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0.8 hrs last two weeks / 5.2 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 26 Aug, 2022 @ 9:15pm
Updated: 26 Aug, 2022 @ 9:23pm

Every time I log back into the game, i feel like what is the point?

I always want a milestone to work towards. I got to 80, got the gear i needed, refined it in fractals or whichever was the current meta. and repeated it 8 times while getting world 100% on the class I enjoyed most. Enjoyed sPVP, dungeons, jumping puzzles, and guild events the most.

The combat is engaging at first, but it feels like you are forced to use the least enjoyable weapon variation and builds, and then it begins to feel like a bit of an afterthought.

You will notice in your pursuits of fame and riches, getting the best obtainable anything took a good amount of brainless chores, if unlucky it would be combat (boss grinds, etc).

Imagine having to fight this boss with little to no threat to you, for 15-20 minutes to get materials. Repeat 200x. Yes this would be fun, but once you have done it so many times, when it comes to getting to the more favorable/enjoyable combat (raids, structured), you feel burned out, especially in your characters rotation and the monotony eventually makes it where you don't pay any attention to the game while playing and are watching something, reading something on another screen. (this probably was a bad example, oh well)

No, I really do not know how they could fix it, or make it better, I am dumb kid who plays way too much video games. I couldn't help always thinking during the grinds, when is it going to get interesting or cool?

In WoW at least, you always looked forward to this awe inspiring, well designed labyrinth that hosts legendary creatures and that no one can do alone, not even 2, 3, 4 or 5 can do it.

Ulduar, Naxxramas, Karazhan, Onyxia, Icecrown Citadel, Molten Core, Firelands

You have to create this whole community within the game called guilds, where you will gain numerous friendships and most importantly, the most fun you will ever have (at home at least). There were new websites made (tank spot, wowhead), youtube careers (nyhm, asmon, swifty) etc all because people are so interested and invested in the late game.

If WoW had the same end game as GW2, it would never have made it past Burning Crusade

In Guild Wars 2, yes you have the guilds and stuff but nothing to really drive each other to conquer a task together, maybe the silly guild events (where are really fun, but that's once a week)

Yes i do know that they have raids, and structured dungeons, etc. They simply do not compare and are designed to make players feel fine if they are unable to do them.
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Hanzamune 10 Oct, 2022 @ 7:37am 
it only took me months to realize all that. world is pretty, community is fine, combat is pretty fun. but I thank GW2 for showing me how the most pointless and unrewarding game can look.
p̶e̶e̶p̶ 22 Sep, 2022 @ 12:35pm 
Histfire being my homie, all good for everyone defending gw2, hell I enjoyed it for a solid chunk of years. In the end, if you like it, hell ya! but this is my review, all good all good back to wrath of lich king which i said I wouldn't come back *gnaws teeth*
Histfire 7 Sep, 2022 @ 8:14am 
Not true buzzloc. And many of the raids rewards are centred around speed, facilitating the need for meta builds. It's a shit trope of MMOs that GW2 clung to, as opposed to making smarter boss encounters.
buzzloc 7 Sep, 2022 @ 1:11am 
meta builds are only wanted in raids and high end fractels
in general pve etc u can run what ever build u want

its funny how ya also didn't mention raids or strikes.
believe it or not ya dont actually need to have the meta build to do raids etc
just that those are the ones most used cause they can get the job done quicker.
cause they are the most effective tactic available. but they arent the ONLY tactic

also im gonna guess u didnt try world vs world. cause thats where the guild based content is most played

hell they are actually compleaty revamping the server system
and actually putting the guild wars into guild wars

so ya will actually have guild vs guild combat
Triperminator 1 Sep, 2022 @ 7:01am 
3 hours and u got 100% + 80lvl... wow well thats a speedrun! kekw
Histfire 27 Aug, 2022 @ 10:02am 
...and before anybody says you can play anything in PVE. Not anymore, not necessarily - well you can, but META builds have typically ruined that. PVE Metas call for high damage output, alacrity, quickness, etc. The game is a DPS jerk off to see who's quickest to finish. Single target weaponry for general gameplay? lmao no. Guardian for example, Spin2Win. It's either GS, Sword/Axe, Torch for most of the builds lol regardless of specialisation. Hammer? Pff, that shit was so neglected. Willbender is a joke because you essentially have two main builds, Power WB with SS/GS or Condi which again involves Sword/Torch.. AGAIN. The necessity now for weapon swapping makes me wonder what the whole point was of Guild Wars 2 settling on 10 skills on the bar.

Floaty ass combat. This is good for some but the high pace, dodgy dodgy, rolly rolly, F1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 8, 7, 1, `, etc gets very old, very quickly.
Histfire 27 Aug, 2022 @ 9:57am 
zitromxe, gear grind is frowned upon by those not playing it but it gives you something to work towards.

GW2 is incredibly repetitive with copy / paste meta ideas and poor rewards.

It's a good game, but it went from being a game where you had flexibility to being at a handicap unless you strictly pick meta builds. Other issues are living world map events are boring and unrewarding, mob swarm map and enemy design means the game is now heavily focused around AoE and a new class build variant for many game modes, which is part the reason why people abandon the idea of committing to other game mods since it involves more builds to play. If I want to play WvW, Fractal, Raids, PVE, that's at least 4 builds, possibly 3...
Noyki 27 Aug, 2022 @ 1:15am 
Why would you compare GW2 with WOW's not so unique concept of endless gear grind where your gears become obsolete with every expansion? Also, you're not required to join any guild to enjoy this game.

Sorry but you probably suck at pvp since you never mentioned enjoying world vs world which for many of us is the reason why we gear up and improve our skills.