. The wiki doesn't yet appear to contain dialogue text. But for the most up-to-date and accurate information, please use the Wiki.
Game Mechanics
"Try to keep your Multiplier high for the big money. It goes up while you're scrapping fools. And takes a hit when you do."

Multiplier, shown on the left side of the mini-map, increases the amount of Debris you gain from destroying enemies. Starting at x1.0 (which is the minimum value), Multiplier increases as you kill enemies, up to a maximum of x2.5. Taking damage reduces Multiplier by x1.0. If a damaging hit is negated by Autobomb, Multiplier is instead reduced by x0.5.

If you are moving when you dash, you dash in the direction of movement. Otherwise, you dash in the direction of aim.

If you have not taken the Blink upgrade in a run, the speed boost from dashing is added onto your current movement, allowing you to cover a considerable portion of a room with each dash. Taking Blink causes every dash to be performed with no regard to your movement speed - though the dash direction mechanics remain unchanged, the teleport distance does not increase if you dash while moving.

Bomb Regeneration
If you clear a room and you are below your Bomb cap (2 by default), you will gain a partial Bomb (indicated in the interface by a pie cut of a bomb for 1 partial Bomb and the left half of a bomb for 2 partial bombs). Once three partial Bombs have been collected, they combine together into a Standard Bomb.

Partial HP
If you collect an HP pickup or otherwise gain an amount of HP which would take you above Max HP, excess healing is converted into partial HP, indicated by the segments in the vertical bar just to the left of the HP and Max HP indicators. Once four partial HP have been collected, they combine together into a Max HP upgrade, raising both your Max HP and your current HP by 1. Partial HP and Max HP gain are disabled on non-Normal Lethality. Excess healing from all sources is instead converted into (300 * Level * Amount) Debris.

"Word of advice: Feel like you're stuck with a weapon? Bomb in the map screen to scrap it. Just make sure there are no enemies around first."

Salvaging is a process that converts unusable or undesirable pickups and weapons into more useful goods. In most cases, it occurs automatically when certain conditions are fulfilled:
  • Pickup Salvaging:
    • +20% Ammo pickups are salvaged into (150 * Level) Debris if they are taken while the player is using the Basic Weapon or at 100% ammo on any other weapon.
    • +1 Bomb pickups (the standard kind) are salvaged into (150 * Level) Debris if they are taken while the player is already at 6 Bombs. +2 Bomb pickups are instead salvaged into (300 * Level) Debris.
    • +Power Bomb pickups (such as Deep Freeze Bomb and Time Bomb) normally overwrite one Standard Bomb with the appropriate type of Power Bomb if the player is already carrying 6 total Bombs. However, if all 6 of the player's bombs are already Power Bombs, the pickup is instead salvaged into (300 * Level) Debris.
  • Weapon Salvaging: If the player picks up a weapon while still using a non-Basic weapon, the previous weapon is salvaged into +1 HP and (500 * Level) Debris by default. If the Salvage upgrade has been taken, the previous weapon is instead salvaged into +2 HP and (1000 * Level) Debris.
    • Alternately, the player can scrap their current non-Basic weapon whenever teleportation is allowed (usually whenever there are no enemies present) by pressing the bomb button while viewing the large map. This will destroy the weapon and yield (500 * Level) Debris without Salvage or (1000 * Debris) with Salvage; in both cases, the player ship will fall back to its Basic weapon afterward.
  • Key Salvaging: If the player is carrying a Key when they arrive in a new level, the Key is salvaged for an amount of Debris equal to its price in a Shop in the new level. Specifically, Keys salvage into 3500, 7500, 12,500, and 19,500 Debris when brought into levels 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively.

Lethality, unlocked after your first level 6 win and purchased from Kleines for 80,000 cumulative Debris, is a setting which allows the player to select one of three initial setups for the next run.
It is changed by interacting with the Mods terminal (which appears in the Hub after Lethality has been unlocked) just to the right of the passage to the Hub's Elevator Room. Changing the Lethality setting is required in order to earn certain Steam Achievements.
  • Normal: The default setup which is selected every time the Hub is entered, it is the only Lethality setting which allows Max HP to be increased beyond its initial amount and Multiplier to function normally (all other settings disable Max HP gain [but not loss] of any kind and force Multiplier to stay at x1.0). The player begins at 10 HP and Max HP, 100% Damage, and 100% Max Ammo. All upgrades are available in Upgrade Terminals.
  • Intense: The player begins at 5 HP and Max HP, 150% Damage, and 50% Max Ammo. Autobomb, Quickening and Plating cannot appear in Upgrade Terminals.
  • Sudden Death: The player's Max HP is set to 1 at all times, and the player begins at 1 HP, 300% Damage, and 30% Max Ammo. Plating, Autobomb, Quickening and Focus cannot appear in Upgrade Terminals.
Relics of the Past DLC
Some notable changes have been made to these mechanics in the RotP DLC.

Multiplier can now go up to a maximum of x3.0. After x2.5, the Multiplier takes longer to increase. Taking damage reduces Multiplier by x1.0. The Multiplier now also works in non-Normal Lethality. Using a bomb during combat while in this mode drops the Multiplier by x1.0.

Partial HP
Partial HP can now be gained in non-Normal Lethality. Four Partial HP or picking up Max HP will result in getting a shield.
Weapons (Part 1)
Weapons are the primary means of dispatching enemies within the Monolith. In addition to the starter weapon, there are 13 weapon types which can be found within the various levels.

Basic Weapon
  • Quote: N/A
  • Base Max Ammo: Unlimited
  • Keywords: N/A
  • Details: The default weapon which is used when no other weapon is available. By default, fires a single two-bolt projectile several times a second. If Reserves has been taken, fires two two-bolt projectiles at a time instead, each dealing 55% of the original projectile's damage, resulting in a net 10% increase in the Basic Weapon's damage output (separate from the +10% increase to Damage multiplier also provided by Reserves).

  • Quote: "Vulcan is your vanilla gun. Point it at somebody you don't like, hold fire and lean back. Lotta Keywords for those things, too. Rarely two alike."
  • Base Max Ammo: 500
  • Non-Universal Keywords: Gatling; Align, Triple, Piercing, Ricochet, Split, Phasing, Burst, Homing, Chain Lightning, Instant Hit, High-Caliber, Backshot Swarming*
  • Details: Essentially the Basic Weapon, but more powerful and with Keywords. Average fire rate by default.

  • Quote: "The Charge weapon offers some unique advantages and disadvantages. You gotta wind it up first and it gets less accurate as it fires. Oh, but that burst potential is very high, especially at close range. Make a habit of entering rooms with it already primed."
  • Base Max Ammo: 600
  • Non-Universal Keywords: Surge; Wider Spray, Charges Faster, Piercing, Shotgun Style, Phasing, Ricochet, Instant Hit, Swarming*
  • Details: Weapon charges over time to full capacity. Firing discharges stored shots. A full charge holds 15 shots. Very high fire rate during discharge.

  • Quote: "It might surprise you, but I always had a knack for the Revolver. It's compact, precise, cool and deadly. Just like me. Try to keep track of your shots. Don't get caught with an empty barrel."
  • Base Max Ammo: 250
  • Non-Universal Keywords: Twinshooter, Finale; Homing, Burst, Triple, Piercing, Shotgun Style, Ricochet, Chain Lightning, Split, Auto-hammer, Swarming*
  • Details: Has a clip size of 6 by default, and emptying a clip incurs a delay while the next clip is loaded. Entering an uncleared room instantly refills the current clip. Average fire rate.

  • Quote: "Laser is powerful, precise and most importantly, strikes instantly. Some focus is required. And it'll be hard to turn while firing. In a pinch, it's also excellent entertainment. *purr*"
  • Base Max Ammo: 75
  • Non-Universal Keywords: Pulsewaves, Crossbeam, Continuous; Charges Faster, Triple, Piercing, Ricochet, Homing, Backblast
  • Details: Fires for a duration. Low fire rate.

  • Quote: "Fireball is a high impact weapon. Ideal for when your enemy also has a lot of friends. Just don't get your fur singed, eh?"
  • Base Max Ammo: 88
  • Non-Universal Keywords: Overheat, Shrapnel; Homing, Triple, Chain Lightning, Split, Backblast
  • Details: Fireball deals damage in a small area upon impact. Low fire rate.

  • Quote: "Ah, Sword. A classic weapon concept, practically age-proof. Functions from a range, but you really want to get a swing in to maximize that damage. And of course, you can always swat small bullets right out of the air."
  • Base Max Ammo: 125
  • Non-Universal Keywords: Heavy, Quick, Bloodlust, Knockback, Reflective; Triple, Giant, Lunge
  • Details: Melee damage and projectile deletion area indicated by box in front of ship. Somewhat low fire rate by default.

  • Quote: "Razor is... unorthodox, to say the least. It offers a lot of offense and defense in equal measure. Weaker foes get shredded as they approach, larger ones not so much. Of course you can just launch them too."
  • Base Max Ammo: 200
  • Non-Universal Keywords: Chariot, Lance, Instant Recall, Ringshot, Shielded; Triple, Burst, Chain Lightning, Homing, Giant
  • Details: Several circular blades orbit the ship, piercing through and damaging enemies and consuming ammo on contact. Orbiting blades can be launched forward, but they must return to the ship and re-enter orbit before they can be launched again.

*Must be unlocked and purchased from Kleines before it can appear in a run.

Weapon Value
Weapons are assigned a value based on the number of Keywords and the level number. This value is how much a weapon would cost to buy in a (small) shop. Generally, compared to a weapon with 2 Keywords, a weapon with 3 Keywords has 2x value while a weapon with 4 Keywords (it's very rare, but they can appear outside of the Artifact upgrade) has 3x value.

Life Shops will only offer weapons with 3 keywords and they cost 2 Max HP to buy.
2-Word Value
3-Word Value
4-Word Value
1: Excavation
2: Archives
3: Maintenance System
4: Bellows
5: Sanctum
Weapons (Part 2)
The following weapons, added in the After the End content update, must all be unlocked and purchased from Kleines before they can appear within the Monolith. Additionally, there are no quotes associated with these weapons.

  • Base Max Ammo: 2000
  • Non-Universal Keywords: Split, Align, Triple, Piercing, Homing, Wider Spray, Shotgun Style, Chain Lightning, Backshot, Swarming*
  • Details: Pulsar has an extremely high fire rate, but its shots disappear after traveling a certain distance (approx. 50% of the diagonal length of the screen).

  • Base Max Ammo: 100
  • Non-Universal Keywords: Ricochet, Align, Phasing, Backblast, Charges Faster
  • Details: Firing the weapon launches a ball of lightning which itself is harmless to enemies. However, this ball of lightning electrifies nearby enemies as it travels, though it can only target one enemy at a time with its electricity. Upon contact with terrain, the projectile disappears in a small explosion (this explosion is the only means of damaging blocks and dislodging icicles).

  • Base Max Ammo: 75
  • Non-Universal Keywords: Homing, Backblast, Ricochet, Phasing, Charges Faster
  • Details: Fires a fast shot with high damage and infinite piercing ability which is only stopped by indestructible terrain by default. Accuracy depends on the length of time that the Fire button is held before being released - the "cone" of fire is indicated during charge-up by a pair of converging green lines, and the weapon auto-fires with perfect accuracy once the lines meet.

  • Base Max Ammo: 120
  • Non-Universal Keywords: Drag; Backblast, Homing, Backshot
  • Details: Holding Fire deploys a big drill in front of the player ship which deals continuous damage and pulls enemies it contacts onto its tip. While the drill is held this way, ammo is drained at a rate of 2 units per second. Releasing Fire launches the drill forward, turning it into a piercing and semi-phasing projectile (only stopped by the edge of the screen) and incurring a short cooldown before the drill can be deployed again.

  • Base Max Ammo: 150
  • Non-Universal Keywords: Chain Lightning, Homing, Triple, Ricochet, Phasing, Align, Backshot
  • Details: Launches javelins which knock enemies back on contact. Damage is dealt both on initial contact and over time for the 3 seconds of time the projectile remains stuck in the enemy.

  • Base Max Ammo: 2000
  • Non-Universal Keywords: Split, Homing, Chain Lightning, Ricochet, Phasing, Triple, Piercing, Align, Instant Hit
  • Details: Obtaining this weapon plays the seal-breaking sound effect and manifests a runic ring around the player ship which lasts for the lifetime of the weapon. Firing the weapon locks on enemies, shooting bursts of bullets with a slight cooldown. The ring respects terrain, shrinking if the ship gets close to it and allowing shots to be fired more accurately.

*Unlocked when the Swarmer Pack is purchased
Keywords (Part 1)
"Many different weapons down there, all branded with 'Keywords'. They trade in firepower and capacity for some useful side-effects. Nifty, eh?"

Keywords are modifiers which change the properties of weapons to which they are attached. All weapons found in the Monolith come with 2, 3 or 4 Keywords attached.

Universal Keywords
Universal Keywords can appear on any weapon type. Most Keywords in this category are not available at the outset - they must first be unlocked by killing enough enemies of a certain type, then purchased from Kleines, before they can begin to appear on weapons.
  • Freeze: Slows enemies on hit [always unlocked]
  • Akashic: +35% Damage VS Constructs
  • Antimagic: +35% Damage VS Mages
  • Consecrated: +35% Damage VS Ghosts [applies to Undead-type enemies]
  • Disrupting: +35% Damage VS Machines [applies to Mech-type enemies]
  • Infested: Enemies release Swarmers on death [unlocked via Swarmer Pack]

Non-Universal Keywords
Non-Universal Keywords, in contrast, only appear on some, but not all, weapon types. Some keywords in this category function differently on different weapon types.
Shotgun Style
Shoots in bursts of pellets
Revolver, Charge, Fireball, Pulsar
On Revolver, Base Ammo: 250->167; Clip Size: 6->3; shots replaced with clusters of pellets. On Charge, all loaded shots fire in a shotgun burst. On Fireball, Base Ammo: 88->75, fireballs replaced with clusters of explosive pellets. On Pulsar, rapid-fire replaced with quick 20-shot shotgun bursts.
Homes onto enemies
Vulcan, Revolver, Laser, Fireball, Razor, Pulsar, Railgun, Drill, Spear, Runic
On Vulcan, cannot appear simultaneously with Align.
Fires all razors at once
Blade count increased by 1, slower flight.
Fires in twos
Base Ammo: 250->167, Clip Size: 6->3. Each pair of shots only consumes 1 ammo.
Fires in short bursts
Vulcan, Revolver, Razor
Adds two shots to each firing instance, one in front of the usual projectile and one behind it. On Vulcan and Revolver, reduces fire rate.
Charges Faster
Can be fired quicker
Charge, Laser, Thunderhead, Railgun
On Charge, increases shot loading rate; on Laser, Thunderhead and Railgun, reduces reload time between shots.
Chain Lightning
Arcs between enemies
Vulcan, Revolver, Fireball, Razor, Pulsar, Spear, Runic
Causes electricity to arc from a directly damaged enemy to up to two enemies nearby.
Fires constantly
Laser fires for as long as the fire button is held, periodically consuming ammo. Reload time still occurs when fire button is released.
Fires in threes
Vulcan, Revolver, Laser, Fireball, Sword, Razor, Pulsar, Spear, Runic
Adds two shots to each firing instance on the left and right sides of the usual shot, each dealing 50% damage; in exchange, reload time is increased by 50%. On Laser, added lasers usually diverge from center during shot.
Splits on impact
Vulcan, Revolver, Fireball, Pulsar, Runic
Split projectiles cannot damage the same target as the original projectile. On Pulsar, split shot distance travelled depends on distance travelled by source shot.
Extra large
Sword, Razor
Goes through the first enemy
Vulcan, Revolver, Charge, Laser, Pulsar, Runic
Weaker, but fires rapidly
Base Ammo: 500->1000; fire rate greatly increased. Vulcan shots replaced by generic bullets fired in a spray.
Instant Recall
Blades recall immediately on impact
Instant Recall triggers on collision with terrain or the screen's edge.
Forms a facade in front of you
Blades, rather than orbiting, now are arranged in front of the player.
Bounces off of walls
Vulcan, Revolver, Charge, Laser, Pulsar, Thunderhead, Railgun, Spear, Runic
Shots only bounce once.
Arcs to enemies when fully charged
Drains ammo to shock one enemy.
Warps through boundaries
Vulcan, Charge, Laser, Thunderhead, Railgun, Spear, Runic
Phasing projectiles pass through terrain and wrap around the screen once, being destroyed on second contact with the screen's edge.
Moves with you
Vulcan, Pulsar, Thunderhead, Spear, Runic
Shots react to both movement and rotation.
Last shot is extra powerful
All projectiles of shot that empties the current clip are larger than normal and deal bonus damage.
Blades block bullets when idle
Reduces razor count by 1. Like Sword swings, blades cannot delete large bullets or beams.
Pushes enemies back
Only applies to melee hits.
Area of effect damage over time
Explodes into bullets
Reflects bullets back
Deleted projectiles spawn bullets
Increased attack speed
-15% reload time. Additive with Heavy.
Forms a line in front of you
Wider Spray
Greater spread and damage
Charge, Pulsar
On Charge, +30% damage.
Powerful, but slows you down
Reload time +50%, damage +80%, movement slowed while swinging. Additive with Quick.
Charged by killing enemies quickly
Killing several enemies or deleting several bullets in a short time charges the Sword, turning blade and ranged shots yellow and increasing damage. Charged state persists on room changes and teleports, but wears off if the player goes too long without killing an enemy or deleting a bullet.
Laser radiates bullets
Laser segments closest to the player radiate bullets first.
Radiates side lasers
Side lasers emanate from midpoint of main laser(s).
Knockback nearby enemies on fire
Laser, Fireball, Thunderhead, Railgun, Drill
On Drill, only occurs on launch.
Chance of firing a Swarmer
Vulcan, Revolver, Charge, Pulsar
Unlocked via Swarmer Pack
Drags enemies along
Slower projectile, but pulls hit enemies onto its tip.
Also shoots behind you
Pulsar, Drill, Vulcan, Spear
Shoots behind you at the same rate of fire.
Rapidly unloads your entire clip
Significant rate of fire increase.
Keywords (Part 2)
Instant hit
Shoots in bursts of pellets
Runic, Charge, Vulcan
Shots hit your target immediately.
Increased melee damage while dashing
Tricky to use, but pays for it in damage. Note that it's only melee damage and not the shot that comes from sword when swinging.
Stronger, but fires slower
Vulcan, Spear
Damage on this weapon is increased, but has a slower rate of fire.
Unique Weapons (Part 1)
Unique weapons are rare weapons that have special effects to them. They often have better damage output, but have less ammo. They are still tied to a normal weapon type. Every weapon type has a minimal of 3 Unique Weapons, sometimes more that are special weapons, dropped by killing hidden bosses.

