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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 36.2 hrs on record (25.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 29 Aug, 2016 @ 8:03pm
Updated: 29 Jul, 2018 @ 2:50pm

No Man's Sky has come far from when I wrote my review the first time. The game finally playable and no longer crashes constantly. The graphics have been overhauled and the game doesn't lag like crazy anymore. The gameplay has been revised but at the core it feels the same as it always did. I am very glad I can finally take the time to enjoy the game I bought for $60 2 years ago. I reccomend this game for $30 possibly a bit less but $60 is too much for this game. Be aware that it is full of grinding but the wonder and excitement of finding new things has made up for it.

~~Original review~~
Not Recommended.

As much as I hate doing this, I am going to be adding to the negative reviews of this game.

No Man's Sky was a game with many fatal flaws. Part of the failure was the developer's fault and the other part was the communites unrealistic expectations. I am not rating this game poorly because I made up what it should be and then it turned out to be worse. This game was filled with lies and the developers dodged questions and have ceased communication since the 18th. This game had so much potential, I really really wanted to like it. I really wanted it to be a good game, but the developers took advantage of us consumers by selling a product that feels like an "early access" game for a hefty $60. The PC launch was delayed and when we finally recieved it, it hardly worked, causing many people to waste many of the precious "refund" hours on just trying to get the game to work so they could judge it correctly. I do not think this game is awful but I think the way the developers handled all of the events following the release, was very unprofessional. The game feels like an abandoned project at this point and leaves me wishing that I never bought it or could get my money back.
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