Favorite Guide
Created by - nevehz and Rude
524 ratings
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Gavaudan 25 Feb @ 1:03am 
my comments got deleted by steam support btw you arent tuff at all youre nothing more than a fat poverty stricken child that falls for jewish propaganda
Gavaudan 25 Feb @ 1:01am 
and the you wording it as "two days straight" to make it sound significant is just hilarious you argue like a jew too
Gavaudan 25 Feb @ 1:00am 
quit acting like theres irony in this situation LOL you commented first and youre an impoverished butthurt third worlder thats mad at me for not liking you
Frank the spy main 25 Feb @ 12:59am 
hypocritical bottom feeder
Frank the spy main 25 Feb @ 12:58am 
lol i crave attention when you were calling me a ghay jew for 2 days straight
Gavaudan 25 Feb @ 12:58am 
impoverished third worlder spouting nonsense god know that the world doesn't need you smh....