Weapon Type
Shoots an atomic shot. Hit it with another normal shot and it will explode and deal heavy damage.
Shoots a blast of fireballs in front of the player (in a 90 degree angle). This attack has to be changed up for a few seconds and it can be charged before entering a room. The very last row of fireballs deal extra damage.
Freezing charge shots that when fully charged creates an ice shot that on impact splits into 12 smaller shots.
Crimson Lotus
Once the player shoots, it stays in front of the player like it is being held. Once it's out, it can not be retracted and the weapon is basically on a timer until it's destroyed. The player is completely invincible while the weapon is out.
Creates new rooms anywhere they can be created by drilling into the wall.
Destroys most tiles when being drilled. These means both when the player is holding the drill in front of them, or when the drill hits a wall from a shot. The ashes of the destroyed walls (when holding the drill in front) will surround the drill.
Acts like a flamethrower. Sprays fire in front of the ship with mild inaccuracy.
Shoots a regular fireball, but when it hits an enemy, it shoots an laser forward. If it hits a wall, it will shoot that laser from the wall.
Mostly acts the same as a normal fireball, but the splash damage hits the entire room.
Laser that pierces to all enemies, freezing them in place and has overheat.
It starts out with a normal triple laser, but after holding it down they slowly come together and merge into one big laser.
Continous laser that links between enemies with lightning, hurting them over time.
Shoots two pulsar waves in the form of a helix.
Normal pulsar, but with it's shotgun keyword and shoots from all side rather than just the front. Removes nearby bullets while shooting.
Shots that hit the wall will bounce and deal extra damage.
Gun with no name
With this gun, the enemies have to be locked on to. Just hold down the shot button to charge six shots. It can be released early to release fewer shots. The enemy has to be in focus during charging. If you go behind a wall for example, the shots will be released, but likely won't hit the enemy. Enemies can be locked on to while they are in the background, but still can't be hit.
Shoots bombs that stick to enemies. They explode when revolver is recharging.
Killing highlighted enemies (indicated by a yellow blow) will give the player a brief buff. This can be either speed, damage or rate of fire. Hunted enemies take more damage.
Iron Fist
Replaces the razors that circle around the player with spiked balls. These deal heavy damage on impact. Fires slightly slower than regular razors and deal knockback to the enemies that have been hit. Goes through shields.
The Claw
Latches onto an enemy, dealing damage over time.
Chain lightning between the razors, linking them even when being shot.
Unique Weapons (Part 2)
Weapon Type
Railgun with overheat that drags enemies along with it's shot.
Enemies have a weak spot in the middle of them. Hit them with this railgun for a big damage up.
Higher damage railgun with slower rate of fire.
Eternal Vigil
The ship doesn't shoot bullets anymore. Instead when trying to attack eyes come out from the background and shoot enemies.
Hand of the First
Changes into a different Unique Weapon after entering a new room.
Council's Blessing
Puts an halo on enemies, dealing damage over time. While they are captured, they shoot vulcan shots at other enemies. Can also capture shields. No more than one enemy can be captured at the same time.
Grasp of Entropy
Reward for banishing Chaosgod. It locks onto enemies and steals their soul. After using it for a while, the player gets their Max HP increased by 2 and damage goes up by 5%. This is indicated by the runes around the player shining.
Acts similairly to a normal spear, but has a lot more damage and a lot less ammo. Goes through all enemies and can go through walls.
Thousand Needles
Shoots many bullets rapidly, with mild inaccuracy.
Fight damage pins that deal heavy knockback to enemies, pinning them in the wall if they hit one, unable to move.
Phantom Edge
You do not hold a sword with this weapon. Strikes across the screen with perfect accuracy. Swings are indicated with grey lines.
Giant sword that when hitting release 4 small "turrets" that shoot with a laser-like attacks at enemies and then go away.
Long sword range with high fire damage.
Sacred Arms
A large sword with a staff surrounding the player that shoots lasers at enemiesGiven by fighting Warden in Temple Tier 1-3 and Sacred Arms gets stronger if you pick it up at higher tiers.
Edge of Reality
Reward for banishing Chaosgod. After charging it by hurting enemies, creates a wall of stars that grabs enemies and deals mass damage to them.
Shoots Thunderhead orbs that from its core shoots at enemies with a railgun-like laser.
Black Hole
Shoots big shots that suck in enemies (unless the enemy is stuck to the wall, like Crawlers). Slows down when it hits a target. Can go through walls.
Once shot, it travels a short distance (about 1/3rd of the screen) and stays in place until it hits a object. It moves with the player.
Shots move in the opposite way.
White Death
Instant vulcan shots, the first rate increases the more you hit enemies. Resets when a shot is missed.
World's Largest Gun
Shoots very big, massive damaging balls. Has little ammo, but great damage output.
Cartridges (Part 1)
Cartridges act as passive items. They cannot be discarded.

13 Leaf Clover
Better gambling chances
The odds of rolling a 1 or 6 are higher in the Gambling shop room. Increasing the chance to win an item.
Recover HP when starting a new floor
Adds 1 HP to your health when entering a new floor.
Bombs recharge faster
Bombs take 2 rooms to recharge instead of 3.
On taking a hit, sometimes drop a heart
The heart will bounce around the room until the player collects it and despawns if the player does not pick it up in time.
Broken Mirror
More crurses, curses break faster
Cursed weapons become more common and they break faster, meaning that less rooms have to be cleared using it than normal.
Damage is dealt to HP Segments before HP
Still counts as a normal hit.
Increased multiplier gain
Gain a powerful ally, but you gain 20% less debris
The player gains a follower. It's a gangster hermit that will shoot at enemies while the player is also attacking. 20% less debris will spawn from enemies when taking this cartridge.
Cool Sunglasses
Attracts shopkeerps
A shop will appear on the sixth floor.
On dash, fire a shot at the nearest enemy
It shoots a revolver-like shot directly at the enemy closest to the player. This is not part of the weapon the player currently holds, but it does consume ammo.
Credit Card
Can go into debt while shopping
Once in debt, you can't buy more.
Crates cost less to open
Increased damage to bosses.
Deal 10% extra damage to bosses.
Electrostatic aura
Bomb damage+
When bombing, enemies take more damage than usual.
Glowing Rune
Detects it's kin
Shows where minibosses are on the map.
Golden Star
Clear bullets on room end
Once all enemies in a room are dead, their bullets also disappear.
Start each floor with a random weapon
Spawns a weapon in the starting room. This will break after leaving the room without picking up.
Bombs open doors
Bombs allow you to escape rooms mid-combat.
Hats for all
All ghosts now wear hats.
Gain a shield when max life increases
Magnifying Glass
Discover rooms in a 3x3 radius.
Magic Pack
Above 2.5 multiplier, item drops are cloned
Dropped by Drdlord. The room reward will appear twice and the player can take both.
Magic Rod
Above 2.5 multiplier, ammo use is halved
Dropped by Drdlich.
Magic Shield
Above 2.5 multiplier, take no damage
Dropped by Drdknight. The multiplier still lowers when hit. So it's basically just a shield.
Magic Sword
Above 2.5 multiplier, deal 20% more damage
Dropped by Drdskull.
Cartridges (Part 2)
Member Card
Shops contain an extra item
Mining Hat
Reduced multiplier loss
Multiplier only go down by x0.5 rather than x1.
Finds secrets
Shows secret rooms on the map. Doesn't open them.
Can't take double damage
Hack shops, troves and terminals
Play a hacking minigame to get cheaper shops (25% discount), better weapons and an extra option in the upgrade terminal.
Power Core
Regain all active charges on entering a new floor
Only spawns if playing as Arena Blaster. Entering a new floor fills your entire charge meter.
When hit, reflect nearby projectiles
Shoots the bullets back in the projection they came from.
Lowered Dash Cooldown
Significantly reduces the cooldown for dashing.
Your basic weapon has piercing
Smaller floors, more items
The number of normal combat rooms will be significantly reduced on upcoming floor.
Doubled swarmer damage
Can also spawn without currently holding the keyword, but not when the Swarmer Pack is disabled.
Your minimum multiplier is 1.5
Dropped by Chaosgod.
Treasure Chest
Better troves
Weapon chambers can now spawn more weapons when opened.
Recover charge when damaged
Only spawns if playing as Arena Blaster. When taking damage, refills your charge meter by 1.
Dramatic entrance
When entering a room, fires a big, high damage lazer shot in the direction ahead of the player.
Victory Sign
Double special bomb gain
Any bomb pickups that are not normal bombs will now give the player two of that type of bomb.
Bombs are consumable items which are generally used to reveal Secret Rooms or help the player avoid damage. Most types of Bombs have limited offensive capabilities due to the explosion not dealing much (or any) damage to enemies by default.

The player can hold up to 6 Bombs at a time, and the player's Bomb inventory is shown underneath the ammo display for the current weapon. By default, the Bomb currently in the upper-left corner of the display area is used when the player taps the Bomb input (Left Shift for keyboard and mouse input); however, if the Autobomb upgrade is active and the player is holding at least 3 Bombs, it will also be used automatically when the player would otherwise take damage. If the player attempts to use a Bomb in a cleared room, Standard Bombs will be used before Power Bombs, allowing the player to search for secrets without wasting carried Power Bombs.

Types of Bombs
Several types of Bombs exist:
  • Standard Bombs are the most common kind, and they destroy bullets and beams for a short duration, push back foes, and demolish walls concealing Secret Rooms.
    • In the user interface, standard Bombs below the player's current Bomb cap are yellow while standard Bombs above the cap are red.
    • If the player is not yet at or above their Bomb cap (2 by default), clearing a room awards a partial Bomb, shown in the interface's current primary color (green at 10+ HP).
    • If the player picks up enough Bombs to go over their Bomb cap before the partial Bomb has become a standard Bomb, the partial Bomb is instead displayed in red.
  • Fire Bombs, available from the outset, deal significant damage to enemies in the room in addition to all the effects of Standard Bombs. In the user interface, Fire Bombs are orange.
  • Excavation Bombs, available from the outset, when used in a room, creates a shortcut wherever one can be made, indicated by blue shovel icons. In the user interface, Excavation Bombs are dark grey.
  • Shattering Bombs, available from the outset, when used in a room, removes all tiles. Thus creating a completely empty room, in addition to all of the effects of a Standard Bomb. This doesn't remove items / pickups. In the user interface, Shattering Bombs are grey green.
  • Energy Bombs, unlocked for purchase from Kleines for 70,000 Debris upon beating the game on Intense Mode. As long as you have it in your bomb stock, you gain %5 damage and speed, in addition to all of the effects of a Standard Bomb. In the user interface Energy Bombs are silver.
  • Deep Freeze Bombs, unlocked for purchase from Kleines for 30,000 Debris upon the defeat of any Archives boss, deal minor damage and freeze all enemies, slowing them down for a brief time, in addition to all of the effects of a Standard Bomb. In the user interface, Deep Freeze Bombs are light blue.
  • Time Bombs, unlocked for purchase from Kleines for 40,000 Debris upon the defeat of any Maintenance System boss, deal minor damage and destroy bullets and beams for 4 times as long as Standard Bombs. In the user interface, Time Bombs are light green.
  • Laser Blast Bombs, unlocked for purchase from Kleines for 50,000 Debris upon the defeat of any Bellows boss, shoot a massive laser from the player ship's nose which pierces terrain and deals massive damage to everything in its path, killing most enemies (against bosses, the laser only takes off a chunk of health). Otherwise, they behave just like Standard Bombs. In the user interface, Laser Blast Bombs are white.
  • Swarm Bombs, unlocked when the Swarmer Pack is purchased from Kleines for 50,000 Debris, release a large group of friendly blue Swarmers in addition to the effects of a Standard Bomb. In the user interface, Swarm Bombs are dark green.
  • Mirror Bombs, unlocked for purchase from Kleines, reflects bullets when used in opposite way of which they came from, in addition to all of the effects of a Standard Bomb.
  • Gold Bombs, unlocked for purchase from Kleines for 60,000 Debris upon getting 200,000 Debris in a single loop run, turns all enemy bullets into money, in addition to all of the effects of a Standard Bomb.

Bomb Acquisition
Standard Bombs can be acquired through +Bomb pickups, passive Bomb regeneration (only up to Bomb cap), or the Extra Pow upgrade (which increases Bomb cap by 1 and adds a standard Bomb).

All other types of Bombs, collectively referred to as Power Bombs, can be acquired through Power Bomb pickups (once the appropriate bomb unlocks have been purchased from Kleines) or by taking a Power Bomb deal in a Shrine (which grants an assortment of 6 Power Bombs, but reduces Bomb cap by 1).
Pickups (Part 1)
Pickups are collectible items which appear inside of bubbles. The vast majority of pickups are beneficial to the player, but there are a few which also have a considerable downside.

Normal Room Clear Drop?
Shop Value
Adds a Bomb (up to 6)
Left half of a black bomb
Guaranteed drop from most bosses. Salvage Amount: (150*Level) [Reason: at 6 Bombs]
Adds two Bombs (up to 6)
Whole black bomb
Fortune Required
250/ 450/ 850/ 1350/ 2050G
1 HP
Salvage Amount: (300*Level) [Reason: at 6 Bombs]
+1 Fire Bomb
Whole orange bomb
Fortune Required
400/ 700/ 1300/ 2050/ 3100G
1 HP
Always unlocked. Salvage Amount: (300*Level) [Reason: at 6 Power Bombs]
+1 Shattering Bomb
Grey bomb with a yellow logo on it's front and a green radar effect
Fortune Required
400/ 700/ 1300/ 2050/ 3100G
1 HP
Always unlocked. Salvage Amount: (300*Level) [Reason: at 6 Power Bombs]
+1 Fire Bomb
Whole orange bomb
Fortune Required
400/ 700/ 1300/ 2050/ 3100G
1 HP
Always unlocked. Salvage Amount: (300*Level) [Reason: at 6 Power Bombs]
+1 Excavation Bomb
Grey bomb with green radar effect
Fortune Required
400/ 700/ 1300/ 2050/ 3100G
1 HP
Always unlocked. Salvage Amount: (300*Level) [Reason: at 6 Power Bombs]
+1 Mirror Bomb
Purple rippled bomb
Fortune Required
400/ 700/ 1300/ 2050/ 3100G
1 HP
Can only appear once the Mirror Bombs unlock has been purchased from Kleines. Salvage Amount: (300*Level) [Reason: at 6 Power Bombs]
+1 Energy Bomb
Bright shining bomb
Fortune Required
400/ 700/ 1300/ 2050/ 3100G
1 HP
Can only appear once the Energy Bombs unlock has been purchased from Kleines. Salvage Amount: (300*Level) [Reason: at 6 Power Bombs]
+1 Deep Freeze Bomb
Whole light-blue bomb
Fortune Required
400/ 700/ 1300/ 2050/ 3100G
1 HP
Can only appear once the Deep Freeze Bombs unlock has been purchased from Kleines. Salvage Amount: (300*Level) [Reason: at 6 Power bombs]
+1 Deep Freeze Bomb
Whole light-blue bomb
Fortune Required
400/ 700/ 1300/ 2050/ 3100G
1 HP
Can only appear once the Deep Freeze Bombs unlock has been purchased from Kleines. Salvage Amount: (300*Level) [Reason: at 6 Power bombs]
+1 Time Bomb
Black bomb with green radar effect
Fortune Required
400/ 700/ 1300/ 2050/ 3100G
1 HP
Can only appear once the Timebombs unlock has been purchased from Kleines. Salvage Amount: (300*Level) [Reason: at 6 Power bombs]
+1 Laser Blast Bomb
Blue-and-black bomb
Fortune Required
400/ 700/ 1300/ 2050/ 3100G
1 HP
Can only appear once the Laser Bombs unlock has been purchased from Kleines. Salvage Amount: (300*Level) [Reason: at 6 Power bombs]
+1 Swarm Bomb
Flesh-colored ball with blue veins
Fortune Required
400/ 700/ 1300/ 2050/ 3100G
1 HP
Can only appear once the Swarmer Pack unlock has been purchased from Kleines. Salvage Amount: (300*Level) [Reason: at 6 Power bombs]
Recovers 20% Ammo
Single cartridge
Guaranteed drop from most bosses. Salvage Amount: (150 * level) [Reason: at 100% ammo/Basic Weapon equipped]
Recovers all Ammo or increases Max Ammo
Cartridge clip
Fortune Required
750/ 1750/ 3750/ 6250/ 9750G
1 HP
Drops from minibosses if HP is above or at Max HP at the time of the miniboss's death. Increases Max Ammo multiplier, visible while the large map is displayed, by +10% if the current weapon is already at 100% Ammo or the Basic Weapon is currently equipped.
Increases Max Ammo slightly
Small yellow clump
Increases Max Ammo multiplier, visible while the large map is displayed, by +5%.
Increases Max Ammo
Large yellow cylinder
Fortune Required
1250/ 2750/ 5750/ 9500/ 14750G
2 HP
Increases Max Ammo multiplier, visible while the large map is displayed, by +20%.
5% Damage increase
Single blue sword
Fortune Required
1300/ 2900/ 6100/ 10100/ 15700G
2 HP
Increases Damage multiplier, visible while the large map is displayed.
10% Damage increase
Two orange swords
Fortune Required
2250/ 4750/ 9750/ 16000/ 24750G
3 HP
Increases Damage multiplier, visible while the large map is displayed.
Recovers 1 HP
Small heart
500/ 1000/ 2000/ 3250/ 5000G
1 HP
Guaranteed drop from most bosses. Drops from minibosses if HP is below Max HP at the time of the miniboss's death. Excess healing is converted to Partial HP. Salvage Amount: (300 * Level) [Reason: At max HP on non-Normal Lethality]
Recovers 2 HP
Large heart
Fortune Required
1000/ 2200/ 4600/ 7600/ 11800G
1 HP
Excess healing is converted to Partial HP. Salvage Amount: (300 * Level * Excess Healing) [Reason: At max HP (-1) on non-Normal Lethality]
Recovers 2 HP
Roast turkey
Only found in certain Secret Rooms. Excess healing is converted to Partial HP. Salvage Amount: (300 * Level * Excess Healing) [Reason: At max HP (-1) on non-Normal Lethality]
Recovers 3 HP, yum!
Plate of wobbling yellow flan
1400/ 2800/ 5600/ 9100/ 14000G
2 HP
Excess healing is converted to Partial HP. Salvage Amount: (300 * Level * Excess Healing) [Reason: At max HP (-1/-2) on non-Normal Lethality]
Increases Max HP by 1
Large electric heart
1600/ 3200/ 6400/ 10400/ 16000G
Does not normally appear on non-Normal Lethality. If it does, it salvages into (500 *
Level) Debris.
Free money!
Yellow cut gem
Grants (300 * level) Debris on collection.
Unlocks Vaults
Yellow spinning key
1500/ 3500/ 7500/ 12500/ 19500/ 27500/ 35500G
1 HP
Only appears if a Vault has generated on the current floor. Can appear on a particular Normal Room clear, upon destruction of the capsule in the Weapon Chamber (taking it destroys the weapons), or within the Secret Room or Shop, Big Shop or Life Shop. Collecting the key adds it to your inventory, indicated by a key icon underneath the HP display. Traveling to the next floor without using the key will salvage it for its value on the new floor.
Reveals the entire floor
Yellow radar device
400/ 700/ 1300/ 2050/ 3100G
1 HP
Only appears in Shops, Big Shops and Life Shops. Reveals the level's Secret Room.
+1 HP Part
Small hearth with an aura around it
Gain one Partial HP. Get 4 for a Max HP up. Can't refill your current health.
Pickups (Part 2)
Normal Room Clear Drop?
Shop Value
+2 HP Parts
Half of a heart
Gain two Partial HP. Get 4 for a Max HP up. Can't refill your current health.
Gain a shield
It nullifies one hit
Blue shield
Taking a hit won't reduce the multiplier.
Choose a new keyword for your weapon and recover 20% ammo
If you cannot gain a keyword, get 20% ammo and some debris
Big Red Jewel
Upon pickup gives the option to choose between 3-5 keywords. If 4 keywords are already on the weapon or you have a Unique weapon, this will simply convert into some ammo and money.
Contains: Medical supplies
First aid kit
Requires ammo to open, 40% of base ammo. So if your weapon has 1000 ammo and the stat Max Ammo is still at 100%, it needs 400 ammo. This doesn't increase if your Max ammo goes up. So even with 150% Max ammo, it still needs 400 ammo to open. Randomly gives some health in the form of hearts and hp parts.
Bomb Case
Contains: Powerful Explosives
Yellow-black box
Requires ammo to open, 30% of base ammo. So if your weapon has 1000 ammo and the stat Max Ammo is still at 100%, it needs 300 ammo. This doesn't increase if your Max ammo goes up. So even with 150% Max ammo, it still needs 300 ammo to open. Randomly 3 bombs, which can either be normal or special bombs.
Contains: Various cartridges
Green cartridge with Null staring at a question mark-block
Requires ammo to open, 80% of base ammo. So if your weapon has 1000 ammo and the stat Max Ammo is still at 100%, it needs 800 ammo. This doesn't increase if your Max ammo goes up. So even with 150% Max ammo, it still needs 800 ammo to open. Gives the player a random cartridge.
Mystery Box
Contains: Could be anything
Brown package with a red question mark on a piece of paper
Requires ammo to open, 50% of base ammo. So if your weapon has 1000 ammo and the stat Max Ammo is still at 100%, it needs 500 ammo. This doesn't increase if your Max ammo goes up. So even with 150% Max ammo, it still needs 500 ammo to open. Randomly picks between all the other crates.
Regain 3 charges
Cup of tea
Refills 3 charges in your charge meter.
Gain 6 Power Bombs
Lose a Max Bomb
Red vortex
Only appears in Shrines.
Gain 5 HP
Lose 50% Max HP
Red vortex
Only appears in Shrines. HP gain occurs before, and is not affected by, Max HP reduction.
Gain 20% extra Damage
Lose half your HP
Red vortex
Only appears in Shrines.
Gain 400% Ammo for your current weapon
Lose half your Maximum Ammo
Red vortex
Only appears in Shrines. Current weapon's ammo is set to 4 * (old ammo capacity), irrespective of Max Ammo reduction.
Unlock a Seal
Face death
Red vortex
Only appears in Shrines after the Overlord's Seal has been collected but before Renegade's Seal has been collected. Taking this "pickup" starts the boss fight with Renegade.
{8 scrambled runes}
Sword on top of a triangle
Dropped by Overlord on death if it has not already been collected once. Collecting it breaks the first Seal and causes the other Seals to begin appearing in subsequent runs.
{8 scrambled runes}
4-leaf clover without a stem
Offered by Bloke in a Shop for 1300G after the Overlord's Seal has been collected. Attempting to purchase it starts the Bloke boss fight, and the fight is won by collecting the seal once its price has been reduced from 999999G to 1G.
{8 scrambled runes}
X on top of a Z
Dropped by Renegade upon winning the boss fight with it.
Is that a ribbon
Red ribbon (for hair decoration)
A resprited version of a +2 HP pickup which has a small chance of replacing a normal or wall-chicken +2 HP pickup in a Floor 5 or 6 Secret Room if the player has not yet collected it. Collection of this pickup is required to trigger the Hub secret. On non-Normal Lethality, salvages for (300 * Level) Debris per point of excess healing.
Upgrades, acquired at Upgrade Terminals, grant passive benefits for the rest of the current run.

