illustrious ekoodina™
gooey zwangasaurus nooey   Abalak, Tahoua, Niger
h(appy sugar life)

ew an animated border
hey guys its scarce here
Yisterday, I bot a trumpit off of ebiy for 45 dolars. Wen it arrived at my howz, it wuz a gold trumpit, which wuz werd cuz trumpetz r yooshally sulvir. Wen I tok out teh trumpt, it cummed with blod red valv oil an a corroded mouth piece. i pit teh blod red valve ol into mai trompet an wen i pley et, it spurt blod all ovur mai wal. I went to slep and then i hed a nitemaer about a trompet eatin me aliv. Wen i wok up, a trumboen wuz settin next tu my deth trompet. I went tu teh batroom to hied an tek a big nastee shet. Teh trombpet an trumboen falowd me an tehn they kelld me. teh trombun used itz slide to ♥♥♥ me in teh ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and teh trumpot suofucated me. I ded in teh end cuz thatz how i wrot tes creepypasta. :Curse_of_the_Moon_Miriam:
Poppypp 17 May, 2023 @ 7:52pm 
Down syndrome having ahh
illustrious ekoodina™ 28 Aug, 2020 @ 1:15pm 
Nah I ain't gay bruv
Hawaiian 26 Aug, 2020 @ 10:40am 
I heard ethan is mad gay is that true
Hawaiian 26 Aug, 2020 @ 10:40am 
Poppypp 7 Sep, 2019 @ 8:05pm 