12 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 185.8 hrs on record (131.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 30 Mar, 2021 @ 12:42pm
Updated: 2 Aug, 2022 @ 3:21pm

Early Access Review
I don't even play this game anymore but they aren't trying very hard to make me want to. This game has begun to ban mod developers. You might think, "Oh that's wonderful! They are getting rid of cheaters!" but that would be incorrect. VRChat modders for the most part have created wonderful quality of life fixes. One thing for example is that the game struggles with FPS. I know for a fact that this could be optimized because mods are easily able to fix the low FPS of the game and make the experience enjoyable again. On the other hand with malicious modders and cheaters they already know their accounts are at risk of being banned and simply do not care about the consequences. So what we see here is a classic act of greed. They are banning a wonderful and active modding community that basically fixes their game for free because instead of using free mods they want you to pay for their VRC+ that doesn't even work as well as the free mods. This situation has made me feel frustrated and sad even though I'm no longer playing this game regularly. To anyone reading this, please realize why them doing this is bad and cancel your VRC+ until the VRChat team starts rethinking these choices. They depend on your money and your time spent in the game. In this way the community also partially owns the game and should fight for a game that actually implements these features and QOL changes or allows modders to continue doing their job for them. Thanks for showing how horrible you are VRChat team. I'm glad I no longer support your game and hope your game fails when people make better and more accessible alternatives.

P.S. NOTE: At the time of writing this review I am not banned and have not used mods on my account for a long while. If I get a ban at this point it would be purely from writing this review.

Edit: Wow... They really did it this time. Easy Antichat now. Really backpedaling. I'm not wasting my time writing a thought out review on this. Right as I was slowly regaining a bit of faith that they would stop caring as it had been a while since the last "FULL MOD BAN" they pull this. Avoid this game and company like the plague.
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