When the player uses an Upgrade Terminal, they are presented with three randomly-picked Upgrades and are forced to choose one of them, gaining its benefits and preventing it from appearing again for the rest of the current run. Upgrades which are not chosen by the player remain in the pool of Upgrades, allowing them to appear again as options in future Upgrade Terminals.
+10% Damage, improves default weapon
Damage bonus stacks additively with other damage bonuses. Basic Weapon now deals 2x55% damage rather than 1x100% damage.
Teleport when dashing
Player can now teleport through enemies, bullets and hazards, but not through solid blocks.
Extra Pow
Grants an extra Bomb
Max Bomb is increased by 1, and the player gains 1 standard Bomb if they are not already at 6 Bombs.
Second Wind
Recovers all health and ammo
Must be purchased from Kleines before this Upgrade can appear in Upgrade Terminals.
Electricity merely slows you down
Player becomes immune to damage from electricity, whether generated by hazards or enemies.
Reveals some rooms on every floor, shows enemy HP
Room-revealing effect only triggers upon arrival to a new level.
Prolongs invulnerable time between hits
Invulnerable time on taking damage is tripled.
Negate damage while on more than 2 Bombs
If the player has 3 or more Bombs and would otherwise take damage from a hit, a Bomb is automatically consumed to negate damage in addition to its normal effects. Negated hits reduce Multiplier by x0.5 rather than x1.0.
Shop items are 33% cheaper
Price reduction only applies to pickups found in Shops, Big Shops and Gambling rooms. Weapon prices in shops which have been visited at the time of the upgrade application are reduced by picking up Discount, but weapon prices in not-yet-visited shops are not affected by Discount. Bloke's seal, when offered in the Sanctum, does not have its price reduced by Discount. However, starting the Bloke fight with Discount active reduces the starting price from 999,999G to 666,666G.
Extra health and Debris when replacing weapons
When taking a weapon while still using a weapon with ammunition remaining, the player now gains 2 HP and (1000 * Level) Debris rather than 1 HP and (500 * Level) Debris. On non-Normal Lethality, excess healing from weapon salvaging, regardless of whether Salvage is active, is converted into (300 * Level * Amount) Debris instead of turning into Partial HP.
Creates a selection of powerful weapons
Four weapons, each with four Keywords, are generated in the Upgrade Terminal room. Only one of them can be taken.
Enemies take longer to activate
All enemies' normal activation delays are doubled. Damaging an enemy, regardless of whether Stealth is active, will instantly activate them.
Increases Maximum Hit Points by 1/3
Max HP gain is rounded to the nearest whole number. Also gives the HP equal to the amount of Max HP raised.
Better and more frequent item drops
Pickups drop more often on Normal Room clears, and a much wider variety of pickups, including superior versions of the usual Normal Room clear pickups, can now drop on Normal Room clears. See Pickups section for details.
Revive on death, explosively
Revive with 5 current and maximum healt, once. Deals a ton of damage to all enemies on screen upon revival and gives you a permanent 20% damage increase.
Scrap Runner
Collecting scrap increases speed and damage
Collecting debris increases movement speed and damage by up to 30%. Effect quickly wears off when hit or not collecting debris. A red meter appears under the money counter that indicates how long it lasts and the amount of increased speed and damage the player has.
Your maximum charge is doubled
Only appears when playing as Arena Blaster. Your charge meter can now goes up from 6 to 12.
Power Eternal
This is what you came for, isn't it?
Not actually a true Upgrade. It only appears in the Upgrade Terminal in the bottom level of the Monolith, which has no other Upgrades available, and taking it wins the game on non-Hard modes.
*Does not appear on non-Normal Lethality.
^Does not appear on Sudden Death Lethality.
Blessings are power-ups given to the player by shrines that resemble the old Council Members. They can be found in secret rooms and offer two choices. The player can pick one. This room can be left and the blessings remain if you come back later.

Additional Notes
Gain a shield now and on every new floor, when broken it chills enemies
It resembles a snowflake.
Every shield has the freezing effect, not just the one you get from entering a new floor.
Shop items have 50% chance to restock
It looks like a blue box.
This doesn't mean that same item will appear again. It will likely be changed into a different item.
Non-basic weapons deal more damage, but burn through more ammo
It's a rounded flame.
Ammo runs out 50% faster, but weapons that consume ammo deal more damage.
All shortcuts are open to you
It's a pink ghost with one big eye
They still have to be bombed open in the middle of combat, but after clearing the room, they will automatically be opened without the need to bomb.
Access forgotten places
Green question mark
Extra rooms are added to the map that give the player helpful items. This can include pickups or weapons.
Enemy bullets suffer unfortunate accidents
Red circle, hollow inside
Enemy bullets have a low chance to not getting fired.
Room clear rewards are doubled, but you can only pick one.
Blue spiral
Does work alongside Fortune.
Curses are keywords that can appear on Cursed Weapons. Picking up a weapon like this heal the player for 2 HP and gives them a permanent 5% damage up. However, this comes with the downside that there will always be one keyword on the weapon, the curse, that will negatively impact the run while the player is holding the weapon. If they weapon breaks, the player also loses the curse. Cursed Weapons have a chance of breaking after clearing rooms. The player can't switch weapons normally while holding a Cursed Weapon. They are stuck with it until it breaks itself.

Curse of Chaos
Turns into a random curse on pick-up
- It's unknown which curse the player gets before picking up the weapon.

Curse of Fatigue
Dash is weaker and recharges slower
- Dash has it's cooldown almost doubles and doesn't reach as far.

Curse of Haphephobia
Touching walls hurts
- Touching walls deals 1 HP of damage to the player.

Curse of Numbness
All healing reduced to 1 hp part
- The health bar only gets segmented HP regardless of how much the pickup is worth.

Curse of Pain
All damage taken is increased
- If you would have taken 1 damage normally, it goes up to 2. If you would have taken 2 damage normally, it goes up to 3.

Curse of Paranoia
You feel watched
- Presence (the enemy, not the boss) will randomly spawn while in combat.

Curse of Stiffness
Aim restricted to 8 directions
- The player can only shoot horizontally, vertically and diagonally.
Active Items (Part 1)
When playing as Arena Blaster, bombs are replaced with a charge meter. These charges can be used for Active Items, which all have their own benefits when used. Occasionally they also have a passive effect.

!! This list is currently not complete yet. It will be updated with more items soon !!.

Charges Required
Ancient Runestone
Become immune to harm for 8 seconds.
Blazing Wrath
For 10 seconds, take no contact damage and deal contact damage yourself. Your dash releases a burst of flames.
Note that it only makes you immune to contact damage. Bullets still hurt you.
Capital Investment
Fosters capitalism, single use.
Like an excavation bomb, it creates a room with a shop inside.
Cleanup Crew
Solves all problems, big and small.
Spawns 5 Wiseguys that temporarily help the player.
Cracked Blade
Get a damage up, chance to break on use.
It gives a 5% damage up.
Crystallized Light
Deadly beams from above.
Light beams come striking down from above dealing damage to enemies. The beams are not homing.
Delivery Drone
Restocks shops.
Replaces all items in the shop with new ones.
Demons Claw
Shoot unholy fire.
Shoots a ball of fire. When it hits the wall, it goes across the room shooting fire bullets from all sides, dealing damage to enemies.
Demolition Charge
A grenade that destorys foes and walls alike.
Puts a bomb down that can get stuck to the enemy. Can't open secret rooms, but does destroy all blocks in a nearby radius.
Excavation Kit
Uncover new rooms.
Work similarly to using an excavation bomb in a room.
Focusing Lens
Fires a gigalaser.
Shoots a high damage laser in the direction the player looks.
Glacial Shard
Conjures icicles across the room. While equipped, icicles cannot hurt you.
Icicles spawn on bottom of random blocks across the room. They drop immediately when used in a boss room.
Golden Gun
A shot of unrivaled power. Single use.
A single shot with amazing damage. The damage is about half of Overlords first phase health.
Grim Idol
Creates a cursed weapon.
Spawns a completely random cursed weapon next to the player.
Haunted Blaster
Fire a haunted bullet that goes through walls on kill, it turns towards a nearby enemy.
It will automatically try to chain kills in a room with a large amount of enemies.
Hellfire Barrage
Absolute destruction.
The entire room gets covered in explosions, killing most enemies and removing all bullets.
Hunter Array
A burst of homing, phasing railgun shots.
Railgun shots are fired in all directions and instantly hit enemies for a bunch of damage.
King's Ransom
Shoot a gold bullet. Enemies killed by it drop more debris.
Decent damage bullets and if it kills the enemy, they drop 25% more money. This won't happen if the shot hits, but doesn't kill the enemy.
Prototype Genocide
A massive wave of explosions. Costs 1 HP Part to use.
Pulse Reflector
Reflect nearby bullets.
Removes all bullets in a small radius around the ship.
Resonating Crystal
Gain a shield.
While already having a shield equipped, gives a small amount of debris.
Repair Nanites
Restore 1 HP.
Gives a HP Part if the player is already at full HP.
Scanner 2.0
Reveals the entire map.
This item cannot be used again if the map is already revealed. If the player gets the map pickup after the map is already revealed, it gives some debris instead.
Rerolls weapon keywords.
Weapons that are currently in the room will have their keywords rerolled. Does not reroll the keywords of the weapon the player currently holds.
Supply Drop
Creates a crate.
Still has to be paid for to open.
Conjures a stationairy thunderhead bolts of lightning arc between them and your ship.
Active Items (Part 2)
Charges Required
Tome of Cryomancy
Freeze all enemies solid.
Enemies get stuck in place, but still attack the player.
Tome of Enigmacy
Evoke a random magical tome.
It triggers the effect of any of the other Tome items.
Tome of Electromancy
Fire an electrically charged shot.
Fires a shot that when it hits a target, releases a beam that deals damage to nearby enemies.
Tome of Geomancy
Encase yourself in stone.
Spawns a wall of destructable dirt around the ship.
Tome of Pyromancy
Summons explosive runes (careful!).
Tome of Sight
Slow down nearby bullets for 10 seconds.
Unstable Cataclysm
Damages all enemies and clears all bullets.
Works like a normal bomb.
Volcanic Thruster
An intensily powerful electrical dash.
Makes the ship dash and passing enemies take damage from the dash. The player cannot get hit while dashing with this item.
Warped Teleporter
Teleport to a random unvisited room.
Doesn't do anything if all rooms have been visited.
Levels within the Monolith can be composed of many types of rooms (the number following the name indicates how many of that room type can appear in a standard level):
Non-Shop Rooms
  • Starting Room (1): The first room visited on every level, this room, indicated as a Normal Room on the large map, usually has nothing of interest. If Donations is currently purchased, a Bandana Hermit will reside in this room which will deliver a care package if talked to - this Hermit does not disappear when the player leaves the room.
  • Normal Room (Layout-dependent): Indicated by empty squares on the map, these rooms make up the majority of each level. Each one contains enemies and has a small chance to drop a pickup once it is cleared (taking Fortune increases the pickup drop chance). Leaving this type of room will destroy any remaining pickups.
  • Shortcut (Layout-dependent): Additional rooms that are not open by default. Visible cracks are in the walls of normal rooms indicating where they are. Sometimes contain useful items or enemies.
  • Danger Room (Layout-dependent): Rooms in which enemies have more health than normal. Indicated by the red lights around the doors.
  • Reliquary (0-1): This room, indicated by gravestone on the map, contain two statues representing two members of the Council. They offer the player two blessings of which the player has to choose one. The room can be left and the blessings won't despawn.
  • Arcade (0-1): This room, indicated by the box on the map, contains an arcade machine. There are different type of machines. One let's you collect items (mostly money, but also health and ammo), but you can only play it once. The other you have to pay for and an item will sit next to the machine. If you win a minigame, a better item will replace the old one.
  • Breachstone (0-1): This room, indicated by the red Z (or hourglass) on the map, has an artifact inside that when shattered, opens all the Breach Rooms on the floor. If instead you fight the Trespasser, all Breach Rooms will become open Shortcuts.
  • Breach (0-2): This room, indicated by the red squares on the map, are special rooms where enemies have more HP and the player loses temporary control over their weapon. Only the default weapon can be used in this room, with few exceptions. Breaches always give a reward for completing them.
  • Weapon Chamber (1): This room, indicated by a treasure-chest symbol on the map, contains a capsule which can be shot open, usually dropping one or more weapons. Taking a weapon or pickup in this room (or leaving the room without taking anything) after destroying the capsule destroys all remaining weapons and pickups.
  • Upgrade Terminal (0-1): This room, indicated by a cross on the map, contains an Upgrade Terminal which can be used once to apply one of three possible upgrades to the ship. Leaving the room has no effect on the machine's status.
  • Miniboss (1-3): These rooms, indicated by a large orb symbol on the map, contain minibosses which must all be destroyed before the level can be completed. Defeating the miniboss guarantees a pickup: +1 HP pickup if HP is below Max HP on the miniboss's death, +100% Ammo/+10% Max Ammo pickup otherwise. Leaving these rooms will destroy any remaining pickups.
  • Boss (1): This room, indicated by a face on the map, is the only room that connects to the elevator down to the next level. The top of the room contains a pillar which summons a boss once destroyed - however, it is invulnerable until all Miniboss rooms in the level have been cleared. Defeating the boss guarantees a +1 HP pickup, a +20% Ammo pickup, and a +1 Bomb pickup; all three pickups can be taken, but all remaining pickups are destroyed upon leaving the room.
  • Elevator Room (1): This room, indicated by a small dot on the map, can only be accessed from the level's Boss room. Unlike other rooms, this room is revealed whenever the Boss room is revealed (most rooms are only revealed once an adjacent room has been explored). Entering this room irreversibly takes the player down to the next level's starting room.
  • Vault (0-1): This room, indicated by a keyhole on the map, contains useful pickups or weapons which are destroyed upon leaving the room. If this room appears in a level, a Key is guaranteed to appear somewhere else in that level which is the only means of unlocking the Vault from without (Secret Rooms sometimes allow entrance to a Vault without a Key, and the room will automatically unlock upon leaving through the locked exit).
  • Secret Room (1): This room, indicated by a question-mark symbol on the map, contains useful pickups or weapons which are destroyed upon leaving the room. Unlike other rooms, Secret Rooms must normally be revealed by using a bomb in an adjacent room to open an entrance. These rooms are generally located in spots where they can connect to 3 or 4 adjacent rooms (if no such spot exists in a level, they are instead located in spots where they can connect to 2 adjacent rooms), but they never appear in spots where it would be impossible to access the Secret Room from at least one adjacent room (Elevator Rooms notwithstanding).
  • Active Room (0-1): This room, indicated by a thin cross on the map, contains a chamber with one active item. Only spawns when playing as Arena Blaster.
Shop Rooms
All shop rooms are indicated on the map by an exclamation-mark symbol. Shop goods are not destroyed upon leaving shop rooms. Most levels generate with 1 or 2 shop rooms, but in certain cases, levels may instead generate with zero or 3 shop rooms.
  • Shop (0-1): The most common kind of shop room, this room offers three pickups and/or weapons for sale. The shop-keeper, Bloke, charges Debris for their goods based on pickup type and level number.
  • Big Shop (0-1): Unlike a Shop, this room offers five pickups and/or weapons for sale. The shop-keeper (different from Bloke) charges Debris for their goods based on pickup type and level number. Prices are either 25% or 50% higher in Big Shops than in Shops.
  • Life Shop (0-1): This room offers four pickups for sale. The shop-keeper, grey in color, charges 1-3 Max HP for their goods. Goods can only be purchased if the player has at least (price+1) Max HP.
  • Cartridge Shop (0-1): This room offers two cartridges for sale. The shop-keeper, playing on a handheld, charges Debris for their goods. Cartridges are more expensive in this shop compared to if they spawned in a normal Shop.
  • Artifact Shop (0-1): This room offers three Unique Weapons for sale. The shop-keeper, a stereotypical rich figure wearing a top hat and a monocle, charges Debris for their goods.
  • Gambling (0-1): Pickups cannot be purchased directly in this shop. Rather, the player pays Debris to roll a die, and they get the offered pickup or weapon if the resulting number is a 1 or a 6. Rolling prices start at 20% of the current item's Shop price on the current floor and increase by +20% every time the player wins an item.
  • Shrine (0-1): Contains a single Shrine which offers significant benefits at great cost.
Boss: D-13 (first Tutorial completion only)
The Hub
Boss: D-13 (first visit only as part of the first Tutorial completion)
  • Kleines: Appears after first death (or victory), performs several functions
  • Sentinel: Sometimes appears after furniture is added, comments on furniture
  • Skully: Sometimes appears after jukebox is added, comments on jukebox and currently-playing music
  • Blastcore: Sometimes appears after ???, talks and harmlessly explodes on interaction
  • Hermit: Sometimes appears after ???, talks (bandana-wearing ones only), moves away on interaction (no-bandana ones only) and explodes the first time 30 consecutive tags is reached (awarding Tag Champion)
  • Pet Ghost: Kleines's last gift. Squeals on interaction if awake, makes sleeping noises on interaction if asleep. Can be given hats to wear once the appropriate prerequisites have been met.
  • Rad Sentinel: Sometimes appears to offer the player hacking minigames, costs 250 G to play.
Level 1: Excavation
"Just below this hub is the Excavation. By the looks of it, it's older than the facility itself. Considerably so."

