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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 119.4 hrs on record
Posted: 1 Jun, 2024 @ 3:50pm

Played it through once on Early Access release, played it through a second time in Co-op on Brutal in 1.0, and played through the early and mid game Solo on Brutal in 1.0.

Probably one of the best combat systems in an open world survival game, though top-down might not be for everyone.
Boss design is fantastic, very fun in co-op, and quite hard on Solo Brutal.
World design and atmosphere is great, especially in a first playthrough. It might get a bit same-y on future runs, considering that the map is, although well built, static with little to no changes.
Base building and crafting is functional and very smooth, though some might consider it too restrictive. Some QoL features could be nice, like crafting directly from storage lockers, but even so, it never felt unwieldy or took away from the enjoyment of the game.
Not interested in PvP so no feedback on that, but Solo and Co-op PvE is amazing.
Some small negatives, research and late game gear grind can be annoying, especially the research grind. Even though it got better since Early Access, it can still feel pretty bad not getting the important books or weapon upgrades of choice. Changing game settings to reduce that can be done, as the game allows for very high customization.

Overall, even for someone who is not interested in PvP, the game is very much worth at least one playthrough.
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