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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 564.7 hrs on record (510.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 17 Aug, 2024 @ 7:40am

I really love this game and don't want all the recent negatives to give the message that the entire update/game is bad. I also hate that my first review after this many hours has to be to defend the game from an update.

First off, I have played most my time on Windows but now use exclusively Linux and it worked very well until this update. I was having the exact same "black screen" issue that some people are mentioning. This will not help Windows users but for Linux users, bleeding edge beta for the experimental proton fixed this issue for me.

Now to the UI. I understand why people are so upset about the UI - I too hate console UIs. The new UI does have some good ideas and look much cleaner but sadly it navigates like a maze. If Crytek uses the same ideas for the UI but reworks it to navigate smoothly for someone using a mouse, it will fix a lot of the negative criticism I've heard of the update.

Please fix the stability/UI of the update and we have a beautiful and extremely fun update.

The new map is inanely awe inspiring. It is huge, it is beautiful, and it adds a ton of new environment layouts that weren't present to the same degree in old maps. At night, the new mini boss creates beautiful firework-like explosions to watch as you advance on the fight. The new map is an amazing addition.

Hunt itself has always had a very special place in my heart. I love Tarkov but I always felt this game almost had an "arcade" Tarkov feel. The game has given me some of the most fun PVP gunfights of my life. The slower firing guns with low magazine sizes have resulted in fights where I rush someone with my knife and stab the entire team as I juke their bullets. This dangerous gameplay has become a bit more dangerous with the updates as it feels like guns are more usable and powerful than they had been in my early days of playing. The PVE parts of the game aren't perfect but the bosses give a nice goal of missions and the rest of the mobs pose real dangers when distracted by other players. This is one of those games where if you have the knack for anything with adrenaline causing PVP, you will find it here. You just might need to learn a lot of the games skills before it makes any sense or feels good at all. For players with a lot of hours, the updates and new gear feel like a God send, but I can understand that new content also makes an already daunting game, even more difficult to dive into.

TLDR; I love hunt. Its fun. 1896 update adds a lot of good stuff but scarred by bad UI and poor stability (for some users).
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