Minibosses (Choose 1): Pollyp, Chomper, Quadcore, Heavy Crawler
Bosses: Guardian, Chamberlord, Ringleader, Grinder

Level 2: Archives
"The Archives seem like they were once stocked with important goods. Shame most of it got junked with the ages. Well, at least there is always the debris."

Minibosses (Choose 1): Quadcore, Archivator, Sentron, Grimiore
Bosses: Daemon, Presence, Behemoth, Charlie

Level 3: Maintenance System
"The 'Maintenance System', eh? Basically a glorified sewer. It's absolutely swamped. All that water makes for good cover though."

Minibosses (Choose 2): Archivator, Shade, Rounder*, Intruder
Bosses: Devourer (2 Stages), Ice Wyrm, Armor Tac (2 Stages), Fish

Level 4: Bellows
"You better be careful down in the Bellows. It's where things really start to get kind of brutal. Everything prior is almost just a demo."

Minibosses (Choose 2): Rounder*, Funnel, Overseer, Interceptor
Bosses: Reactor, Firewall, Ordinator, Nightmare (2 Stages)

Level 5: Sanctum
"The Sanctum is the lowest mapped point in this facility. If my intel is correct (it always is), that's where all the real tech's at. My hair stands up just thinking about it."

Minibosses: Overseer, Redcap, Idol, Grimm
Boss: Overlord (3 Stages)

Bonus Level: Temple
To enter, the player must finish a boss fight with x2.5 multiplier or higher during Level 1-4. The boss will drop a Handheld Game. Picking it up opens the pathway to the Temple. In here, depending on which floor the player entered, a certain amount of paths can be chosen. The level you came from is the same amount of candles that can be lit. For example, if you entered Temple from Level 3, only 3 candles can be lit.

The player must finish at least one path, but after that they can leave if they decide to do so by using the shrine in the spawn room. The amount of candles lit also decide how many phases the Warden has. Lighting up all 4 candles let's you do the entire Warden fight and kills him. Releasing Chaosgod in the process, which the player has to then fight.

Minibosses: Drdknight, Drdskull, Drdlich, Drdlord
Boss: Overlord (3 Stages)

Level 6
Kleines has no information about this level or the unique enemies inside of it.

Minibosses: The Engored, Idol, Twofold, Redcap
Boss: Unknown (3 Stages, non-Hard modes only)
Special: This level never generates an Upgrade Terminal or any kind of Shop Room other than a Shrine (rarely?).

Bottom Level
Three rooms arranged in a column. You arrive in the bottom room, pass through the middle room (the site of the Hard Mode final boss fight), and encounter an Upgrade Terminal in the top room. On non-Hard modes, entering the Upgrade Terminal and claiming the Power Eternal plays the credits. On Hard Mode, entering the room with the Upgrade Terminal starts the Hard Mode ending. In both cases, the run ends as a level 6 win, and a performance assessment screen appears which the player can examine before returning to the Hub.

Level 7: Nowhere
This floor can be accessed if the player holds the Interger Overflow cartridge. This spawns in a special secret room earlier in the run.

Boss: Database (2 Stages, spawns 3 unique minibosses inbetween)
Special: There are always two weapon chambers. One will be behind a difficult to hack wall.

*Actual miniboss name, consisting of two words, is generated based on an algorithm every time the name appears in the game-over screen or Hard Mode ending enemy roll:
  • If a 10% chance passes, the first word is chosen from {Quarrel, Scuffle, Altercation, Fisticuffs, Wrecking, Punch}; else, the first word is chosen from {War, Strife, Battle, Combat, Fight, Wrecking, Demolition}.
  • The second word is always chosen from {Ball, Sphere, Orb, Globe}.
The player will often be faced with hacking minigames throughout the game. These can be found in an arcade or vault door. There is also a Hub NPC that allows the player to practice these for 250G per attempt.

They take place in a 5 by 5 tile field in which the player can move around. Around the border is a timer in the form of a burning rope slowly going to a skull at the bottom, after which the timer has ended.

Blue orbs are scattered around the tiles. Collecting all of them before the timer runs out wins you the game. Often there are spikes or red blocks that kill the player if the player runs into them.
The higher the difficulty, the faster the timer runs out.

The ship is stuck in the middle of the screen and has a shield to block incoming flames with. They only come in from the top, left, right and bottom of the screen.
The higher the difficulty, the faster the fires come in.

The ship has to cross 3 lines of fire blocks quickly without hitting them. These fire blocks move sideways. The player loses too if the timer runs out.
The higher the difficulty, the faster the fire blocks move.

The ship is placed in a maze and has to reach the blue orb before the timer runs out. The walls are made of invisible ghosts that only before visible if the ship is in a 2 tile radius of the ghosts.
The higher the difficulty, the faster the timer runs out.

Two lines of blocks move around the player. Some of them have blue orbs on them and the player has to hit them. The other blocks have skulls on them and hitting them kills the player.
The higher the difficulty, the faster the fire blocks move.

Pick Highest / Lowest!
Eight numbers are on tiles next to the player. Depending on the prompt, the player has to pick the number that is the highest or lowest of the bunch before the timer run out.
The higher the difficulty, the faster the timer runs out.

The ship has to dodge bombs until the timer has ended.
The higher the difficulty, the faster the bombs blow up.
Minibosses (Part 1)
Minibosses are unique enemies which appear in Miniboss rooms on every level - all minibosses on a level must be killed to destroy the shields (called Nimbuses) protecting the Boss Room's pillar, allowing the level's boss to be summoned. On death, minibosses drop a cartridge clip - if the player is at (or above) full health - or a small heart otherwise.

Note: Attack patterns given are for when these enemies appear in non-Hard modes.

  • Levels: Excavation (1/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Creature
  • Appearance: Orange hemisphere attached to a metal ring
  • Attacks: Pollyp flings bullets outward from itself 6 times, then discharges several Jellies.

  • Levels: Excavation (1/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Creature
  • Appearance: Blue autonomous claw with five red eyes
  • Attacks: Chomper constantly chases the player, frequently shooting slow bullets out of its sides as it does so.

Heavy Crawler
  • Levels: Excavation (1/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Big spider-like robot
  • Attacks: It keeps moving from left to right on a wall and occasionally jumps from one ceiling to the other. It keeps shooting to the player and sometimes unleashes an up- / downward stream of bullets for seconds long.

  • Levels: Excavation (1/4 chance), Archives (1/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Construct
  • Appearance: Orange ball with a skull face
  • Attacks: Quadcore moves toward the player and bounces backward several times, releasing shotguns of bullets on each bounce. It then bounces another time, releasing a radial burst of large bullets and moving much farther backward before stopping. Finally, Quadcore switches to multiple long-bullet pseudo-sprinklers for several seconds before dashing quickly toward the player, emitting a semicircular burst of large bullets behind it.

  • Levels: Archives (1/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Metal ball with fiery eyes
  • Attacks: At the start of the fight and whenever all of them are dead, Sentron summons three Martyrs in a radial formation and swings them about itself. While Sentron is alive, the Martyrs shoot bullets toward the player, but cannot move out of formation. Occasionally, Sentron releases the Martyrs, allowing them to move freely.

  • Levels: Archives (1/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Mage
  • Appearance: Flying book with a purple host flame inside with two eyes.
  • Attacks: It will either shoot paper airplanes at the player from the ceiling or covers the screen with it's homing shots. Usually is surrounded by other enemies, but can be fought alone at times.

  • Levels: Archives (1/4 chance), Maintenance System (2/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Tan robot roughly shaped in the manner of a fat torso with a dome head on top
  • Attacks: Archivator usually fires radial bursts of discs and sometimes launches existing discs toward the player. Occasionally it lifts its head to unleash a bullet sprinkler.

  • Levels: Maintenance System (2/4 chance), Bellows (2/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Large orange and blue ball
  • Attacks: Rounder opens up and releases three radial bursts, then closes up and flings itself toward the player, ricocheting off of walls and producing semicircular bursts on each impact before coming to a stop.
  • *Exact name is generated at random every time it is mentioned as the cause of death. See the end of the Levels section for details.

  • Levels: Maintenance System (2/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Creature
  • Appearance: Gigantic Worm with 4 fangs at it's head.
  • Attacks: Leaps from the wall at fast speed and continues crawling. From it's body, eyes open up that shoot towards the player.

  • Levels: Maintenance System (2/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Undead
  • Appearance: White pear-shaped object with large orange orb
  • Attacks: Shade appears from the shadows and, depending on the shape of the Miniboss room, uses one of several attack patterns. Once the pattern finishes, it disappears, then attempts to reappear on top of the player, either emitting radial bursts or summoning three Lost Souls once it has appeared.

  • Levels: Bellows (2/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Large multi-segmented horizontal blue cylinder. The center segment has a yellow eye.
  • Attacks: Funnel's eye periodically fires semicircular bursts toward the player's side of the room. Random segments shoot large bullets at the player, but every fourth bullet is replaced by a large fireball which radially explodes into embers on impact. The boss dies once the center segment has been destroyed.

  • Levels: Bellows (2/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Red robot, with two shields on the sides of it's core.
  • Attacks: Attacks the player from behind the screen first and cannot be damaged in this state. He will either shoot fireballs randomly at (but close to) the player or strike directly at the player and these fireballs will explode into more bullets. Once his attack is done will hop into the foreground, where it can be attacked, and will either shoot from it's arms/shields or shoot bullets in a radial pattern.

  • Levels: Bellows (2/4 chance), Sanctum (3/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Metal orb with a white eye in the center
  • Attacks: Overseer summons several Focuses, either at various locations around the room or directly around itself, and fires bullets at random locations. If all Focuses are destroyed or after it remotely detonates all remaining Focuses, it rapidly shoots long bullets toward the player, then teleports to a random location and shoots two curving shotgun bursts toward the player.

  • Levels: Sanctum (3/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Undead
  • Appearance: Represents the Grimm Reaper
  • Attacks: Throws it's scythes at the player, which get stuck in the walls and release bullets. After throwing enough, he recalls them to come back.
Minibosses (Part 2)
  • Levels: Sanctum (3/4 chance), Level 6 (Guaranteed)
  • Enemy Type: Construct
  • Appearance: Large red glyph with an eye
  • Attacks: Idol summons several invulnerable Lost Souls, arranging them into a semicircular shape which stays in orbit around it for the rest of the fight. While Idol is stationary, the Lost Souls shoot bullets radially. Idol occasionally shifts position (ignoring terrain), firing four large shots at the player and preventing the Lost Souls from firing temporarily every time it does so. Idol shifts positions more frequently as it approaches death.

  • Levels: Sanctum (3/4 chance)
  • Enemy Type: Undead
  • Appearance: Large shadowed figure in red garb
  • Attacks: Redcap distances itself from the player at all times, periodically opening up its garb to release bullet storms or swarms of Crazy Ghosts. Sometimes bullet storms are followed up by an additional targeted burst of bullets.

  • Levels: Level 6 (Guaranteed)
  • Enemy Type: Construct
  • Appearance: Two Chamberlains, one orange and the other pink, each with one side missing and prongs going from the corners to red orbs in the centers.
  • Attacks: The two minibosses periodically move simultaneously to random locations, each launching one of several possible attacks upon arrival at the new location. Possible attacks include a cross laser, an aimed laser, and several bullet patterns.

The Engorged
  • Levels: Level 6 (Guaranteed)
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: A white (seemingly alive) core with two guns strapped to it's sides.
  • Attacks: Most static midboss of this area. He can shoot from it's gun with very dense bullet patterns. It can spawn crazy ghosts that form a line across the screen. Also possesses an railgun attack with phasing, meaning it hits the player from across the screen, but is luckily telegraphed.

  • Levels: Temple
  • Enemy Type: Mage
  • Appearance: Ghost mage with a black coat and red staff.
  • Attacks: Possible attacks include shooting homing bullets at the player. Can turn the floor into poison which shoot toxic clouds upwards. Can spawn bonelings at the bottem too. Will always drop the Magic Rod upon defeat.

  • Levels: Temple
  • Enemy Type: Undead
  • Appearance: A black knight holding a sword and shield.
  • Attacks: Flings it's sword around that hurt the player and spawns bullets. Can also call up smaller knights which dash across the screen. Will always drop the Magic Shield upon defeat.

  • Levels: Temple
  • Enemy Type: Undead
  • Appearance: Giant armormed skull with a big cleaver.
  • Attacks: Swings it's cleaver around and instantly kills the player if he drops it on them. Can hit the walls which causes the ceiling to crumble and bones come from it's side. Can also shoot a laser downwards, which shoots bullets to the left and right. Will always drop the Magic Sword upon defeat.

  • Levels: Temple
  • Enemy Type: Undead
  • Appearance: A big red demon.
  • Attacks: Possible attacks include shooting bullets and fireballs from it's claws and. Can also hop into the background, where it can't be attacked, and shoot fireballs to the player which explode upon hitting the foreground. Will always drop the Magic Pack upon defeat.
Bosses (Part 1)
Note: Attack patterns given are generally for the non-Hard-Mode versions of the bosses.

Boss Room Bosses
Boss Room bosses are summoned by destroying the barrier in a level's Boss Room. For levels 1 through 4, one of three bosses is randomly summoned (which implies that only six of 14 Boss Room bosses are seen on a typical level-6-winning run).

  • Level: Excavation
  • Enemy Type: Undead
  • Appearance: Large grey spherical ghost with red eyes
  • Fight Music: Apparition
  • Phase 1 Notes: The Ringleader emerges from the shadows as "Forgotten Ringleader" is flashed across the screen like a boss name. The Ringleader uses Ghosts in its attack patterns, and destroying Ghosts in some of these patterns prevents bullets from appearing.
  • Death Notes: The Ringleader releases a horde of Ghosts on death, but the Ghosts are harmless this time. As the final Ghosts flee, a single Ghost with red eyes at the center is revealed before all the remaining Ghosts vanish.

