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Posted: 27 May, 2017 @ 1:30am

The game works but having to hit ALT+ENTER twice to get it to display properly is very sloppy.
Simple things like that need to be fixed up before I could recommend it at all.
I think it'd be better if the tables would just be included with the regular Pinball Arcade game.
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Samor 27 May, 2017 @ 8:45pm 
TPA has always been on the expensive side... for those prices I'd at least like things to function properly, and cross-platform support would be neat. At least the Stern tables from TPA carry over to this game, that's something.
Paratech2008 27 May, 2017 @ 2:22pm 
Frankly the $10 a table is a big turnoff as well. But IMSHO this offers no benefit over Pinball Arcade and even Pinball Arcade could use room for improvement. Boy Pinball Arcade is also gouging non Americans as well.