Nate   Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
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Nathanius 31 Dec, 2012 @ 9:23am 
Hmm. Stealth games normally suck, but this one is so good at making you feel stealthy, like you are stalking your pray (reminds me of Batman AA in that way) and there are so many different strategies. Beat a lvl once, then go back and beat it without killing anyone, beat it again completing other objectives. It's just got a lot of replayability. The style is badass too. Like a comic book. But yeah, I know side scrollers might not be your thing. Even if you don't buy it now, once it's down below five bucks next sale it's definitely worth a shot. :)
Massive Headwound Harry 31 Dec, 2012 @ 9:02am 
Oh yeah? Gosh yeah you know I've looked at the trailers and I guess kinda dismissed it just because it's a side-scroller; I'm not especially nostalgic about the old SNES days and don't care much for non-3d games. What about it makes it so good?
Nathanius 31 Dec, 2012 @ 7:56am 
If you are reading this, do yourself a favor and buy Mark of the Ninja. My game of the year 2012, fo sho.
Massive Headwound Harry 26 Nov, 2012 @ 7:19am 
Yeah, no kidding! Will prob have to stop at $15 for Max Payne 3, tho... if only funds were limitless, eh? :)
Nathanius 25 Nov, 2012 @ 11:10am 
So tempted to buy Dishonored.
TheFreshMaker 21 Jun, 2012 @ 6:51pm 
Harroooo. I'm playing Awakenings now!