  • Level: Excavation
  • Enemy Type: Undead
  • Appearance: Knight helm and chestplate with two hands, suspended in mid-air. The hand on the right side of the chestplate holds a large mace.
  • Fight Music: The Extraordinary
  • Phase 1 Notes: The Guardian spends most of the boss fight tracking the player and attempting to smash them with its mace, producing bursts of bullets on each swing. Occasionally, it becomes a bullet sprinkler for a little while. Also, it sometimes summons destructible lance enemies which enter from the sides of the screen and shoot bullets behind themselves.
  • Death Notes: The Guardian plummets toward the bottom of the screen on death.
  • Killed-By-Enemy Message: "Defeated by Guardian"

  • Level: Excavation
  • Enemy Type: Construct
  • Appearance: Large grey square oriented so that its sides make 45-degree angles with horizontal lines. A red orb resides in the middle of the square.
  • Fight Music: Singularity
  • Phase 1 Notes: The Chamberlord summons Chamberheads one at a time and fires 3-shot shotguns and 5-shot radial bursts. If four Chamberheads are alive at once, Chamberlord uses a bullet sprinkler attack which destroys all Chamberheads. At low health, the Chamberlord becomes invincible and summons four invincible minions before becoming vulnerable again and using bullet sprinkler attacks.
  • Death Notes: The Chamberlord disappears in a series of explosions.

  • Level: Excavation
  • Enemy Type: Mage
  • Appearance: A magician is an armored coat. Has two robotic claw-arms holding two big razors.
  • Fight Music: The 4th
  • Phase 1 Notes: Grinder keeps his razors in front of him, which block the bullets of the player. He can release them, causing bullets to spawn, and recall them when they hit the ground. He can also shoot 3 more razors from both it's hands. Grinder will also stretch it's arms and covering the sides of the screen in razors, which will dash towards the player. At this stage, Grinder is the most vulnerable.
  • Death Notes: Grinder loses both of it's arms one-by-one in an explosion, until finally exploding itself.

  • Level: Archives
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Large orange tank
  • Fight Music: Singularity
  • Phase 1 Notes: The Behemoth enters from the top and moves around the screen while using a variety of bullet attacks, including line bursts, shotgun bursts, and pseudo-bullet-sprinkler attacks.
  • Death Notes: The Behemoth loses its turret and rolls downward while exploding, being destroyed in a final set of explosions upon hitting the bottom of the screen

  • Level: Archives
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: A cyborg head with human skin from the cheeks and upwards and robotic parts below, wearing futuristic glasses.
  • Fight Music: The 4th
  • Phase 1 Notes: Charlie surrounds itself with skullies and attacks the player mainly by shooting fireballs at them.
  • Death Notes: Charlie bounces around the screen and after a while comes to a halt and explodes.

  • Level: Archives
  • Enemy Type: Mage
  • Appearance: Large green holographic skeleton ribcage, arms, neck and horned skull.
  • Fight Music: The Extraordinary
  • Phase 1 Notes: The Daemon appears and stays in the upper third of the screen. Initially, it is invulnerable. First, it summons two Electromancers - once they are dead, it summons two Stormlashes. Until all minions are dead, the Daemon uses a shotgun attack (Electromancers) or a pseudo-sprinker attack (Stormlashes). Once both Stormlashes are dead, the Daemon becomes vulnerable and starts to use more complex attacks such as curving bullets, fire sprays and fire pillars.
  • Death Notes: The Daemon explosively phases out of existence.
  • Killed-By-Enemy Message: "Hacked by Daemon"

  • Level: Archives
  • Enemy Type: Creature
  • Appearance: Red eyeball with black iris
  • Fight Music: Apparition
  • Phase 1 Notes: Presence blinks about the screen, emitting bullet bursts and shooting bullets from off-screen when it decides to stay in one place. At 2/3rds health it disappears into six Lost Souls, and at 1/3rd health it disappears into two Beasts - in both cases all minions must be killed for Presence to appear once more.
  • Death Notes: Presence disappears in a series of bloody explosions.
  • Killed-By-Enemy Message: "Consumed by Presence"
Bosses (Part 2)
  • Level: Maintenance System
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Fish
  • Fight Music: The 4th
  • Phase 1 Notes: After filling the screen with water, it dashes into the screen, revealing itself to be a fish. Attacks include sitting on one side of the screen, shooting at the player while also having to dodge fish coming from it's back. It can call upon a firestorm from above and can jump up and down the screen, while bullets are shot from around it.
  • Death Notes: Fish explodes.

Ice Wyrm
  • Level: Maintenance System
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Large multi-segmented ice worm with a head. Sufficient damage to a segment removes the ice and reveals a metal core.
  • Fight Music: The Extraordinary
  • Phase 1 Notes: After emerging from the sewer grate in the background, Ice Wyrm moves back and forth at the top of the screen, raining down icicles (or icy laser bullets) and using other attacks. At low health the ice on the head is broken and it instead chases the player in an attempt to deal contact damage, trailing ice bullets and occasionally using shotgun and rapid-fire attacks.
  • Death Notes: Ice Wyrm's segments explode in sequence from tail to head.

  • Level: Maintenance System
  • Enemy Type: Creature
  • Appearance: Body: Rows of toothed flesh segments at the top and bottom of the screen with a ringed background linking segment pairs. Front: flesh jaws at vertical extremes.
  • Fight Music: Apparition
  • Phase 1 Notes: Devourer enters from the left side of the screen. Fleshy eyeballs enter from the left side of the screen and shoot various bullet patterns - these eyeballs are the Devourer's only vulnerable objects during this phase. Occasionally, the Devourer itself will release a shotgun of blood.
  • Phase 2 Notes: Devourer moves to the right and engulfs the player, and a large core appears from the left which shoots bullets to the right. Damaging the core hurts Devourer and causes it to contort into a sinusoidal shape. As the boss health bar depletes, the contortion becomes more extreme.
  • Death Notes: The core explodes and Devourer falls apart.
  • Killed-By-Enemy Message: "Devoured by Devourer"

Armor Tac
  • Level: Maintenance System
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Large orb with four legs ending in smaller spiked orbs which are usually anchored to the left or right edge of the screen. The large orb has four blue pie-shaped armor plates and a red orb in its center.
  • Fight Music: Singularity (1st Phase), Apparition (2nd Phase)
  • Phase 1 Notes: Armor Tac enters from the top of the screen and often stays near the top for the majority of this phase. It shoots bullets, fires a laser downward, and smashes the edges of the screen with its legs to shoot bullets from the sides. Sometimes, it jumps down to the bottom half of the screen and stays there for a few attacks before crawling back up to the top half. Depleting the boss health bar destroys the legs and causes the core to fall off the bottom of the screen.
  • Phase 2 Notes: The core re-emerges from the bottom of the screen and uses a new set of bullet and electric attacks, occasionally flinging itself into the walls to summon bullets.
  • Death Notes: The core loses its armor plates, then explodes.

  • Level: The Bellows
  • Enemy Type: Construct & Creature
  • Appearance: Genesis, a construct with a core, red eyes and six wings. Oblivion, creature with an eye inside that keeps changing into a mouth
  • Fight Music: The 4th
  • Phase 1 Notes: Genesis reveals itself and starts the fight off with a bunch of different bullet attacks.
  • Phase 2 Notes: Oblivion shows up and devours Genesis. Oblivion shoots attacks from it's core, but also uses it's hands to shoot at the player simultaneously.
  • Phase 3 Notes: If you are playing on Hard Mode, Oblivion spits out a damaged Genesis, joining the fight. Genesis can't be hurt during this phase, only Oblivion.
  • Death Notes: Oblivion (and Genesis) die into an explosion.

  • Level: The Bellows
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Large metal torso with guns at the shoulders and a large orange eye where the neck would be
  • Fight Music: Singularity
  • Phase 1 Notes: Reactor reveals itself and begins to fire a variety of bullet attacks from its guns, occasionally firing barrages of electricity from the top of the screen or releasing swarms of Crazy Ghosts from openings near the guns. The eye is the only vulnerable point of this boss. At half health, the boss closes its eye and releases two Heavy Sentinels, only re-opening the eye and resuming its normal attacks once these two enemies have been destroyed.
  • Death Notes: The guns and eye explode, but the rest of the boss remains. The Elevator Room is accessed by passing through the slot where the eye used to be.

  • Level: The Bellows
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Large red drone with a bull head and a large box on each side. The left and right edges of the screen are lined with red cannons.
  • Fight Music: The Extraordinary
  • Phase 1 Notes: Two fire streams come down from above before the drone makes its entrance from the top of the screen while emitting fire streams from its boxes. The drone uses a variety of fire-themed bullet attacks and occasionally fires the wall cannons. At low health, all of the wall cannons get destroyed and the drone begins to emit fire streams and pseudo-sprinkler attacks from its boxes.
  • Death Notes: The drone loses a chunk of its head, then explosively crashes into the bottom of the screen.
  • Killed-By-Enemy Message: "Incinerated by Firewall"

  • Level: The Bellows
  • Enemy Type: Mage
  • Appearance: Large red mage with hands
  • Fight Music: Apparition
  • Phase 1 Notes: Ordinator uses several magical fire attacks, moving its hands when it's preparing the next attack. At low health, the head explodes, the hands begin to emit endless fire sprays, and the neck shoots bullet shotguns and sprays for the rest of the fight.
  • Death Notes: The hands explode, and the torso crashes into the bottom of the screen.
Bosses (Part 3)
  • Level: The Sanctum
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Very large mech with rocket pods in its shoulders and fans at the bottom of the torso. The torso has a face in the center. On Hard Mode, the face is replaced by a large orb.
  • Fight Music: Accursed One
  • Phase 1 Notes: Overlord, floating, fades in from the background, then begins to cycle through a series of attack patterns. Unlike many other bosses, Overlord always uses its attack patterns in a certain order in all of its phases.
  • Phase 2 Notes: Much of Overlord's shoulders and legs explodes. The remainder begins to quickly cycle through a new series of attack patterns. The boss moves quickly in this phase.
  • Phase 3 Notes: Overlord loses its legs, forcing it to levitate in mid-air once more. The boss employs a final series of three attack patterns. Unlike in previous phases, these patterns are not looped - the last pattern, once it begins, is the only one used for the rest of the fight.
  • Death Notes: Overlord, after several seconds, explodes. Teleportation is disabled at this point. If the appropriate conditions have been met, the player ship can travel into the Elevator Room to continue the current run. Traveling through the passage to a room other than the Elevator Room ends the run as a level 5 win, prompting a performance assessment screen which the player can browse before returning to the Hub.

Tutorial Boss
  • Level: Tutorial/Hub (first time only)
  • Enemy Type: N/A
  • Appearance: Small pear-shaped ship with a red orb in the center and an empty slot going from the orb to the smaller end
  • Fight Music: Rivaling Force
  • Phase 1 Notes: As the player ship stares at the closed door at the top, D-13 rushes in from behind, knocking the player ship off to the left side as "Thirteenth" flashes across the screen. D-13 attacks using weapons found within the Monolith, including the Vulcan, a Triple Laser, the Revolver, the Charge, and the Fireball.
  • Victory Notes: If its health is fully depleted, D-13, damaged, escapes through the now-open passage to the Elevator Room. The player is restored to 10 HP.
  • Failure Notes: If the player is brought down to 1 HP during the fight, D-13 tweets a musical note before heading through the now-open passage to the Elevator Room, and the player is returned to 10 HP.

Final Bosses
Both of these bosses, due to being the last ones in a full 6-level run, do not give Boss Room drops on death.

  • Level: Level 6 (non-Hard modes only)
  • Enemy Type: Creature
  • Appearance: Initially, a very large slab with a disk in the middle covering a large orange eye. Later, a large ship which retains the orange eye.
  • Fight Music: All Ex Machina tracks (each part plays in the corresponding boss phase)
  • Phase 1 Notes: As eight scrambled letters are presented as the boss's name, several lasers are fired at the player before a very large slab fades in from the background. The slab attacks only by summoning lasers. In all phases, the first few attacks of the boss are the same every time.
  • Phase 2 Notes: The slab becomes cracked and the cover over the slab's eye is destroyed. The eye now attacks directly, using laser and sprinkler attacks. Depleting the boss's health causes the slab to sink below the bottom of the screen.
  • Phase 3 Notes: The slab re-emerges from below and is shattered to reveal a very large ship with the eye at its center (possibly with a rough resemblance to D-13). This phase adds several unique attack patterns to those from the first two phases. At low health, Unknown enrages, switching to a new set of two attacks for the rest of the fight and supplementing them with radial bursts which fire more frequently as its health decreases further.
  • Death Notes: Unknown profusely explodes, returning the player to a blacked-out boss room with only the lights at the top being visible. Teleportation is disabled, and the only course of action is to exit to the Elevator Room and claim the Power Eternal.
  • Other Notes: The enemy roll in the Hard Mode ending reveals the true name of Unknown: The Machine

  • Level: Bottom Level (Hard Mode only)
  • Enemy Type: Creature (?)
  • Appearance: Glowing blue pear with a red core, wings and a runic ring
  • Fight Music: Monolith (Phases 1-2), End of Monolith (Phase 3)
  • Phase 1 Notes: D-13 enters the room and comes upon an upside-down Null dripping with red energy from the Power Eternal. After a few seconds, Null rolls over and tweets before transforming into Monolith, revealing the scrolling background from the death screen, and using superpowered versions of player ship weapons to attack. During this boss fight, the usual interface is removed, and only the player's Bombs and HP and Max HP numbers are visible; as a result, both the player and the boss have more maneuvering space in this fight than in any other fight. Taking Monolith down to 75% health causes a phase change.
  • Phase 2 Notes: Monolith plunges through the top of the screen, causing rocks to fall, and returns from off-screen before continuing the fight outside the Monolith structure. The Monolith boss starts to fire many of its new attacks from its runic ring now, though others are still fired from Monolith itself. Taking Monolith down to ~33% health causes a phase change.
  • Phase 3 Notes: Monolith, smoking from severe damage, takes D-13 into the clouds while exclusively using various bullet infernos to attack. Red energy begins to emanate from below. At ~15% health, Monolith stops its bullet infernos and greatly expands the size of its runic ring, which begins to fire endless waves of bullets outward. As the fight continues, the runic ring shrinks in size while fields of slow bullets are periodically summoned to hinder retreat from the encroaching boundary.
  • Death Notes: The player-death visual and audio effects trigger, and Monolith shatters into several large pieces as Null, smoking, heads toward the ground on a crash course. The screen whites out as Null crashes, and D-13 finds itself back in the middle room of the bottom level as the interface is restored. The player is now free to proceed to the final room and destroy the Upgrade Terminal found within it, securing a level 6 win as D-13.
Bosses (Part 4)

Seal Bosses
Seal Bosses are special bosses which only start appearing once the Overlord has been defeated and the player has broken the seal associated with the Overlord. Defeating a seal boss breaks the seal associated with that boss and prevents the boss from ever appearing again on the current save file, unless you are using The Mirror.
  • Room: Shop (Guaranteed on Maintenance System, Bellows and Sanctum)
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Large mech with autonomous arms which is piloted by Bloke.
  • Fight Music: The Trial
  • Phase 1 Notes: When the player attempts to purchase Bloke's seal, Bloke jumps into a mech hidden underneath the shop pedestal, "Special Offer" flashes across the screen like a boss name, and the seal begins to orbit Bloke with an initial price of 999999G (666666G if the player has taken Discount). The boss's only vulnerable point is the seal - to win the fight, shoot the seal until its price hits 1G, then run into the seal. Until this happens, the arms shoot bullets as they attempt to punch you or shoot you with finger bullets and lasers. At the beginning of the fight, any remaining unpurchased items become free for the taking.
  • Death Notes: The mech expodes, its arms disintegrating before its body. The player gains a very large amount of Debris (40,000G base in the Sanctum) as well as Boss Room drops and victory music. On subsequent visits to Shops for the rest of the current run, Bloke appears with a bandage across his forehead.

  • Room: Shrine (Chance to appear on Maintenance System and Bellows, Guaranteed on Sanctum)
  • Enemy Type: Mage
  • Appearance: Large grey torso and arms with a spherical head, anchored to the floor. Fiery frowning orbs are suspended in its hands.
  • Fight Music: The Trial
  • Phase 1 Notes: Upon taking the deal, Renegade awakens and uses the orbs in its hands to attack, often with bullet sprinklers. Sometimes it shoots bullets from its head as well. At 50% HP, Renegade switches to a new set of attacks and starts shooting bullets which deal 2 damage instead of just 1; additionally, the orbs begin to fire lasers sometimes. At 25% HP, Renegade now rains bullets constantly from the top of the screen, occasionally sending down waves of 2-damage bullets.
  • Death Notes: Renegade, after exploding and generating a large amount of Debris (4444G base in the Sanctum) yet staying in one piece, stops attacking and gives the player a warning via dialogue: "... Visitor... Your obsession with the past... can only lead to further ruin. Let it go." Once the dialogue ends, the seal associated with Renegade becomes free for the taking.
  • Killed-By-Enemy Message: "Judged by Renegade"

Hidden Bosses / Superbosses
These are the bosses fought in places that are not going to show up if you play from the first floor directly to the sixth without the right meeting requirements. These include the Temple and Nowhere.

  • Location: Secret Rooms
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: Spherical machine with an eye in the middle
  • Fight Music: Small Battles
  • Notes: Microcore has no HP. He is on a timer (the lower green bar). The main objective is to avoid his attack while building up the Reward meter (by damaging him). Using a bomb lowers the Reward meter, but getting hit lowers it even more. Microcore gets more and more aggressive depending on the floor you fight him. In the first few floors he is at his easiest and fighting him later on will increase the difficulty significantly.

  • Location: Breachstone
  • Enemy Type: Mage
  • Appearance: Red insect-like creature. Has 6 legs holding his gate open and 8 smaller ones that the player can attack
  • Fight Music: Antibody
  • Notes: Will sometimes appear when breaking the Breachstone. The more parts of you destroy, the bigger the reward is he will drop at the end of the fight.

  • Location: The boss of Nowhere
  • Enemy Type: Mech
  • Appearance: A HAL-like computer, but bigger
  • Fight Music: Fatal Error (Phase 1), Final Ritual (Phase 2)
  • Notes: During Phase 1, Database will make the player fight 3 random unique minibosses after you damage its core enough.
  • Death Notes: The core explodes and bursts into light. The council can briefly be seen in the background, holding a seal. After leaving the database, seemingly having been destroyed, the player leaves and the screen fades to black.

The Warden
  • Location: Guaranteed boss for visiting Temple
  • Enemy Type: Mage
  • Appearance: Faceless mage in a blue coat
  • Fight Music: Diving Might (Phase 1-3), Divine Will (Phase 4)
  • Notes: Depending on how many candles have been lit, Warden gets stronger. The amount of candles equal the amount of phases he will go through. Each time changing strategy. He will either fight the player with his runic, sword, staff, and if all candles are lit, time-freezing magic.
  • Death Notes: If only 1-3 candles are lit, he will kick you out of Temple and reward you with Sacred Arms. If all his phases have been defeated, he dies. Upon his death he releases...

