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434.0 hrs on record (265.1 hrs at review time)
Best game ever made.
Posted 5 October, 2024.
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99.2 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
Feels like Banished with an impending doom, and a lot of QOL improvements. It's missing a lot of what I would consider to be tedious metrics to keep up with in games like this, and not getting stale on one map. You beat the map and a new one generates. That's the roguelite part.
Posted 11 December, 2023.
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143.7 hrs on record (94.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Was feeling upset that I had to recently format my computer and lose all my progress on what was the best run I've had in this game, by far from all previous with an awesome seed I didn't save a pic of. But, ty cloud. Nothing was lost, had no expectation of that at all. I have nearly 100 hrs in this game. I liked the idea of Rimworld but didn't play it much. I wasn't compelled to reroll characters over and over until I got something good among other things. Very good 2nd monitor game to watching/binging something (podcasts etc). Very good society/community/civilization builder/survival with town building. The tech tree is pretty solid as it is now, looking forward to final product.
Posted 15 August, 2022.
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205.2 hrs on record (87.8 hrs at review time)
I mean 10/10 I guess. I have going on 100 hrs in the game so far.

If you go in blind and aren't a massive gamefaqs dork googling everything there's a lot you can squeeze out of this $20 when not on sale. On discovery there's definitely big learning chunks as you progress a bit further in subsequent playthrough attempts. Feels bad to try to do everything you can to not have to start a new game, but once you do w/ new knowledge it's surprisingly more intense and rewarding to quickly get ahead of where you left off, and just be in a way better position with gained experience from dead playthroughs.
Posted 21 January, 2022.
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463.3 hrs on record (350.1 hrs at review time)
Click here - known gamebreaking bug list

I mean I have hundreds of hours in this game for some reason. Many of those running into a wall to dodge a queue during the first week or so. I like it I just wouldn't recommend it, also the combat is bad in general and it's clunky. But I'm compelled to keep playing it I have hundreds of hours. But the game iss just really bad and the picture here is just a snapshot of what's broken in the game. This is the stuff that's not mentioned anywhere but just really gamebreaking (the stuff in the picture), while there are also a ton of not entirely game breaking but super annoying bugs like swap weapons and your ability tray changes but the weapons don't, so when you use an ability it uses the ability in the tray for the weapon you don't want instead (even though the "correct" tray is showing for what you want), permanent attribute loss, token cap being locked at 25k instead of 50k after finishing the last of the faction quest chain, sometimes when you jump you just freeze with what looks like one of your heels clipped into the ground where you have to hold dodge while pressing jump to get out of it, autorun becoming unusable when pressing "use" on an interaction object while another player is occupying it that the solve is to begin a harvest bar and either interrupt it or let it complete (picking a bush/chopping a tree/etc), I mean I honestly could just go on and on here. But I do really like the game it's fun. I don't know why it's really quite insane. I mean this joke of a game made it to release by a big company like amazon lol? And it's just ridiculous the state of the game. So ridiculously hot and cold at the same time that I had to write a review about it and sort of explain that I'm surprised myself at the mileage I have on this game but there it is. I have it. Also this might be the worst game I've ever played in my whole life. Hope this helps.
Posted 28 October, 2021. Last edited 28 October, 2021.
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1.1 hrs on record
I really, really, really wish they would patch in online co-op. This game is amazing, but it's so rare that I get a chance to play it as an adult with no roommates. I'm not installing/using sw that emulates a LAN ever again. Just feel like it's too much to ask friends to do some janky stuff that potentially makes them vulnerable, and I don't want to myself tbh. If you have a steady group of 4 friends you often have over for games definitely pick this up. If they ever patch online-co-op I'll be first in line to buy 6 more copies for my online co-op friends.
Posted 9 August, 2021.
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3.1 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Tbh I got this game because Record of Lodoss War is awesome. It just so happens I like metroidvania's too.

In Lodoss there's no shortage of notable characters with unique abilities and traits. Even one time appearance henchmen are cool. It's very nostalgic and pretty awesome to see them in game. There's no difficulty setting in game settings, or upon creating a new game. Game feels fairly easy in the first couple hours at least. I'm more compelled to play things that are more challenging when no difficulty options, or hardest difficulty when available. At worst this will make for a pretty solid 2nd monitor game even if it doesn't get tougher.
Posted 6 February, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
73.4 hrs on record (51.5 hrs at review time)
Pretty good so far. Definitely would say it's fair to call it Star Souls. On the hardest difficulty it's pretty challenging early on before you fill in your 'skills.' The more of a Jedi you develop into the easier the game becomes, countered by progressively more protected areas. The game remains 'easier' the more you understand the mechanics of the game and your abilities. It's clear right away that you'll need to revisit areas later in the game, most games I've played that do this don't utilize low level real-estate very well. This game does a pretty decent job (so far, not done w/ my playthrough) at making use of old real-estate, with new skills, interesting.
Posted 28 November, 2019.
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38.8 hrs on record (38.7 hrs at review time)
Movement's pretty neat. Just fluidly maneuvering through the maps is enough to install this game at least once every year or two, since I owned it. Dunno that the environments in the Spiderman/Batman games ever really compelled me to get any of those games, so not sure if that's much better. Just not my thing. I would say this is about even keel with Just Cause 3 w/ hook suiting, just BC is more of a linear style game.
Posted 18 November, 2019.
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9.5 hrs on record (9.3 hrs at review time)
Interesting game. So far great for having something on the 2nd monitor if you're binge watching something. Originally got it for the co-op, not sure what that'll be like. Still recommending as worth the money on sale even as a single player game.
Posted 13 February, 2019. Last edited 13 February, 2019.
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