Relic 1 mar, ore 5:24 
Get better friends man.
qbert 13 ott 2023, ore 18:16 
wsg tavion
nodd 6 lug 2023, ore 21:20 
hi qbert
Roblox Kampfgruppe 13 feb 2023, ore 17:59 
its a nice day, isn't it?
qbert 9 feb 2023, ore 8:27 
Roblox Kampfgruppe 8 feb 2023, ore 17:41 
I just -repped your profile.

What does this mean? The amount of clout on your Steam account has decreased.

Why did you do this? There are several reasons I may deem a person to be unworthy of praise. These include, but are not limited to: Rudeness, Spreading incorrect information, idiocy.

I don't believe i deserved a -Rep. Can you un -rep it? Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a -rep. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to messages within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of -rep appeals are rejected.

How can I prevent this from happening in the future? Accept the -rep and move on. But learn from this mistake
Crustacean Sensation 8 feb 2023, ore 17:40 
I just -repped your profile.

What does this mean? The amount of clout on your Steam account has decreased.

Why did you do this? There are several reasons I may deem a person to be unworthy of praise. These include, but are not limited to: Rudeness, Spreading incorrect information, idiocy.

I don't believe i deserved a -Rep. Can you un -rep it? Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a -rep. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to messages within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of -rep appeals are rejected.

How can I prevent this from happening in the future? Accept the -rep and move on. But learn from this mistake
Roblox Kampfgruppe 6 feb 2023, ore 10:24 
gang gang
Roblox Kampfgruppe 6 feb 2023, ore 10:22 
-rep hacker
Roblox Kampfgruppe 6 feb 2023, ore 10:22 
thats a copy pasta
Testicular Nerve Pain 5 feb 2023, ore 6:19 
heyyy comet_ i just got redirected to your steam account through your onlyfans account. i just want to mention that im a huge fan of yours and i am a platinum tier sub too!!! :D :D i don't really wanna waste your time or anything haha cause you must have a lot of stuff to do you know.. im pretty sure you aren't even gonna read this.. i shouldn't even bother writing this, i know i really don't mean anything to you cause you are such an angel bestowed upon this cruel world. i just wanna say that you have changed my life and maybe it would be nice if you could unblock me on instagram even after i messaged and threatened all the weird men in your comments but its fine if you don't wanna haha
Roblox Kampfgruppe 4 feb 2023, ore 19:54 
Roblox Kampfgruppe 4 feb 2023, ore 19:54 
thats a furry username
Roblox Kampfgruppe 4 feb 2023, ore 19:53 
youre calling him gay when youre the one named mittens
Testicular Nerve Pain 4 feb 2023, ore 19:35 
Roblox Kampfgruppe 4 feb 2023, ore 19:24 
Roblox Kampfgruppe 4 feb 2023, ore 19:24 
Testicular Nerve Pain 27 gen 2023, ore 16:02 
nodd 8 gen 2023, ore 0:22 
bread 27 dic 2022, ore 8:31 
raiju 6 dic 2022, ore 11:28 
Crustacean Sensation 5 dic 2022, ore 23:22 
qbertpro is real. Thank you for letting me coach the team. Can't wait to watch you guys feast in AM
Roblox Kampfgruppe 17 nov 2022, ore 16:58 
Roblox Kampfgruppe 17 nov 2022, ore 16:58 
Roblox Kampfgruppe 17 nov 2022, ore 16:35 
chicken invaders 2
Raizer 13 nov 2022, ore 8:14 
what the heeeell +rep alien ass engineer
nodd 12 nov 2022, ore 20:41 
qbert pro
Roblox Kampfgruppe 2 nov 2022, ore 9:46 
is that qbert?
gogje 9 lug 2022, ore 17:06 
gogje 24 feb 2022, ore 17:46 
Questo commento non è stato ancora analizzato dal nostro sistema di controllo automatico dei contenuti. Verrà nascosto temporaneamente finché non verificheremo che non abbia contenuti dannosi (ad esempio, link a siti web che tentano di rubare informazioni).
gogje 24 feb 2022, ore 17:44 
Questo commento non è stato ancora analizzato dal nostro sistema di controllo automatico dei contenuti. Verrà nascosto temporaneamente finché non verificheremo che non abbia contenuti dannosi (ad esempio, link a siti web che tentano di rubare informazioni).
gogje 24 feb 2022, ore 17:44 
Questo commento non è stato ancora analizzato dal nostro sistema di controllo automatico dei contenuti. Verrà nascosto temporaneamente finché non verificheremo che non abbia contenuti dannosi (ad esempio, link a siti web che tentano di rubare informazioni).
Alucard (The Crimson Fcker) 25 dic 2021, ore 19:40 
French U too Q! ;)
gogje 9 ott 2021, ore 15:17 
-rep he noob, also he tries extremely hard to fit in trends and be cool.. his clan tag is #draingang... kind of weird. uh anyways he also tries to go for trickshots and fails so hard, so we all reported him like 50 times and then we kicked him :D good luck having a low trust factor tho soon! ggs!
gogje 16 ago 2021, ore 16:05 
i own you
gogje 11 ago 2021, ore 23:13 
Your Operator 2 lug 2021, ore 12:52 
+rep Denis Tissington
gogje 1 lug 2021, ore 12:18 
╔═════════════════════ ೋღ:snowman2:ღೋ ═════════════════════╗
If you are a beautiful strong black woman, someone will put this in your comments.
╚═════════════════════ ೋღ:snowman2:ღೋ ═════════════════════╝
gogje 30 giu 2021, ore 17:06 
you go girl!
Your Operator 12 giu 2021, ore 17:47 
+rep j.gunther.2003
Your Operator 11 giu 2021, ore 4:49 
+rep j.gunther.2003
Your Operator 6 giu 2021, ore 16:49 
+rep j.gunther.2003