  • Location: Extra boss of Temple, if Warden has been defeated
  • Enemy Type: -
  • Appearance: White god-like figure
  • Fight Music: Chaos Incarnate, Screams of Chaos
  • Notes: He has a wide range of attacks that he uses on the player semi-randomly. After taking enough damage, his core open and can be attacked. This has to happen three times in order to get him chained back down. In a last effort, he shoots black hole from the bottem of the screen at the player. If the player dodges these, the fight is over and they are rewarded. If the player gets sucked in, they are dragged down to continue fighting and finish off the core of Chaosgod. Defeating this phase ends the game.
  • Death Notes: The player gets rewarded with one of two things. An exclusive weapon and a cartridge called Templegame. If the player wins the fight on Hard Mode, they can get both.
Kleines - Overview
The most useful NPC in Monolith, Kleines appears after your first death (or victory) in the Monolith. He only gives interesting lines three times every time the Hub is entered (yes, you can get him to speak again by re-doing the tutorial or exiting to menu and re-entering the game), and he speaks about different things depending on which option is selected:
  • Advice: If you returned to the Hub due to a death, Kleines will talk about the cause of death (usually an enemy) if you select this option before he stops saying interesting lines. Otherwise, Kleines will talk about some of the advanced aspects of the game, such as Keywords (weapon modifiers), Secret Rooms, or specific weapons.
  • Gossip: Kleines will talk about the various levels of the Monolith you have visited or muse about other matters.
  • Shop: Kleines offers various permanent purchases for Debris based on the progress you have made through the Monolith. In Kleines's shop, Debris is drawn from your cumulative supply. This cumulative supply is increased every time you die (or win) by the run's score (which is exactly the amount of Debris you collected in a run without regard for whether it was spent).
  • Furnish: Selecting this option when it appears the first few times leads to Kleines adding new pieces of furniture to the Hub. Once one elevates their total spent cumulative Debris over 500,000G and re-enters the Hub, selecting this option allows one to change the furniture in the Hub at any time.

First Run Ended in Death, Player Talks to Kleines Immediately:
  • "Why hello there. I haven't seen you before. Are you from the surface? ... I see, so you're here for the Power Eternal too, eh? Another one on a fool's errand. How cute. Oh nevermind me. Just slightly bitter is all. Name's Kleines by the way."
  • "I feel we're going to see a lot of each other. So you better remember that name, 'aight?"
  • "I might have some advice for you later, but you gotta cut your own teeth first. Get a good gander at the things down there. Sample a lapful, you know?"
  • Kleines's normal functions are not available until the Hub is entered again.

Player Talks to Kleines After Having Won At Least One Run:
  • "Why hello there little guy. Are you from the surface? ... I see, so you're here for the... Wait, you're how far in already???. Wow, now I just feel really stupid. Name's Kleines, I guess. Get comfortable."
  • Kleines's normal functions are available immediately.

Player Ignores Kleines At Least Once, But Has Not Won Any Runs:
  • "You know it's just rude to leave people without talking to them first. Not even a word on your way tsk. ... Oh nevermind me. Just slightly bitter is all. Name's Kleines by the way."
  • "I feel we're going to see a lot of each other. So you better remember that name, 'aight?"
  • The player's rudeness leads to Kleines only having two interesting lines this time, which have both been spent by this point. Talking to him again begins the series of goodbye lines.
  • Kleines's normal functions are not available until the Hub is entered again.

Goodbye Lines
If the player asks for advice or gossip from Kleines after all interesting lines have already been consumed, Kleines will instead use one of these lines:

First Goodbye:
  • "See you later, little ship."
  • "I am tired now, go bother somebody else."
  • "That's all of my wisdom for now."
  • "Let's talk again some other time, OK?"

Subsequent Goodbyes: "..."
Annoying Goodbye: "You just don't give up, do you? Will you leave me alone if I give you this?" [awards Annoying, only said if Annoying has not yet been achieved by the current Steam user]

Shop Dialogue
Initial Opening:
  • "Take your time."
  • "Something caught your eye?"
  • "No handouts."
Player Attempts to Purchase Goods with Insufficient Funds:
  • "No discounts. That'll be ."
  • "Your purse is looking awful light my friend. That'll be ."
  • "Sorry bud, not running a charity here. That'll be ."[/list]
    Successful Purchase:
    • "You won't regret it. {Can be toggled.}"
    • "Good doin' business with you. {Can be toggled.}"
    • "Excellent choice. {Can be toggled.}"
    Exit Tile Selected: "Done already?"

Kleines - Advice (Part 1)
General Advice
When Kleines is not telling you about what killed you last, he gives some of these lines of general advice. (This list is not comprehensive - quotes given in the Game Mechanics, Weapons, and Keywords sections also qualify as general advice.)
  • Shops: "I've got some associates running Shop down there. See if you can find them, give them my regards. If you need something special, though, check by me."
  • Debris: "Debris is the universal currency here. So collect as much as reasonably possible. Get that 'high score'"
  • Shrines: "Did you find one of those Shrines? Was there once, something about it really spooked me. Couldn't shake the feeling that thing was watching me."
  • Decisions: "Decisions are the lifeblood down here. Most things get lost quickly, so it matters what you pick and when. This is why it's so great to be me. I've made only great decisions in my life, hahahahaha."
  • Portals: "I don't trust those Portals. There's always one thing or another barreling out of them when you least expect. It's like they know you're on the other side."
  • Shopping: "Hey, you like Shopping, right? The guys down there take Debris, but certain people desire other things."
  • Special Bombs: "Certain type of bombs pack an extra punch. You might wanna save them for a special occasion."
  • Kleines's Trips: "Found anything interesting down there? I never get further than a floor in, most of the time. Maybe it's all for the better. Don't wanna get my fur wet anyway."
  • Kleines's Progress: "I've been down the entrance a lot, spelunked in the Archives. Maintenance System is where I usually stop and anything deeper? Mostly, only rumors."
  • Vaults: "Seen any of those Locked Doors? Old Vaults, have been locked up forever. A key is always bound to be somewhere around. Though, not always in plain sight."
  • Topography: "I can never get used to the topography of this place. Shouldn't be too much trouble for you, though. *sigh*"
  • Upgrade Terminals: "I've been researching those Upgrade Terminals for a while. Fairly sure they wouldn't work on a cat. You look like just the right fit though."
  • Secret Rooms: "Some walls down there are pretty thin. Give them a good knock with a Bomb and they might just tumble down. And behind them... who knows?"
  • Touch Damage: "Not everything down there is deadly to the touch. Generally, if it teleports, or anchors itself, you can pass right through."
  • Permanent Purchases: "All my wares are guaranteed to last a lifetime, maybe several. Repeatable, one-time purchases are marked as such."
  • Ammo: "Pretty much all ammo down here is universal. If it fits one gun, it'll fit them all."

Enemy- and Hazard-Specific Advice
If the player's last run ended in a death, asking Kleines for advice will prompt him to tell you about what killed you (unless the cause of death was Unfortunate Accident, a catch-all for deaths due to glitches, bugs and Blink-related mistakes).

  • Crusher: "Crushers recycle old machinery into different, exciting forms. Like pancakes."
  • Crushed by Scenery: "You got Squashed? What a terrible way to go. Most walls are not deadly to the touch, skid along and you should be fine."
  • Electricity: "You're not shock-proof, are you? That's a shame. Might wanna stay away from the Electricity then."
  • Spikes: "Ugh, Spikes. I can't abide them. They're just so tacky."
  • Explosives: "So you managed to blow yourself up? Nice. Took anyone with you?"
  • Fire: "I've got nothing against Fire, but it's not exactly in short supply."
  • Icicle: "The Maintenance System cools down the forges below, so it gets rather cold there. And then there's the Icicles. They're sharp and deadly but remember. They're just as sharp and deadly to everyone else as they are to you."
  • Peaspitter: "Ever had the misfortune of the ambient fixture waking up and shooting at you? I've come to call those big blocks 'Peaspitters'. You might be able to tell why."
  • Exhaust: "Caught in the Exhaust, huh? I can tell. It's rigged to go off every once in a while. Learn that rhythm and you should be fine."
  • Firepipe: "Fire Pipes, mmmmm. They don't all fire at once, there's bound to be space to dodge."
  • Haunted Block: "A spooky cyclopean block? Dunno, maybe it's Haunted or something. Bullets still work though, right?"

Enemies - Creatures
  • Swarm Host: "Swarm Hosts are like big, fleshy pinatas full of nanite pests. Pop them open and you have a whole swarm of new troubles. Now pardon me while I shudder in disgust."
  • Swarmer: "Swarmers are parasitic clumps of nanomachines, as far as I can tell. Disgusting. Do me a solid, wipe out as many of them as you can."
  • Jelly: "Generic free-form Jelly... Personally? Not a fan. Cure with bullets."
  • Fish (Somehow Ended By Fish): "Really? A Fish? They don't even do anything. You weren't just trying to catch one for me, were you?"
  • Crazy Fish: "Y'know, I tried to catch some Crazy Fish once. Teeth like a vice, slippery too. ... They're not edible. But they sure think you are."
  • Beast: "There are some pretty terrifying Beasts hiding in the shadows down there. Tough, relentless.. Mercifully, also quite rare."

Enemies - Mages
  • Electromancer: "These ruins are full of lunatics, one way or another. And I have a sense that those Electromancers have been here longer than either of us. ... Approach them diagonally."
  • Pyromancer: "Pyromancers can't really control their own output. Who doesn't love a big explosion, though? I mean, from a distance."
  • Cryomancer: "All these lunatics are stone-cold, but none as much as the Cryomancers. They wreak all sorts of havoc from above, though.... you could exploit that."
  • Stormlash: "Stormlashes have had training in the illustrious art of aiming. Approach them diagonally. Or horizontally! Or anything really, they don't care. They'll see you coming."
  • Infernalist: "...Keep away from Infernalists. Or don't, I guess. It's your funeral."
  • Iceweaver: "Iceweavers are some pretty unique snowflakes. Their 'spells' bounce all over the place. If you're really unlucky they will also curve. But eh... likely not.."
  • Necromancer: "Feel like you're being watched? That's Necromancers. They've got some strange sway over the denizens of the ruins. Corraling their spirits for a second shot at you."
Kleines - Advice (Part 2)
Enemies - Undead
  • Ghost: "Ghosts? They're everywhere. Mostly a nuisance, but they tend to aggregate around larger specters. Weave around them and you should be fine."
  • Crazy Ghost: "Some Crazy Ghosts are just way too far gone. Don't bother with them. They take care of themselves."
  • Ice Ghost: "Ice Ghosts give me the chills. They'll chase you around like any other ghost. But then you get snow all over and it's cold and miserable and, and..."
  • Lost Soul: "I have no idea what those Lost Souls have gone through, not keen on finding out either. Watch yourself around them. Not even (a second?) death will stop them from one last shot at vengeance."
  • Giant Ghost: "Ran into a Big Ghost, did you? Despite their size, they're relatively harmless on their own. I mean, as far as demented apparitions go."
  • Giant Ice Ghost: "Those Big Ice Ghosts haunt the lower floors. They aren't much more dangerous than the garden variety. But their touch will leave you frozen in your tracks."
  • Hermit: "Hermits. Heh, those wallflowers. They've got some serious case of stage fright going on. Try not to run headlong into them."
  • Honor Guard: "Yeah, there's more than one of them. Pretty sure Honor Guards keep the ghosts in and uncalled visitors out. I wonder to what end."

Enemies - Constructs
  • Seeker: "Flying rhombus? What? Oh, a Seeker. They're part of a strange, aggressive breed. No concept of personal space."
  • Crystal Seeker: "Crystal Seekers mean business. You know, snow, shards of ice everywhere. Just hope there's plenty of space to dodge."
  • Malice Engine: "The big brainy thing is called a 'Malice Engine'. Why? Dunno. For reference, the folks who built them are now wearing monitors for heads. Yeeeeah... Anyway, it's practically helpless on its own. Instead it instills a mad howling sense of vengeance in others. Just be careful of that."
  • Chamberhead: "Chamberheads have a way of getting upfront and in your face. Just look out for the uh. Big glowy ominous red light."
  • Frosthead: "Frostheads launch huge, jagged chunks of ice. Otherwise, treat them like you would any normal Chamberhead. That is with extreme prejudice."
  • Chamberlain: "Chamberlains have access to some extreme firepower. Cover might as well not exist, so you better keep moving."
  • Reaper: "Always keep your eyes(?) on Reapers. One moment they're there, the other they're not ..."
  • Reaver: "You look like you just stared down a Reaver, no? Don't try to crack that nut with brute force, you'll die trying. Instead, wait til' it opens up. And show it what you got."
  • Bumper: "Make sure to be careful shooting Bumpers. They've got an adverse reaction to you, the walls and especially each other. But hey, at least when one's barreling for you, you can always push it off course."
  • Martyr: "Strange things, those Martyrs. They just wander about, minding their own business. ... That is, until you actually kill one. Maybe try to hold off on that until the time is ripe."
  • Shard: "Seems you ran across a living Shard. They're, uh, more of an ambient fixture than anything. Just a hazard to keep in the back of your mind."
  • Focus: "A Focus's got an eye on you, heh. Their beams are dangerous, but they themselves aren't. Can dash right through them if you want."
  • Relic: "There is some strange influence about the Relics way down there. I don't know if they soak up the ambient power or source it. But their proximity always spells danger."
  • Bane Engine: "Bane Engines are absolutely not to trifle with Chances are you're gonna die and so is everything else in the room. Either don't let it lock onto you or hope there's yet somewhere to run."

Enemies - Mechs
  • Sentinel: "Sentinels are slow, lightly armed and relentless. Just keep your distance."
  • Heavy Sentinel: "Oof. Heavy Sentinels? Now there's a fun crowd. They're like key security in the lower floors, armed with some brutal tech. Oh and the ribs, they're not there just for their own security. Don't go in unless you go all in."
  • Turret: "Remember. A Turret that can't see you, can't fire at you. Moving around won't hurt either."
  • Blastcore: "Ah, Blastcores. Cranky all the time. When one of them goes off, try to be somewhere else."
  • Voltcore: "I've been entertaining ways to use Voltcores to generate power. If only they were less volatile, crazy and prone to explode in bouts of lightning. Yeah, if only."
  • Skully: "Yeah, it's a floating skull. Yeah, it spazzes out and shoots at you, I know. That's all a Skully does really. Just shoot and spazz out twice as hard back at it. Actually, cut that last part."
  • Blazing Skully: "Yeah I'd be cranky too if my head was constantly on fire. 'Blazing Skullies', hot'n'spicy. You probably get the idea."
  • Crawler: "Those tiny drones are called Crawlers. Poor sods are tragically limited. Do yourself and them a favor and stay out of their line of sight."
  • Pipeipede: "Pipipedes are endemic to the Bellows, stick out all over the place. Also pure linguistic poison."
  • Mimic: "Oh yeah, Mimics. They're a lot like you, only worse in every possible way. Kinda jumpy too."
  • Soul Extractor: "You ran into a 'Soul Extractor'? ... There's only one piece of advice: take cover and pray."
  • Furnace Maw: "Furnace Maws are a pretty big deal down there. They chew up the place, smelt debris into more usable things. You likely look like so much junk to them. ...Provided they can see?"
  • Bat: "Bats used to be more common around these parts. Then I happened. Don't let anyone say I don't have hobbies."
  • Firebat: "Sadly I've never encountered a Firebat personally. Been told they have quite long tails. Wonder how that works."
  • Giant Skully: "I've tried being level-headed with Giant Skullies. Not a good idea if you catch my drift."

Enemies - Unsorted
  • Level-6-exclusive enemies: "There's almost nothing about the stuff down there. And what little I have heard... ...Be careful down there, OK?"

Kleines - Advice (Part 3)
  • Chomper: "There's no shame in running away from a Chomper. View it as a tactical retreat. Just mind the surroundings, eh?"
  • Pollyp: "Ah, the Pollyp. Well, you see. There's sewers down there, sometimes they overflow and clog up the upper floors. And that is why we cannot have nice things. Shoot it until it dies. Actually, the process causes it to positively hemorrhage jellies. Shoot them also."
  • Quadcore: "Yikes, a Quadcore? Afraid I don't have much to say about them. They're what separates the wheat from the chaff. You'll have to rely on your weapons and your skill."
  • Sentron: "Sentron is disorienting, but it's pretty easy once you figure it out. Just focus on dodging, don't get bogged down in everything that's going on."
  • Archivator: "The Archivator was tasked to record everything. It stopped long ago, but it still controls its vast arrays of discs remotely. You may find yourself dodging the same projectile repeatedly, so watch out. ... The contents of those discs are irrelevant by the way."
  • Rounder*: "What'd they call that thing again? The Battle Ball? Wait. Wait. I remember. It was the War Sphere. Yeah, Combat Orb, it's got some fancy quick moves. If Strife Globe goes haywire, try to hide somewhere it can't reach."
  • Shade: "I think some ghosts get more twisted - and powerful - with time. Like the Shade. You might have seen it coalescing from the dark corners. Seems no matter where you run, it's always right on top of you."
  • Funnel: "Funnels are very dangerous, but also very stationary. And you better bet that's abusable."
  • Overseer: "An Overseer is only particularly dangerous with its buddies around. Get rid of them and it'll never see you coming."
  • Redcap: "Ah. A Mega Hermit. Also known as a Redcap. About as elusive as the small fries, but packing way more fire under that cape. Danger level: 'OH GOD THERES BULLETS EVERYWHERE'"
  • Idol: "An Idol seems to be a living manifestation of the Power Eternal. Heh heh heh. If this is just a fragment, then I wonder what the whole thing is like. ... You've got a job to finish my friend. Don't let it stop you."

  • Twofold: "I've nothing to say about this hazard. For now."

  • Chamberlord: "There is a pattern to many of these unnatural constructs. Some sort of binding force, in execution of the ruins themselves. The Chamberlord is one of its major conduits. A rigid, methodical watchdog, running its routine. And if you can predict it, you can beat it."
  • Guardian: "The armor? It styles itself as the Guardian of this place. Heh. What a laughable notion. Clunky, unwieldy, imprecise. Dance around its mace and send it to hell."
  • Ringleader: "Ah, so you met the Ringleader. The other ghosts flock to it like moths to a flame. No one knows what it was in life. A king? A general? Who knows? It might seem scary, but isn't very dangerous on its own. If you can, try to bring explosive or piercing weaponry. That ought to keep things smooth."
  • Behemoth: "The Behemoth is an interesting specimen. I can tell it was designed for an all-out war. All that firepower may look impressive, but for somebody as nimble as you? Should be a piece of cake."
  • Presence: "Yeah, I won't lie. There is definitely some kind of dark Presence further down the floors. Of course you're not scared, eh?. Right?"
  • Daemon: "I've heard of it, the 'Daemon'. Guards, tricky shots, pillars of fire. Sounds easy. Get to it."
  • Ice Wyrm: "I'd avoid altercation with the Ice Wyrm if you can help it at all. If you can't, well... it can take up a lot of real estate, at the very least you can't possibly miss it."
  • Devourer: "An enormous monster lurks down in the muck of the drainage system. The Devourer. It consumes anything - or anyone - it finds. It almost caught me, once. And I swear... it's teeth all the way down."
  • Armor Tac: "Ah, ran into that old security mech, did you? 'Armor Tac'. That thing is stuffed with weapons, and just never gives up. So if you run into it again... good luck?"
  • Reactor: "The Reactor keeps this place afloat, so expect it to be pretty well armed. Whatever you're thinking of, it's likely to throw at you and more."
  • Ordinator: "The head mage is the Ordinator and I guess he's dug himself in pretty deep. Seems to prefer fire. Make of that what you will."
  • Firewall: "The Firewall isn't just an entity, it's a place. It's where things go to burn. Stay away from anything that looks even remotely like it could spew fire. Because it probably will."
  • Overlord: "... You know, there have been others like you before. Two of them. They got pretty far down, deeper than anybody else before them. Maybe even... to the very end. Then... well. I don't know what happened to one of them. But the other is now the Overlord. Be careful, will ya."

  • Bloke: "Haha. That Old Mech actually works? We unearthed it ages ago, but it was pretty banged up. Guess I know what Bloke's been using all that Debris for."
  • Renegade: "Ha! I knew you can't trust that thing. Keep your eyes on those orbs it's holding. Figures they're its main methods of attack."
  • Unknown: "Well... this is it. Use everything you've learned and... good luck."
  • Monolith: "Hmph. No mercy. You've come too far to give up now."

Kleines - Gossip
When Kleines is asked for gossip, he will give one of these lines. (The list is not comprehensive - the quotes given in Levels also qualify as gossip.)
  • Rubble: "Dig through the rubble, will ya? Never know what kind of shinies are embedded in them."
  • Safes: "All those safes make me feel kind of at ease. Reminds me of better times."
  • Advice: "I really hope some of my advice got through to you. Not gonna pretend I'm the sole reason you've got this far. Just a really major one." [only given if the player has won a run at least once]
  • Hats: "These ghosts are wonderful business when they're not out for you. Sold them a bunch of headwear some time ago. Made a killing."
  • Third Floor: "Oh boy, oh boy, going beyond the third floor. Bring me back some pics, OK?" [only given if the player has reached the Bellows at least once]
  • Motivations: "I wonder what drove you here. Curiosity? Scarcity? Desperation? ...Ambition? Hmm? Why am I here? Well. It's complicated."
  • First Floor: "No shame getting stuck on the first floor. View it as an opportunity to learn the ropes in a relatively more friendly environment." [only given if the player has died at least once?]
  • Water: "Careful taking those swims, don't wanna rust, do we? I mean, can you even rust? What are you even made of?"
  • Debris: "All debris is worth something to me, little ship. Plates, cables, nuts, bolts, capacitors, batteries, coils... I've got the vision, the talent, the drive. All that's left is the materials and some other stuff."
  • Stocking Up: "Sure hope you're stocking up on your way down. Extra ammo and damage makes life easier in the long run. Expensive as that might be..."
  • Relative: "Saw some fella looking an awful lot like you pass by. That your relative or something?"
Kleines - Shop (Part 1)
Kleines offers a variety of permanent unlocks in his shop, all of which are purchased using your cumulative Debris supply. Most of these unlocks are not initially available, however, only appearing in the shop once sufficient progress has been made within the Monolith. Browsing Kleines's shop does not require nor consume any interesting lines.
  • The Sword
    • Unlock Requirements: Complete your first run, win or death
    • Description: "The Sword is a powerful melee weapon."
    • Price: 75,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks the Sword weapon type, allowing it to appear anywhere other weapons can appear.
  • The Razor
    • Unlock Requirements: Defeat the Overlord for the first time AND accumulate 100,000 cumulative Debris AND complete your second run, win or death
    • Description: "The Razor is a pretty versatile weapon."
    • Price: 100,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks the Razor weapon type, allowing it to appear anywhere other weapons can appear.
  • Consecrated Weapons
    • Unlock Requirements: Destroy 125 Undead-type enemies and bosses across all runs
    • Description: "Consecrated Weapons are extra powerful against the undead."
    • Price: 40,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks the Consecrated Keyword (+35% Damage VS Ghosts), allowing it to appear on weapons.
  • Antimagic Weapons
    • Unlock Requirements: Destroy 125 Mage-type enemies and bosses across all runs
    • Description: "Antimagic Weapons make short work of spellcasters."
    • Price: 40,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks the Antimagic Keyword (+35% Damage VS Mages), allowing it to appear on weapons.
  • Akashic Weapons
    • Unlock Requirements: Destroy 125 Construct-type enemies and bosses across all runs
    • Description: "Akashic Weapons do particular harm to constructs."
    • Price: 40,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks the Akashic Keyword (+35% Damage VS Constructs), allowing it to appear on weapons.
  • Disrupting Weapons
    • Unlock Requirements: Destroy 125 Mech-type enemies and bosses across all runs
    • Description: "Disrupting Weapons deal heightened damage to mechanical foes."
    • Price: 40,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks the Disrupting Keyword (+35% Damage VS Machines), allowing it to appear on weapons.
  • Deep Freeze Bombs
    • Unlock Requirements: Destroy any Archives boss and proceed to the Maintenance System
    • Description: "Deep Freeze Bombs stop enemies dead in their tracks."
    • Price: 30,000G
    • Effect: Allows Deep Freeze Bomb pickups to appear in the Monolith
  • Laser Bombs
    • Unlock Requirements: Destroy any Bellows boss and proceed to the Sanctum
    • Description: "Laser Bombs - when you absolutely need to kill everything."
    • Price: 50,000G
    • Effect: Allows Laser Blast Bomb pickups to appear in the Monolith
  • Time Bombs
    • Unlock Requirements: Destroy any Maintenance System boss and proceed to the Bellows
    • Description: "Timebombs have four times the duration of normal bombs."
    • Price: 40,000G
    • Effect: Allows Time Bomb pickups to appear in the Monolith
  • Second Wind
    • Unlock Requirements: Complete your first run, win or death
    • Description: "Second Wind, an upgrade that fully recovers health and ammo."
    • Price: 80,000G
    • Effect: Allows the Second Wind upgrade to appear as an option in Upgrade Terminals
  • Bestiary
    • Unlock Requirements: Complete your third run, win or death
    • Description: "Bestiary contains some useful enemy info."
    • Price: 35,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks the Bestiary for viewing in the Hub

  • Sword Ship
    • Unlock Requirements: Secure a level 6 win with D-13
    • Description: "Sword Ship - exactly what you're imagining. Swords only."
    • Price: 200,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks Overlord for selection in the Mods terminal
  • Chaos Ship
    • Unlock Requirements: Secure a level 6 win with Overlord
    • Description: "Chaos Ship - test your mastery. New weapon every room."
    • Price: 200,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks Chaos Ship for selection in the Mods terminal
  • Arena Blaster
    • Unlock Requirements: Secure a level 7 win
    • Description: "Arena Blaster - No bombs, active items instead."
    • Price: 200,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks Arena Blaster for selection in the Mods terminal
  • Skully
    • Unlock Requirements: Opening a vault with a key bought in the shop while Skully is there.
    • Description: "Please just get him out of my inventory."
    • Price: 200,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks Skully for selection in the Mods terminal
  • Expensive Seal
    • Unlock Requirements: Secure your first level 5 win
    • Description: "This Seal, seems important soooo...."
    • Price: 100,000G
    • Effect: Breaks the seal, contributing toward the unlocking of the passage to level 6.
  • Lethality
    • Unlock Requirements: Defeat Unknown and claim the Power Eternal for the first time
    • Description: "Lethality spices things up a bit."
    • Price: 80,000G
    • Effect: Reveals the Lethality setting in Mods, allowing the player to tweak their starting Max HP, Damage and Max Ammo for the next run.
  • Seeds
    • Unlock Requirements: Defeat Unknown and claim the Power Eternal for the first time
    • Description: "This mod allows manipulation of Seeds."
    • Price: 100,000G
    • Effect: Reveals the Seed setting in Mods, allowing the player to set a custom seed for their next run or leave it as random.
  • The Mirror
    • Unlock Requirements: -
    • Description: "Reflect on your past. And future."
    • Price: 50,000G
    • Effect: Puts the Mirror in the Hub. Here you can save reports of runs and practice bosses you have already beaten at least once.
Kleines - Shop (Part 2)
  • Pulsar
    • Unlock Requirements: Complete your first run, win or loss
    • Description: "Pulsar is a steady mid-range weapon."
    • Price: 100,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks the Pulsar weapon type, allowing it to appear anywhere other weapons can appear.
  • Thunderhead
    • Unlock Requirements: Secure your first level 5 win.
    • Description: "Thunderhead is a heavy area denial weapon."
    • Price: 130,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks the Thunderhead weapon type, allowing it to appear anywhere other weapons can appear.
  • Railgun
    • Unlock Requirements: Complete your first run, win or loss.
    • Description: "Railgun is weapon of pure precision."
    • Price: 150,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks the Railgun weapon type, allowing it to appear anywhere other weapons can appear.
  • The Drill
    • Unlock Requirements: Secure your first level 6 win.
    • Description: "Drill is hybrid emissary of death."
    • Price: 150,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks the Drill weapon type, allowing it to appear anywhere other weapons can appear.
  • Spear
    • Unlock Requirements: Secure your first level 6 win.
    • Description: "Spear skewers enemies for extra damage."
    • Price: 150,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks the Spear weapon type, allowing it to appear anywhere other weapons can appear.
  • Runic Gun
    • Unlock Requirements: Secure a level 6 win as D-13
    • Description: "Runic Gun is a pretty variable thing."
    • Price: 200,000G
    • Effect: Unlocks the Runic weapon type, allowing it to appear anywhere other weapons can appear.
  • Swarmer Pack
    • Unlock Requirements: Destroy 125 Swarmers across all runs
    • Description: "Swarmer Pack includes two Keywords and a Bomb."
    • Price: 130,000G
    • Effect: Allows Swarm Bombs and the Infested and Swarming Keywords to appear within the Monolith.
  • Donations
    • Unlock Requirements: Destroy 5 Hermits across all runs (?)
    • Description: "One-time care package delivery. Use when required."
    • Price: Half of your current Gold. (Caps at 9,999,000G)
    • Effect: A Bandana Hermit now appears in the starting room of all levels which does not disappear upon leaving the room. Interacting with it grants 2x +1 Max HP, 1x +2 HP, 2x +20% Max Ammo, 1x +5% Damage, and 1x +10% Damage pickups and prevents the Hermit from appearing again until Donations has been purchased another time.
Kleines - Furnish
When the player's accumulated Debris (the sum of all cumulative Debris ever gained with no regard for purchases from Kleines) reaches certain milestones, Kleines will, when prompted, add pieces of furniture to the Hub - this action does not require nor consume any interesting lines. Once the player enters the Hub after having spent at least 500,000 cumulative Debris across all shopping sessions with Kleines, the Furnish option allows the player to change their furniture at any time.

30,000 Accumulated Debris: Carpet
"Good timing, my little metal friend. I've rifled through some of the junk while you gone. Take a look at ... this!"

Carpet 1: An orange carpet showing a large ghost with a small gold crown hovering over its top.
"Do you like it?"
Yes: "Glad you do. I'll see if there's more stuff I can find. Should make this place more homely, eh?"
No: "No? Hmmm, then how about this?"

Carpet 2: A blue carpet showing various bits of salvage.
"What do you think?"
Yes: "Really motivational, isn't it? I'll see if there's more stuff I can find. Should make this place more homely."
No: "Don't want your job to intrude on your free time, eh? No, no, I understand that. What about this beaut here, then?"

Carpet 3: A purple carpet showing what appears to be an array of circuitry connections.
Yes: "Honestly I don't even know what it's supposed to be, but it looks pretty. So, whatever. I'll see if I can find more stuff like this later."
No: "Hah. I knew you were a true connoisseur when I first saw you. A certain sense of kinship between us purveyors of fine arts. Oh don't you worry. I saved the best for last. Feast your eyes on this."

Carpet 4: An orange carpet showing Kleines giving a thumbs-up.
"Do you like it?"
Yes: "Of course you do. We'll make a palace out of this heap yet, buddy. Eventually. Just keep rolling in the Debris until then, OK?"

75,000 Accumulated Debris: Banners
"It's that time again! That's right. I salvaged some fancy clothesware from the brink of oblivion."

Banners 1: A pair of orange banners, each with a yellow plus sign.
"What do you say?"
Yes: "Excellent. I wonder what I'm gonna find next."
No: "Yeah, I guess it lacks a certain hearth. Let's try this one."

Banners 2: A pair of red banners, each with a pink heart.
Yes: "Perfect choice to be honest. Who doesn't like a floating red heart? Rhetorical question, obviously."
No: "Too tacky for you, what? I thought it was charming, but if you say so. I've also got this one here."

Banners 3: A pair of green banners, each with several chevrons.
Yes: "Mhm. Gotcha. Let's see what the tidings bring next."
No: "Well, I've only got one other banner left. Ta-da!"

Carpet 4: A pair of blue-and-white striped banners, each with a yellow trumpet.
"Really raises the morale, doesn't it?"

125,000 Accumulated Debris: Portrait
"Found a few portraits in the trash, might as well hang one on the wall."

Portrait 1: A portrait showing a setting sun and a beach.
"This one is called 'Relaxing Sunset'."
Yes: "It's been years since the last time I've seen the sun. You too, I presume? This will do for now."
No: "Alas, the sun will have to wait."

Portrait 2: A portrait of a blue hooded figure.
"This one's called... '???'? I have no idea who this is. Your judgement?"
Yes: "Well, it's certainly majestic. In a way. Don't mind keeping it there."
No: "Got one more here."

Portrait 3: A portrait showing an embellished close-up of the face of Bloke, the shop-keeper found in Shops.
"Gah. 'With Love, Bloke'. *sigh* Fine, it's already on the wall. Would be too much effort to take it down."

200,000 Accumulated Debris: Jukebox
A jukebox falls from the sky, landing in the upper-right corner of the Hub. The player can interact with it to play any Music which has been encountered normally at least once.

"Oho. A jukebox. What dashing rogue could have ever set that up?"

300,000 Accumulated Debris: Pet Ghost
"You've been a great partner to me, little ship. This is the biggest haul of debris I've seen in years, all thanks to you. So I've arranged one more thing as a sign of, uh, appreciation."

A Ghost in a jar appears on the far left side of the trophy table. The player can interact with it to listen to the Ghost inside, which is either awake or asleep whenever the Hub is entered. Additionally, once certain prerequisites have been met, the Ghost can be given hats (using Furnish) which were worn by Ghosts killed by the player.

"Your own pet ghost. Take care of it."
Other Hub NPCs
Sentinel has a chance to appear in the Hub once any piece of furniture has been added. When talked to, it will comment on some part of the Hub.

First Interaction
  • Place: "Bzzzt... Nice place..."
  • Table: "Bzzzt... That table...
    • Low-Quality Trophies: Disappointing."
    • Mid-Quality Trophies: Adequate."
    • High-Quality Trophies: Impressive."
  • Carpet: "Bzzzt... Your carpet...
    • Carpet 1: It's haunted."
    • Carpet 2: Very gruesome."
    • Carpet 3: So... deep..."
    • Carpet 3: I feel. Encouragement."
  • Banners: "Bzzzt... Your banners...
    • Banners 1: Practical."
    • Banners 2: Sentinel is not programmed for love."
    • Banners 3: ...are pointing down."
    • Banners 4: Have no effect on Sentinel."
  • Portrait: "Bzzzt... That portrait...
    • Portrait 1: Sentinel does not remember what sun is."
    • Portrait 2: Very imposing. Must be someone important."
    • Portrait 3: Very embellished. Bloke in actuality not very strong."
  • Jukebox: "Bzzzt... That jukebox... Sentinel does not care for music."
  • Pet Ghost: "Bzzzt... That jar... Poor guy."
Subsequent Interactions: "Bzzzt..."

Blastcore has a chance to appear in the Hub. Upon interaction, Blastcore harmlessly explodes once it finishes talking. Blastcore no longer explodes once it has been given a ribbon.

First Encounter: "I've been exploding for so long, I can recall naught else. My life is a waking nightmare."
Subsequent Encounters: "I'm back. I really wish I weren't, but what can you do? Maybe this time it will stick."

First Encounter After Collecting Ribbon:
  • "..! That ribbon. Please, let me have it."
  • *Ribbon appears on the upper-right node of Blastcore*
  • "... I remember now. Ha ha... these memories. It is so painful to relive them. But they are all I have. As miserable as this existence is, as long as I can cherish them... I can bear it. Thank you, visitor."
Subsequent Encounters, Ribbon Given: "Thank you, visitor. I will never forget what you did for me."

Skully has a chance to appear in the Hub once the jukebox has been added.

Interactions, Jukebox Not Activated: "I wish we had a jukebox down there. That'd be rad."
First Interaction, Jukebox Activated: Depends on currently-playing music - see Music section for quotes
Subsequent Interactions:
  • Jukebox Playing Tonal Dissonance or No Tomorrow: "*jitters uncomfortably*"
  • Jukebox Playing Other Songs: "*hums along*"

Hermit has a chance to appear in the Hub.

If it appears without a bandana, interacting with it makes it flee from you to another location.

If it appears with a bandana, interacting with it makes it talk instead of flee.

First Interaction (Choose 1):
  • "I think you got the wrong Hermit here."
  • "I ain't got any business with you."
  • "Not in the mood for talking."
  • "Mind if you just leave me be?"
Subsequent Interactions: "Get lost."

Rad Sentinel
Rad Sentinel has a chance to appear in the Hub.

If spoken to, he will offer the player to practice the hacking minigames in exchange for 250G. They keep increasing in difficulty the more the player wins. He will also keep count of your high score.

First Interaction:
  • "Hey. You."
  • "Shmup looking guy."
  • "Do you...."
  • "Do you like video games?"
  • "Really??"
  • "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!"
  • "What a chump!"
  • "I like you!!"
  • "I've got some vidya on hand."
  • "Wanna give it a try?"
Subsequent Interactions: "Ready... Set..."

If the player loses without winning a single one:
  • "Wow."
  • "My metal body feels no pain."
  • "So why was watching this so excruciating?"

Pet Ghost
Introduced to the Hub as Kleines's last gift to the player, the Ghost in a jar makes noises when talked to.

Awake: "*ghostly squeal*"
Asleep: "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
Trophies are decorations in the Hub which commemorate the player's progress through and success within the Monolith. Trophies and the table on which they stand appear the next time the Hub is entered after Kleines arrives.

Levels Trophy
The first trophy acquired by the player, the Levels Trophy, sitting on the left portion of the table, is a visual indicator of the hardest level which has been cleared by the player. The trophy has five variants (only the best variant is displayed):
  • Wooden: Awarded for clearing the Excavation and reaching the Archives
  • Bronze: Awarded for clearing the Archives and reaching the Maintenance System
  • Silver: Awarded for clearing the Maintenance System and reaching the Bellows
  • Gold: Awarded for clearing the Bellows and reaching the Sanctum
  • Diamond: Awarded for clearing the Sanctum and securing a level 5 victory

Victory Trophy
The second trophy acquired by the player, the Victory Trophy, sitting on the center of the white cloth laid on the table, is a visual indicator of the best overall grade the player has received on a victory. The trophy has five variants (only the best variant is displayed):
  • Wooden: Awarded for getting a D rank overall on a victory.
  • Bronze: Awarded for getting a C rank overall on a victory.
  • Silver: Awarded for getting a B rank overall on a victory.
  • Gold: Awarded for getting an A rank overall on a victory.
  • Diamond: Awarded for getting an S rank overall on a victory (only awarded if an S rank is achieved in all four categories on a single victory).

Completion Trophies
Completion Trophies, gray in color and located at the right extreme of the table, are awarded for achieving a level 6 win on each difficulty. The Null Trophy is awarded for a level 6 win on Normal Mode, and the D-13 Trophy is awarded for a level 6 win on Hard Mode. The pocketwatch, which appears after completing an Exalted Hard Mode 6-Floor clear and seeing the secret ending, hangs in front of the trophy table.
Music (Part 1)
Once a jukebox has been installed in the Hub, the player can play music that has been encountered at least once. There are 61 tracks in total, and Skully will comment on what the jukebox is playing on interaction if he is present.

  • Sunshine
    • Typical Context: Opening Credits
    • Quote: "Whoa, what a blast from the past."
  • Downfall
    • Typical Context: Introduction
    • Quote: "Oh man, this song really plucks at my central circuitry."
  • Before the Dawn
    • Typical Context: Title Screen
    • Quote: "Hahaha, this is such a nostalgic track for me."
  • Hopeful Feeling
    • Typical Context: Tutorial
    • Quote: "This is a neat tune. Must be a hit on the surface."
  • Thought Soup
    • Typical Context: The Hub
    • Quote: "You know, I come here just for this song specifically. I can listen to it for hours."
  • Tonal Dissonance
    • Typical Context: Excavation (non-Hard modes)
    • Quote: "Eeugh. How am I supposed to spook people to this tune?"
  • Shelf Space
    • Typical Context: Archives
    • Quote: "Found this tune on a CD, in the Archives. Truly a treasure."
  • Gone Fishing
    • Typical Context: Maintenance System
    • Quote: "I prefer to listen to this song underwater. And reversed."
  • Fire in the Hole
    • Typical Context: The Bellows
    • Quote: "Oh man, this song hits me so hard, it's like my head's on fire."
  • Point Zero
    • Typical Context: The Sanctum
    • Quote: "Whoa, those mages sure have a really far out musical taste."
  • No Tomorrow
    • Typical Context: Level 6
    • Quote: "C-Can you switch to something else?"
  • Against All Odds
    • Typical Context: Excavation (Hard Mode)
    • Quote: "That's way more like it, don't you think?"
  • ???
    • Typical Context: ???
    • Quote: ???
  • Templegame
    • Typical Context: The Temple
    • Quote: "Hey I heard this one before. Isn't it from that one game?"
  • Abyss
    • Typical Context: Nowhere / Level 7
    • Quote: "It's like all those tracks I've heard before. Except it's none of them!"
  • Singularity
    • Typical Context: Boss Fights
    • Quote: "Man, I'm never around when this one plays."
  • Apparition
    • Typical Context: Boss Fights
    • Quote: "Now that's my kind of groove."
  • The Extraordinary
    • Typical Context: Boss Fights
    • Quote: "I never get to listen to this one in full."
  • The 4th
    • Typical Context: Boss Fights
    • Quote: "Hey, Charlie's favourite!"
  • Rivaling Force
    • Typical Context: D-13 Boss Fight
    • Quote: "Hm? You seem familiar with this track."
  • Antibody
    • Typical Context: Trespasser Fight
    • Quote: "I try not to think about where some of those come from."
  • Small Battles
    • Typical Context: Microcore Fight
    • Quote: "Sometimes you ought to let sleeping cores be."
  • ???
    • Typical Context: ???
    • Quote: ???
  • ???
    • Typical Context: ???
    • Quote: ???
  • Accursed One
    • Typical Context: Overlord Boss Fight
    • Quote: "Doesn't sound that cursed to me..."
  • Distorted Nightmares
    • Typical Context: Intense Room in Temple
    • Quote: "Nothing here"
  • Intensity
    • Typical Context: Midboss in Temple
    • Quote: "Ooohhhhhhhh. As a skull, I approve of these tunes!"
  • Warden's Descent
    • Typical Context: Cutscene with Warden
    • Quote: "Huh, that sounds a lot like him..."
  • Divine Might
    • Typical Context: Warden Fight (Phase 1-3)
    • Quote: "How long ago was it again?"
  • Divine Will
    • Typical Context: Warden Fight (Final Phase)
    • Quote: "Where in the world did you find this?"
  • Divine Choir
    • Typical Context: Cutscene with Warden
    • Quote: "Not sure how I feel about choirs, honestly."
  • Incarnation
    • Typical Context: Lead-up to Chaosgod
    • Quote: "Uh oh."
  • Chaos Incarnate
    • Typical Context: Chaosgod Fight
    • Quote: "The last time I heard this one. Bad things happened."
  • Screams of Chaos
    • Typical Context: Chaosgod Core Fight
    • Quote: "Goodbye, and thanks for all the music."
  • The Trial
    • Typical Context: Seal Boss Fights
    • Quote: "Got this track on loan from a giant red skull. No really."
  • Ex Machina, Part 1
    • Typical Context: Level 6 Boss Fight (Non-Hard Modes)
    • Quote: "I wonder where this track is going."
  • Ex Machina, Part 2
    • Typical Context: Level 6 Boss Fight (Non-Hard Modes)
    • Quote: "WHOA! Jammin'!"
  • Ex Machina, Part 3
    • Typical Context: Level 6 Boss Fight (Non-Hard Modes)
    • Quote: *Skully has zoned out*
  • Monolith
    • Typical Context: Level 6 Boss Fight (Hard Mode)
    • Quote: "I feel you deserve more thoughts on this song than me. Whatever it is, it's yours alone."
  • End of Monolith
    • Typical Context: Level 6 Boss Fight (Hard Mode)
    • Quote: "All good things end eventually. But so do all bad things, too. Well, the song's still playing, isn't it."
  • Fatal Error
    • Typical Context: Database Fight
    • Quote: "So the database is real... I wonder what kind of music it has stored on it."
  • Final Ritual
    • Typical Context: Point Zero Fight
    • Quote: "Ah, so this is how it happened. Sounds about as I expected."
  • Final Sacrifice
    • Typical Context: Damaged Machine Fight
    • Quote: "Even as an echo, it's a powerful encore."
Music (Part 2)
  • Breakthrough
    • Typical Context: Victory Tune
    • Quote: "Sounds like victory."
  • Solace
    • Typical Context: Boss Fight Aftermath
    • Quote: "So... mellow..."
  • Stray Cat
    • Typical Context: Shops, Big Shops, Gambling Rooms
    • Quote: "Trademark of Kleines LLC, 20XX."
  • U.E.S.
    • Typical Context: Cartridge Shops
    • Quote: "Ah, the Underground Entertainment System."
  • Arcade Zone
    • Typical Context: Arcades
    • Quote: "Never pay more than 50,000 scrap for a cartridge!"
  • Scar Tissue
    • Typical Context: Secret Rooms, Upgrade Selection Screen
    • Quote: "Never heard this one before. Where does it play?"
  • Ruin
    • Typical Context: Life Shops, Shrines, Level 5-6 Pause Screen
    • Quote: "Hmm, you know what it's missing? Some Morse code."
  • It's Dormant
    • Typical Context: Inactive Microcore Room
    • Quote: "Sometimes I like to be dormant myself. I put this track on to ward off intruders."
  • Sojourners
    • Typical Context: Breaches
    • Quote: "Hmm, I don't like breaches. But I sure like music."
  • Coffee Break [formerly Skittish]
    • Typical Context: Level 0-2 Pause Screen
    • Quote: "Yeah, I like to take a pause from time to time too, come here, listen to some music..."
  • Towering Blues
    • Typical Context: Level 3-4 Pause Screen
    • Quote: "Hm, this track really gets me thinking about the future. ..."
  • Temple Nova
    • Typical Context: Temple Pause Screen
    • Quote: "The elevators in here never play music this nice!"
  • Tyrant's Bounty
    • Typical Context: Death Results Screen
    • Quote: "Is this what death sounds like? Gotta say it's nicer than expected."
  • Null and Void
    • Typical Context: Closing Credits
    • Quote: "Huh, the head bites the tail."
  • Flashback
    • Typical Context: Hard Mode Ending
    • Quote: "Well, I hope this was fun for you. Maybe we'll meet again someday."
  • Reminiscence
    • Typical Context: Hard Mode Secret Ending Exalted 6F Clear , Hub Secret Bring a ribbon to Blastcore
    • Quote: "A piece for all those we could save. And those we couldn't."
  • Signal Lost
    • Typical Context: Bad Ending
    • Quote: "Ohh... too bad. You did your best."
  • Second Dive
    • Typical Context: Relics of the Past Title Screen
    • Quote: "Back for an encore?"

Seals are enigmatic items which are used to open the way to the elevator leading down to the sixth and final level of the Monolith. Each of four seals can only be picked up once - upon pickup, the seal is instantly and permanently placed in the appropriate slot in the Sanctum's after-boss room. Seals only begin appearing once the Overlord has been defeated at least once.
  • One seal is given upon the Overlord's defeat, appearing alongside the usual boss room pickups. It occupies the upper-middle slot of the Sanctum's after-boss room once collected.
  • Kleines (the cat merchant) has a second seal for sale at a price of 100,000 Debris (drawn out of your cumulative Debris supply like with other permanent purchases). It occupies the top slot of the Sanctum's after-boss room once collected.
  • Shops in the Maintenance System, Bellows, and Sanctum will have a third seal for sale at a price of 1300G (858G with Discount in the Maintenance System and the Bellows). Attempting to purchase the seal will initiate the Bloke boss fight and greatly inflate the item's price. Once you have negotiated a more reasonable price and successfully purchased the seal, it is permanently placed into the bottom slot of the Sanctum's after-boss room.
  • A Shrine in the Maintenance System (rare), Bellow (rare) or Sanctum (guaranteed) will offer a fourth seal, stating that the cost for unlocking the seal is facing death. Taking the deal will initiate the Renegade boss fight. Winning the fight prompts some dialogue and allows the player to take the seal, which occupies the lower-middle slot of the Sanctum's after-boss room once collected.
Four playable ships exist in Monolith:

  • Mode: Normal Mode
  • Unlock Conditions: N/A
  • Appearance: White with black oval and conventional ship shape
  • Favorite Beverage: Coffee
  • Notes: The first playable ship used by the player, Null is the standard to which the other ships are compared.

  • Mode: Hard Mode
  • Unlock Conditions: Secure a level 6 win with Null
  • Appearance: White with red orb and pronged pear shape
  • Favorite Beverage: Juice
  • Notes: D-13 has the same capabilities as Null. However, playing in Hard Mode makes all enemies and bosses more difficult and changes the level 6 boss as well as the ending of a level 6 win.

  • Mode: Sword Mode
  • Unlock Conditions: Secure a level 6 win with D-13 AND purchase Sword (?) AND purchase Sword Ship from Kleines
  • Appearance: White with blue markings and "wings"
  • Favorite Beverage: Swords (?)
  • Notes: Overlord's Basic Weapon is a Sword without any keywords (shown on the large map as SWORD) and unlimited ammo. All sources of weapons only give Swords. Apart from these changes, Sword Mode is the same as Normal Mode.

  • Mode: Chaos Mode
  • Unlock Conditions: Secure a level 6 win with Overlord AND purchase Chaos Ship from Kleines
  • Appearance: White with green prism and pronged trapezoidal shape
  • Favorite Beverage: None
  • Notes: Playing in Chaos Mode is like playing in Normal Mode, but with several significant differences:
    • The Chaos Ship has no Basic Weapon. Instead, it is always equipped with a random 2-Keyword weapon with unlimited ammo, and the weapon changes on room changes and boss summons.
    • Weapon Chambers do not appear, and weapon drops are replaced by HP drops.
    • Ammo pickups do not appear in most rooms and Salvage does not appear in Upgrade Terminals. Artifact and the 400% ammo/halved max ammo Shrine deal still appear (but are basically useless due to weapon randomization on room changes).
    • Ammo pickups that do appear (in Vaults and Secret Rooms) function as follows when collected:
      • +5% Max Ammo pickups remain unchanged in function.
      • +10% Ammo/+100% Max Ammo pickups grant +10% Max Ammo and also salvage into (300 * Level) Debris.
      • +20% Max Ammo pickups salvage into (300 * Level) Debris, but do not increase Max Ammo.
    • Minibosses always drop +1 HP pickups on death. Bosses no longer drop +20% Ammo pickups on death.

Arena Blaster
  • Mode: No bombs, active items
  • Unlock Conditions: Secure a level 7 win AND purchase Arena Blaster from Kleines
  • Appearance: Rocket-like shape, but two burners at the end
  • Favorite Beverage: Unknown, but he likes newspapers
  • Notes: The player is no longer able to use bombs, instead they have a charge meter. Digging up secret and shortcuts costs 2 charges. Active items are added to the game that require a certain amount of charge to be used.

  • Mode: Modular weapons
  • Unlock Conditions: Secure a level 6 win on either Intense or Sudden Death. Afterwards, Skully might appear in shops that hold the key to the fault on the current floor. If the player buys it and opens the vault, Skully is unlocked and can be purchased from Kleines
  • Appearance: Resembles other Skullies, but has green ribs instead
  • Favorite Beverage: Unknown
  • Notes: All normal items in the game are replaced with modifiers. These add up over the course over the game into one weapon. When running out of ammo, the modifiers are not lost and will be added to the next pickup.
Achievement Details
Most of the Steam achievements for Monolith are self-explanatory, but some have specific requirements which are not immediately obvious:

S-Rank-Related Achievements
The S-Rank thresholds for time are as follows on Normal Mode (run time must not go above the threshold to obtain S-Rank):
  • Level 5 Win: 20 Minutes
  • Level 6 Win: 30 Minutes

Similarly, the S-Rank thresholds for hits are as follows on Normal Mode (hits taken must not go above the threshold to obtain S-Rank):
  • Level 5 Win: 10 Hits
  • Level 6 Win: 13 Hits

S-Ranks for exploration and secrets require that all rooms (including Vaults) and all secret rooms be visited - missing even one room will result in an A-Rank (or lower if enough rooms are missed).

Peashooter and Power Internal
Both Peashooter and Power Internal can only be attempted on runs resulting in level 6 wins. Power Internal in particular merely requires that you do not use any Upgrade Terminals on the first five floors - pickups and weapons are still fair game.

Intense and Death, Suddenly
These two achievements can be earned on any win (regardless of type and ship used) while the appropriate Lethality is in effect.

Additional Resources
If you are interested in learning more about Monolith than what is given in this guide (or within the game itself), the best place to go for accurate information is the game's Discord server, which is frequented often by Team D-13 members. The link can be found in a News entry in this Community:

If you happen to be a competitive type, the official speedrun leaderboard can be found at . The people that maintain it frequent the aforementioned Discord server in case you have any questions or problems.

If you are having trouble keeping spoilers in this guide revealed, the spoilers will stay revealed more reliably if you scroll the page instead of moving your cursor over empty lines.
Concluding Remarks
This guide is partially up-to-date as of the Halloween content update. DLCs (Relics of the Past for now) are currently being added to the guide.

Any additions / feedback is appreciated.

SexyPanther 12 Jan, 2024 @ 1:28pm 
Excellent. Thank you very much for clarifying.
QuaestComm  [author] 12 Jan, 2024 @ 6:21am 
"Exalted" is another name for an all-S-ranks clear. (The name comes from the Steam achievement for getting the diamond victory trophy for the first time.)
SexyPanther 11 Jan, 2024 @ 3:37pm 
This guide is excellent. Thank you.

The only trophy I have left is the pocket watch. I have a question regarding your description. What makes a run "Exalted"?
Azri 21 Mar, 2022 @ 12:40pm 
Chaos god can absord(erase) runic gun, so be careful with it.
R.I.P lethality 400% 100% run :(
IanBoni_ 18 Nov, 2021 @ 6:09am 
perfect, but I want to know: can you equip hats??
The Ogrelord 28 Sep, 2021 @ 9:00pm 
Excellent guide, one thing I'm wondering about though is I think I remember Kleines or another NPC saying something about frozen enemies having difficulty spewing fire. Does the Freeze modifier actually cause enemies that shoot fire to misfire sometimes or something?
Luneth 3 Sep, 2021 @ 6:21am 
I've unlocked skully meanwhile playing the story d-13 hardmode (before unlocking modes), I just help it, then I died miserably against overlord XD
S☯wn-Lﺤuꁅhtǝr 28 Apr, 2021 @ 7:25pm 
:likeasmith: *Applause*
Kane. 9 Mar, 2021 @ 2:42pm 
One of the most complete guides I've ever seen on Steam